3| Strengthen The Reign

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It was early in the morning, Jarl Vada sat upon her throne, which was placed in the great hall, right before her private space. Two steps were leading up to it and it sat in the middle, as she was not bounded to a man yet. Her blue banners with two ravens on it, hung behind her, one shield on either side, with each two axes hung right under the shields.
Listening to some of the villager's problems, trying to find a solution that would go along for both sides, suddenly a foreigner came running into the big hall. Knud, being her personal guard since the very start of her journey to Raumsdal, grabbed the handle of his sword and took a step forward, as the man came running to her. "Who are you?" Knud questioned protectively. "My name is Erik, Jarl Vada." The man said turning to her, "I have word from King Harald and his brother."
Giving her final answer to the villagers, she sent them away and stood up from her seated position, walking towards the messenger. "Grab the poor man something to eat and drink." She ordered one of the slaves as she sat down near the fire pit, for the man to warm up. "What news do you have?" Vada questioned and sat down, taking a drink of her own horn. After the slave, filled another horn and left, Erik answered, "King Harald and his brother Halfdan left the Mediterranean earlier than expected, because word has travelled, that King Ragnar Lothbrok had died. His son Bjorn along with his brothers want to avenge the death of their father and are to gather the biggest army of Northmen one has ever seen."

Vada listened to the story, intrigued by it. "I am glad to hear that Harald and Halfdan are well..." she trailed off, mentioning the slave to refill her horn. "Furthermore, King Harald asked if you would sail along his side to England, participating in the revenge of King Ragnar." Erik stated and was waiting for her response expectantly. This would be her first big raid, going this far from her new home.

Since she arrived in her own land, gaining the trust of the people living here, who swore their oath to Jarl Sven, wasn't easy. But soon enough she proved herself to all the warriors and shieldmaidens. She soon started with training her warriors, not long after that, raiding the smaller properties of Jarls around her, winning every time. The trust all of her fellowship put in her was built on astonishment and admiration. Vada was just 18 summers old, and had achieved more in her short life, than some of the Jarls achieved their whole life. Debating whether it was a good idea to set sail this soon, or to stay back and out of the vengeance, she scratched her head and called for a slave.

"I will tell you my decision tomorrow. For now, feel like home." The Jarl decided and then turned to the slave, "Get Erik and his men enough to eat and drink, find them some women as well." With that the girl took Erik by his hand, guiding him outside the hall. "Prepare for a feast tonight. I want enough mead and food ready when the sun sets." She ordered the kitchen thrall and turned to look at Knud. "Make sure all of our warriors are taking note of tonight's feast." "Of course, Jarl Vada." He bowed and left to do as told.

Sitting back on her throne, she let her mind wander to Halfdan and Harald. How she had missed those two men. It must have been around 10 moons since they last saw each other, soon after Vada left for Raumdal, Harald and Halfdan made their way to Kattegat, so sail along with Bjorn to the unknown land. Many nights she had spent, wondering if they would even come back. Wondering what she would do if they wouldn't return. If they missed her as well? Shaking her head and focusing on more important things, she closed her eyes silently praying to the Allfather.

Odin, my God, Allfather. Is this the time for me to show that I am worthy of your love? Is this the last time I have to prove myself to my fellowship, for them to trust me completely? Shall I not set sail, stay out of this whole trouble? Odin, Allfather where are you? Please send me a sign, for me to know it is safe to put my men at such risk.

While everyone was preparing for the feast Vada still did not get a sign from Odin. Thinking that maybe it was not her time to shine and prove herself she debated till the very end. As she was in her room, the girl got ready for the feast, wearing her hair in a mohawk style, the sides braided backwards. Thin and thick braids, along with her dreadlocks were bigger in the center of her head. Drawing three thin lines of khol from her left eye and painting the defence rune on her forehead, she finished off with another rune under her right eye. Lastly, she slipped into a tight-fitting, long sleeved white dress and placed her matching furs over her shoulders.

VADA || Halfdan x OC x HvitserkWhere stories live. Discover now