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Back home, Bow had laid herself down on top of her friend. The door to her room opened, and her father stepped in to make sure she'd eaten. But he looked around, not finding her. He gasped, and took a step back, when he eventually did find her, sprawled out on the bathroom floor. He dropped down to his knees beside her, as Bow floated above her. He seemed to not care, as he propped (Y/N)'s head onto his lap.

The king was rushing through the forest. Phasing through trees, instead of dodging them, even if it'd take more energy to do so. The townsfolk getting startled when he passed through. The surrounding area quickly being covered with a light frost, as he flew by. Being filled with worry, often considered a negative emotion.

He phased through the wall, appearing right in her room. Her father, scared of the king, backed up against the bathroom wall, while the king quickly floated over to her life-less body. Putting a hand to her neck, desperately searching for a pulse. Not being able to find one, he drew his hand back, and floated down to be beside her. Putting both hands on her, taking deep breaths he didn't need. "I told you, to not do anything you might regret" he whispered, leaning his face against her. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you needed it the most" he continued, letting the crowns fall to the floor. The glass on the mirror, cracked due to the sudden cold. And the moisture in the air started freezing, frosting the entire room, and creating a fog, as the king broke down. Shaking, clutching onto her shirt. While her father was stunned. Perhaps this would change his opinion on ghosts, if only for a little.

"I love you, (Y/N)"

"That hasn't happened for almost 200 years..."

The air froze, to the point where the moisture would bind into snowflakes. Coating all surfaces around them. Quite a spectacle, if it wasn't so macabre. (Y/N)'s father knew that if he didn't move, he would be frozen solid. But if he did, he would most likely be judged for it. His daughter is laying there, still, on the bathroom floor, and he'd just turn tails because it got too cold?

The king wailed, causing the green clad man to jump, and stumble further away.

"You" the kings voice boomed, when he had collected himself enough to speak. "You were supposed to care for her" the king turned his head towards the plumber. A dark shade covering his eyes, which had a bright, pink, glow to them. "You were supposed to protect her, as a parent. And look at her now" he continued, his voice laced with sorrow, and rage. "You were supposed to be there for her, but she ended up running to me when you weren't. Oh, so often she'd be running" the king floated closer to her father, circling him like a vulture. Phasing through the wall, and back in again.

"You incompetent imbecile, you're lucky I've had a tooth ache recently" he continued. "I know what she really felt about you. Because she's told me, things that she'd never trust to tell you. How she didn't see you as family... how she wouldn't care if you be in a painting like the others. If I were still living, I'd do so much more for her. But, being dead, I can only do so much" he continued to verbally abuse him, while floating to (Y/N). "We would do so much more than what the mansion would allow. And I'd make sure no-one would be there to hurt you" he quieted down, talking to the body.

Bow had taken it upon herself to keep trying to revive her. But it was no use.

He fell silent, saying his last goodbyes, placing a light kiss on her forehead. "Expect me to be there when she's buried, and don't even think of not inviting me. I have eyes everywhere" the king threatened her father one last time, before leaving through the ceiling.

The following week, they held the funeral. Burying their beloved in the woods. Her favorite place to be in this god forsaken world. The king kept his distance, as to not disturb the attendants. Holding a bouquet of tiger lilies. Which were her favorites, as they symbolize something that she strived for.


There were also a few gladiolus flowers in the bouquet, as the king saw her as a strong individual. Managing to survive and fight back for so long, but ultimately lost the battle.

As the attendants started to disburse, the king came out of hiding. The only one left by the grave site, was her father. The king placed the bouquet down, and glared at him. Her father stood up, and left, giving the king the space he'd need, without any arguing.

The king sighed. "I told you to not do anything you might regret... are you happy for not listening to me? I'm sure you're not. Who would be?" he started, talking to her very quietly. "I... can only hope that you'll wake up soon. I don't know how much you'll remember... how much you'll remember of me... of us... if any at all" he continued, choking back a few stray tears.

"I know that you weren't in love with me, like I was with you. But I was hoping to see the day that you might... and now, I'll have to start over, which will be well worth it. If only you'd still be the same person... for I don't want to fall in love with the thought of you, pretending you're someone you're not. If you become a complete stranger to me, you may have truly died. For now I can only hope you haven't" he finished, and floated down to lay on the grass, waiting.

She's still her, yes, but if she wakes up, without any memories of who she once was. She may become a different person, with completely different likes and dislikes. She may act completely differently, and genuinely become a completely different individual. If so, the king may still be in love with her, but only time will tell if that's going to stay. But if he's quick enough, he may be able to save her.

He awoke from his short rest, to see a turquoise boo, looking around. Lost, and confused. The king floated closer, to make sure that she saw him. Her memories already fading, rapidly. "Remember me?" The king asked. She shook her head, anxiously. "No, but you... look familiar" she stated, staring at the king. "You knew me when you were living. Do you remember your name?" he asked, rushing a bit, as time is racing against him.

"My name? No... I don't know my name" she answered. The king kept his stature, as he internally cursed to himself. "Then, your name is (Y/N)" he answered. Normally, he'd have given her a new name, perhaps after an art supply of sorts. But for (Y/N), he simply couldn't. He wouldn't dare to throw away such a beautiful name.

"Do you remember a mansion? Perhaps you remember TamBoorine. Or Boolivia" the king asked, trying jog her memory before it was wiped. She thought for a moment. "Tam, and 'Livia? I-I remember them" she answered. "You do?" The king exclaimed, perhaps a bit too excited for the situation. "Yes? But, I don't know about the mansion. I think I've been to one, but I'm not sure" she answered. At least it's a step in the right direction.

After a while more of questions, he started losing hope. "Do you remember anything about me? The king of boos? King boo?... Kingy?" he asked, saying the nickname she had for him. "Kingy? That's a cute name" she stated, which dug a pit into the kings heart.

She had forgotten him.

"No matter... let me show you to your new home" he said, leading her off to the mansion.

She's not the same anymore.

Nothing between the two, will be the same.

And it hurt the king more than (Y/N) could ever understand.

Death wish ((King Boo x Reader)) (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now