Chapter 13

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Mina's POV

I went home to the sight of Louis and Rachel at the door. After the day I had this what I had to come home to. "Harry's in the car. You can go get him now." I said rolling my eyes, "Wait!" Louis yelled, "Are you and Harry dating?", I paused and slowly turned, speechless, "What?! Where did you get that idea from?" I asked him, "From this..." He held his phone to my face, and saw the headlines that say..'Is One Direction's heartthrob, Harry Styles taken?' and it showed the picture of when Harry kissed me. I tried not to hyperventilate, wow news spreads fast. I slowly tried to calm myself.

But I failed.... "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I yelled at the top of my voice, Rachel and Louis stood back. "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!?" I said breathless and shaky. I just wanted to roll on the floor and just fucking cry on the spot. I never had these kinds of moments for a long time and its just bringing back horrible memories.

"Sooooo, aree youuu?"Louis said draggin the words, "NO! NO! NO! NO WE"RE NOT!!!!" I screamed, "Why don't you just calm down, okay" Rachel said all smiley, it made me want to punch her in the face, I smiled, "Why don't you shut the fuck up!" I sassed, she took a step back and Louis held her hand, "Don't talk to her that way" Louis defended her. LOUIS FUCKING DEFENDED HER!!! 

I just wanted to die! "Well, you know what.." I paused I took a deep breath "FUCK YOU! FUCK EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKING ROOM!!!!" I yelled and ran as fast as I could to my room! I slammed my door shut. I leaned my back on the door, I can't hold my tears back any longer. I just bursted into tears. My back slowly slid down the door and I was on the floor. I pulled my knees close to my chest and I just cried.

I just grabbed my bags and clothes I just wanted to get out of this fucking place!! My eyelids got heavier and heavier until they were closed. I was asleep.


Louis' POV

I stood and look out the city. Why did I feel so hurt? Why was Mina acting like that? So many questions filled my head to the brim. "Hey lad" it was Harry, he chucked me a beer. "What happened? You don't usually sulk like this." He looked at me wanting to hear the truth, I can't lie to him. 

"I just don't know whats happening to Mina, she is acting quite strange lately" I said, "Maybe she has a problem?" Harry said taking a sip of beer "Do you know what it may have been?" I asked "Well, I could give you a summary" He said, "Well okay then" I waited. 

Then he finally spoke"I think you're the problem." "What do you mean?" I asked "Mina came here to spend time with you, but you just pushed her away. You pushed everyone away, because of Rachel. You never cared about anyone but her. She is changing you Lou. Why can't you see that. Mina is hurt, her best friend doesn't seen to care about her" "WHO IS IT? WHO IS HURTING HER?" I asked dumbfounded.

"YOU. You are hurting her Lou. That Rachel girl did something bad to her but you don't seem to care." "I care. How could you know what Rachel did anyways?" I argued "Who do you trust more? The person whom you've met just a few days ago or the person that you've know for years." He went to Mina's room to check on her and I followed. That was a difficult question. I love them both. 


When I opened the door to Mina's room, she was on the floor. I ran up to her, I carried her in my arms. I looked at her tear streaked face and lay her on the bed. I noticed her clothes being sprawled on the floor and her bags being packed. She was trying to leave... I looked at Harry. I felt like someone had stabbed me in my chest. "Look. Look all around you Lou. You've hurt her soo badly that she wanted to leave.. What are you going to do? Are going to let her stay or let her go. Its up to you lad." Harry said to me. My head is spinning.

It took me a while but I think i've made my decision, "Im going to let her-" as I was about to finish my sentence. Rachel came up to me and hugged me tight. "Where have you been, I've been looking for you everywhere!" She squealed. I smiled at her, but as I smiled I thought of Mina.....


Helloooo!! GUISE.. I have not updated in quite a while... Okay not quite but a loooong while. Again I apologise. I had tons of school work that i didn't have time. I hoped you like this chapter and I hope that you guys would still stay tuned to this story and im really really sorry.. Vote, comment, recommend 

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