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This ghost hunt is getting ridiculous! I've gone through a hotel, and an old treehouse. And I'm now in some abandoned mine, or something.

Unless it's supposed to be freezing cold in here, I can definitely tell that the king is, or has recently been, here. 

I leaned against a wall, needing a break. Especially since I haven't slept well in a long time. I've only been able to get short naps every now and then, and I could use a good night's sleep. But now is not the time. 

One of the long blue ghosts crept up to me, watching me curiously. It doesn't seem to be able to speak, or possess a higher intelligence. Not that it's stupid, but it doesn't quite have human intelligence. I don't think so, anyway.

I stretched my hand out, which made it dash away and hide in a barrel. I giggled, finding it cute. The ghost peeked out, and started creeping back to me, and I lifted my hand again. This time, it only froze in place for a moment, before taking it. After a minute of inspection and playing with my fingers, it placed the palm of my hand against its cheek, closing its eyes. 

I smiled softly, as it seemed to be enjoying the warmth from my hand. Or perhaps the physical contact. Or maybe it reminds it of the time it was alive. It held onto my hand, not wanting to let go, as its long tail curled.

It must be lonely down here. 

I looked to the side, where a door was. I think it leads outside, since the cold air is seeping in from it. I retracted my hand, making the ghost retreat back to hiding again, not being prepared for the sudden movement. I glanced back to it, before walking over to the door, knowing that I'll have to continue moving, before it's too late. 

I pushed open the door, and was greeted by a strong gust of freezing air. The outside area is completely covered in Ice, with zip-lines going between the platforms. I suppose this is part of the broken gondola ride. 

I pulled at one of the ziplines, checking if it was still safe. I don't want it to snap while I'm on it, now do I? 

I grabbed a chain from my bag, and threw it over the line, putting one foot on each end of the chain, as I rode it down to the next platform. 

A shadow wafted over me, when I closed in on the second platform. I looked up, seeing a large white orb, with a crown on top of it. I stumbled on my landing, and ran up to the edge of the platform. Watching him for a moment, as he bobbed through the air, seemingly unaware that I'm here. I called out his name, following as far as I could on the platform. 

"Kingy!" I called out, after calling out a few other nicknames I used to call him. He seemed to flinch for just a moment, before diving into a building on the other end of the canyon. After ten years of searching, he's just going to ignore me? Rude! And I know for a fact that he's noticed me, since he's been able to notice me much easier before. Not to mention that he flinched when I called out "Kingy"

Why is she here? How is she here? No. She can't be. I thought I told her to forget about me. I must be going insane, and hearing things.

I followed to where I saw him dive, and reached the worn-down building. I entered, struggling to pry open the rusted doors. 

The interior is showing big signs of age. Rust, and dust everywhere. The shelves are strewn about, most having collapsed from the deterioration. Most also being in the center of the room, along with old cabinets, and what looks to be a dresser, or a desk. There are probably a few tools lying about as well, underneath the rubble.

I approached the center of the room, and sat down. I guess I might as well see if there's something underneath the pile, and get the practice in at the same time. Unbeknownst to me, the king was hiding in the corner of the room, staying transparent.

I unhooked the crown from my belt, dusting off the golden rim.

It's really her. But why? And she kept my crown too? God... I'll probably never understand her motivations for this.

I carefully placed it on my head, exhaling when it was set securely. I kept my hands up for a moment, closing my eyes. Taking control of the powers. I probably don't have the energy for this, but I could try.

I sighed. Leaning myself against the wooden beams. Watching her.

I focused. The crown started sparkling, and not too long after, the objects littering the floor started floating. Turning and moving into place. My hands doing a few, unnecessary, motions as I could feel a slight headache forming.

She's going to hurt herself if she's not careful with that!

I fell to my side, catching myself with my hands before I hit the floor. I took off the crown, panting. But I'm rather proud of my work. You can get around the place now. "Look at that. I'm starting to get a hang of this, aren't I?" I said to myself.

I stopped myself from answering. And left the room through the wall behind me.

I stood up from my spot, and held the crown in my hands, seeing my reflection in the gem. "I was so close to see you eye to eye again. I know you could hear me... Why did you ignore me?" I mumbled, staring at my reflection. The bags under my eyes being very prominent. 

I inhaled deeply. "I'll get to you... One way or another, whether you like it or not" I said, hooking the crown back to the belt around my hips. I glanced to the side, instinctively feeling something from that direction. 

I calibrated the bracelet, and followed the vibrations towards that direction. Shining the dark-light, which showed a silhouette of a pretty big boo. And it's pretty fresh too. "You were watching me, weren't you?" I breathed, putting away the dark light. 

"Goddammit, Kingy! Why won't you just talk to me?!" I called, hoping that he'd still hear me. "Ten years! I've been searching for ten years to find a way to free you from that painting, and now that you've escaped on your own, I just have to find you! And now that I know, that you know, that I know you're here, you're running away! Why are you ignoring me?!" I kept screaming, desperately wanting him to hear me. 

"Please... I just want to see you again..." I choked out after a minute of heavy breathing. 

I regained my composure, and stepped back outside into the freezing air. I looked up to the sky, seeing if I could spot him again. Which I did, hiding behind the rooftops of the gondola station. He ducked behind the building, when he noticed me looking at him. 

I sighed, and started making my way out of this frozen landscape.

Death wish ((King Boo x Reader)) (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now