THREE- Like Spider-Man?

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After a long day of trying to figure out the cypher, Sherlock and John offered to let Anita stay the night so that she didn't have to get a cab and go all the way back to her flat. So that night Anita slept on the couch. She was exhausted, so she didn't mind much. She had woken up and remembered that she had another shift at the Yard today. Anita had an extra pair of clothes at the boys flat, so it wasn't a big deal. As she was getting ready, John had also woken up and was also getting ready to leave.

"Where're you going so early?" Anita asked as the two of them started to walk down the stairs and out onto the street.

"Oh, I'm going to go see about a job at the surgery," he explained and Anita smiled.

"Hopefully that goes well," she chatted, but then she realized the surgery was on the way to Scotland Yard.

"Wanna share a cab?" Anita questioned, just as one pulled up to the curb. John shrugged but hopped into the cab anyways. Anita told the cabbie the address for the surgery, before sitting down next to John. This was one of the first times it had been just the two of them without Sherlock around and John had questions.

"How did you and Sherlock meet?" he asked, not trying to pry, but definitely trying to pry. Anita chuckled at how interested he seemed to get the information.

"In Uni, I would go to the library to study and such. One day, Sherlock sat down at my table. At first he didn't say anything but then he started talking and got us kicked out for the night. He took me all over campus and wouldn't let me go to my dorm until I told him my whole life story. The next day his brother abducted me. The rest was history," Anita jokes, but John could tell that she wouldn't have it any other way. John nodded, but that didn't stop the new load of questions from coming to his mind.

"Have you got any embarrassing stories about him?" John asked, though he was mainly joking, not expecting Anita to actually say anything.

"Oh, loads. You want to hear some?" And so for the last bit of the car ride, Anita told John most of the embarrassing stories she had. The cabbie pulled up to surgery and John got out.

"Good luck, John," Anita called as he walked up the stairs. John waved in response before walking through a door. Anita gave the cabbie direction to Scotland Yard and was on her way.

Once she was at Scotland Yard, she paid the cabbie and walked into the building. Anita started walking towards her office, which she shared with Lestrade. Lestrade was still working on the case down in Cambridge and wouldn't be back for a while. As Anita was walking to her office, one of the officers fell in step with her.

"Detective Inspector O'Malley, did you hear?" she asked, which caused Anita to stop and look at her.

"Hear what?" The officer led Anita to his computer and showed her a article with the headline:

Ghostly Killer Leaves A Mystery For Police

An Intruder who can walk through walls murdered a man in his London apartment last night. Brain Lukis, 41, a freelance journalist from Earl's Court was found shot in his fourth floor flat but all of his doors and windows were locked and there were no apparent signs of a break in.

Anita let out a huff at the article, knowing this was not going to fare well with the people.

"Is Dimmock here?" Anita asked, bringing her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose in hopes to stop the headache she knew was heading her way.

"Not yet. I think he is having to deal with this to the press," the officer explained. Anita mumbled about how he should have called her. Anita had one more question for the officer.

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