
378 17 14

(This chapter gets quite gore-y, you have been warned)

With Luigi staying home for a while because of me, we have some time to prepare. Prepare for his arrival. Not that we can really do much. We could lock the front doors, but he's got E.Gadd on his side, and that mad scientist will probably find a way to get him inside. I guess only time will tell...

I stood by the edge of the balcony. The white Victorian dress flowing in the wind, as I was lost in thought. Trying my best to come up with something to stop my father.

"Don't do anything you might regret, now" I heard the king approach me from behind. "I won't... I'm just... worried" I answered. I turned to face him. He seems more tired than usual. "Are you okay? You seem tired" I asked. "My friends are going missing. I can feel it" he answered. Right. Boos increase in strength the more of them there are in one area. "When?" I asked. "About an hour ago now. He's here. And he's working fast" he added, yawning.

"Dammit! I was coming up with something to stop him! I didn't think he'd be here on the day I get released from the hospital!" I stated, walking past the king and into the mansion. I lifted the skirt of my dress, and ran through the halls, trying to find him. The king following and screaming my name.

"(Y/N)! Please!" he caught my arm, and turned me to face him. "Listen" his voice lowered. "There's nothing we can do, as long as he's got that hoover. We've already tried... I only wanted to tell you that this may be goodbye" he stated, staring me in the eye.

I choked, and broke down. Clinging to him as I cried. "No. It can't be... you're the only ones who've treated me right! Like I'm a person!" I choked out, as the king simply held me. "I'm sorry" he said after a while of silence. He yawned again, and let go. "I have to go. Please, go out to the forest, you'll be safe there" he said, floating back a bit. "But-" I got cut off by the king almost screaming "Go!" at me, before sinking into the floor.

I stood there. Then started walking to the foyer. I looked back and forth between the doors to the foyer and the basement, and ran to the basement instead.

I squeezed past the shelves.

Not a single noise from the other ghosts could be heard.

I reached the crooked hallway, where I found my father being blown out of the hall.

"What are you doing to my friends?" I asked. Scaring him more than he already was. When I didn't get an answer, I sprinted through the hall, Luigi following. "(Y/N) wait!" He called when he stopped a few feet behind me, as I knocked on the door. The king appeared through the door, with a dark shadow over his eyes. Only the pink light being shown. I looked back, at the terrified expression, before being let into the room. "What have they done to you?" I heard him, before the door closed.

I went over to the king, who's laying on his side, in the center of the room. I sat down beside him, as he breathed heavily. "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked up at me, the shadow no longer present. "I told you to go" he said. I stayed silent.

"I'll be fine" he added, knowing my concerns. "Earlier you said you wouldn't be" I answered. We were in silence for a few minutes. Enjoying, what may be our last time together. Until the door handle started jiggling. "Go" the king breathed. I turned my attention back to him. "I don't want you to see this... go to the forest. Please" he said. Raising up from where he was. "Before I do. I-" I started. "There's no time. Just go, and... forget about me" he said. "I know I won't survive this" he added. Didn't he just say he'd be fine? Mr. contradiction.

"How could I ever forget someone like you? Besides, Luigi seems to have a bit of trouble with the door" I said, noting how long it has taken for the door to open. "It's not safe here. Not anymore" he said. The gem in his crown started glowing, as he leaned his forehead against mine. "Be safe. And don't do anything you might regret" he said. I closed my eyes as a bright light started shining from the crown.

Death wish ((King Boo x Reader)) (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now