Chapter 12

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It's Harry's Time To Shine on this chapter!!!

Harry's POV

Louis and the girl entered the house. When Louis introduced her to Mina her smile turned upside down and grabbed Louis by the wrist and Mina was furious making crazy gestures, Louis just ignored her. "Hey lads, this is Racheal Williams" Louis introduced "She will be staying with us for dinner" He said, Mina rushed to the kitchen took a plate, some food and went to the living room. We had dinner, everyone had their eyes on Racheal nobody ever noticed how sad Mina was, I came to see if she was feeling alright.

"Louis replaced me!" I faked cried to make her laugh but it didn't work, she just sighed "Whats wrong" I asked "Nothing at all" She said trying to fake a smile. The lads came rushing into the living room and Mina ran into the kitchen and washed the dishes. I'm really woried for Mina. We decided to play some games. Mina just ran up stairs. Am I the only one who cares about Mina?

I went up to look for her and I found her crying in the balcony. "You okay las?"I asked her, I doubt that she would say she's alright, "I'm not, my life is soo fucked up"Mina cried out "I know how you feel"I told her "No you don't your life is perfect" She yelled "You don't know how messed up it is" I say telling her the truth, I don't even have time to do anything I want. I avoided her gaze, looking at her would make my heart pound. "Thank you for being here for me"She said looking at me, "It's nothing, I'm always here for a friend" I tell her, looking at her jade eyes. I saw Louis standing by the door, "Can I talk to Mina, alone" He said, I left the room.


The memory from last night just won't disappear. I checked my twitter and as always millions and millions of mentions, I spent a few minutes tweeting and resting and stuff. "HAZZA!! GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE!" Louis yelled "YEAH! I'M COMING!!" I yelled back. I got my lazy bum to the shower and wore faded jeans, a white v-neck shirt and a green beanie and ran downstairs. "Yes, no meeting or work today." I said "PRAISE THE LAWD!" Louis yelling his lungs out "Lawd?" Mina said raising an eyebrow, "No one knows" I said making Mina smile, her smile was soo adorable. What am I thinking about? Stop. Stop. You have no feelings for Mina, Harry no just no! I mentally slapped myself. 

Everyone was chatting and eating, it was fun not worrying about being late or anyting like that. "Hey, anyone wants to go to the park?" Mina suggested "Yeah sure that sounds like fun" Perrie said "Yeah" Everyone agreed "Well it's settled then. We are going to the park"Louis confirmed.

We got ready and went to the park and Racheal was invited. Everyone was eating (especially Niall) having fun and playing around, well except for Mina reading a book and listening to music under a tree. I grabed her wrist and ran towards the swings, "What are you doing?" She asked "I want you to have fun"I told her "I was already having fun reading that book, it was a good book" She said "Tag you're it" I said tapping her on the shoulder and running away and she chased after me. In the end all of us ended up playing tag, after a while we were all exhausted and went home.


As I was walking down the hallway I heared weeping coming from Mina's room. I opened the and she wiped her tears "Why are you crying?" I asked "Ohh umm it's nothing, yeah nothing"She lied I gave her the Tell-me-the-truth look, "It's nothing. Honest"She said still scrolling through her phone, I snached her phone and looked at it and saw almost everything, she was getting tons of hate, thats why she was crying "Why didn't you tell us?" I asked "I don't know" She said rubbing her hands anxiously "I will tell them to stop"I fished out my phone and she threw a pillow at me making me drop my phone "Why did you do that?" I asked "NO! Just don't!" She yelled "Why not?"I said, still confused "Don't. Your fans are very misunderstanding people. They would mistaken everything, and now that Lou has a girlfriend it would be even worse"She explained "Fine but tell me when the hate worsens okay" I said "Alright" She smiled.


Mina's POV

I sat on the stairs watching 'The happy couple' get all lovey dovey and kissy faced. Bleh! Disgusting. I just read. I don't know why but I hate some stories, because everyone gets that happy ending that no one by no one I mean me, will ever get. I had always been a bookworm, I don't know why people bully me for being a girl that likes to read books. "Hey"Harry sat next to me, and my bubble of thoughts had been popped, "Hi" I said, "Hey do want to go to a club or something" He mumbled "Umm. I uh don't drink"I stated "Come on, just come with me, please"Harry begged, his green eyes growing bigger and cuter I just couldn't resist.


The club smelled like booze, persparation and desparation. It was filled with chavs, sluts and sad people trying to drink their pain away. I was handed a shot glass with vodka I just gave them the hand, "Mina just take a shot, just one"Harry exclaimed, I took the shot and I felt the burning sensation down my throat I coughed. It wasn't pleasant, I don't get why people like these things. I asked for a glass of water, "So how was it"Harry asked "It sucked, I hate it, a lot" I said sipping my water Harry just laughed. Minutes went by and I was bored, like real bored. All that I was doing was watching Harry like I'm a babysitter. I was so annoyed by some dudes trying to hit on me. 

"Heeeeyy.... Minaaa" Harry said, his voice raspy, deep and dragy "Harry you are drunk lets go home"I grabbed his hand but he stopped me "I swear to drunk I'm not God" He said,"Yeah, yeah we all know that you're not God now lets go" I forced him and we left instantly.

He was leaning on my shoulder, it felt like he weighed a ton. I opened the car door and when I turned around, Harry was just a few inches away from me, that I could smell his breath. I tried to move but he blocked my way. He cupped my face with his large hands rubbing circles on my cheecks with his thumb. He is just drunk thats all.

"Can I tell you a secret" He said "What is it?" I asked "I like you" He said crashing his lips onto mine. His lips tasted like beer, I felt nothing. No butterflies or a zoo thats what I like to call them. I pushed him away."Just get in the car" I ordered and he did immediately, I called Louis "Lou can you help me with something" I asked "Mina? Where are the both of you?" He asked sounding frantic "Harry invited me to a club and he is crazy drunk could you help me carry him to his room?" I asked "Wait. What? You went to a club?! Are serious! You never drank, ever in your whole life?!" He said with excitement and a hint of shock "I never drank! Just help me with him okay?"I ended the call and got in the car.

Why did he do that, I know he was drunk, he knows he was drunk, but why me?


HEEYYYY!! Im soo soo sorry that I didnt update for like a whole month or more. I truly apologise but I made this chapter extra long and I hope you guys like it... And I'm sorry that I said I was going to update 2 weeks ago. I was really busy with school work. Vote, Comment and reccommend :)

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