Chapter 18

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            Sierra darted frantically over to Steve with the others on her heels.  She dropped to her knees by his head, her eyes filling with tears.

            "Steve?  Shit , Steve, please be okay.  Please..." she said, already feeling a lump rising in her throat.  She barely took notice of Bruce kneeling next to her.  He took Steve's hand in his own, measuring his pulse.

            "He's still alive," her brother reported.  With a sigh of relief, she ran her eyes down the rest of his body.  A Chitauri sword left a bloody gash in his side, and his pale complexion and blue lips made his substantial blood loss obvious.  Sierra felt someone crouch down beside her and put their arm on her shoulder.  Loki appeared in her peripheral vision and he smiled comfortingly.

            "Steve will be fine.  Here, let me show you something..." Loki stood up again and moved to Steve's other side, hovering his hand on the wound.  She watched as Loki closed his eyes and concentrated.  A minute later he relaxed.

            "He'll be fine.  Just get him some help soon, he'll still need that cared for," Loki said, as Steve began to stir.  Only a few seconds passed before he opened his eyes and glanced around.

            "Hey, guys," he said weakly.  "Is it over?  Please tell me nobody kissed me."  He shot Tony a snarky smile and Sierra laugh feebly.

            "It's over.  Thanos is dead.  The army is being sent home right now."  Steve laid his head back on the ground and his expression softened as his worry subsided.

            "Can you get up?" Bruce asked.

            "I think so," Steve grimaced.  He gritted his teeth and groaned as Bruce and Thor gently pulled him to his feet and he could walk with their support.  Loki helped Sierra up and as they started to walk, Sierra relaxed, thinking, we won.  Out of nowhere a wave of nausea and pain rushed over her and she grabbed at Loki for support, the world spinning violently around her.

            "Are you okay?" he asked instantly, leaning down slightly to see her face as she hunched forward, feeling like she would vomit.

            "My...hip.  I forgot."  That was all she could say before she passed out.


            "Sierra?"  She moaned and opened her eyes.  Slowly the room came into focus.  Her eyes flickered around, and landed on Loki sitting, leaning forwards toward her.  "Sierra, can you hear me?"

            "Yes.  I feel disgusting," she croaked.

            "I have no doubt.  You cannot scare me like that, Sierra," Loki said, angry and visibly shaking.  "You just collapsed.  I- I thought you were dead."

            "I'm sorry.  With everything going on I forgot I was hurt.  Am I okay?"  Loki sat back and drew in a breath.

            "The battle was yesterday.  They cleaned and stitched the wound.  You managed to lose a deadly amount of blood and still hardly noticed.  It will heal with a little time.  You're out of danger now."  She rested her head back on the pillow and let her eyelids droop.

            "Good, good...give me a day or two...I'll be fine."



            Sierra laughed as Loki poked at her side playfully.

            "Stop, stop!" she begged, laughing even harder as the tickling continued.  Loki grinned and laid off a bit, smiling at the guard passing them.  They calmed down slightly and walked down the hallway, murmuring to each other.

            "Come on, we have to get to dinner!" Sierra said abruptly, realizing they were late.  She grabbed his hand and pulled him down the palace hall, almost falling on the slick floor.

            The past week had been excellent.  No threats to worry about, no armies attacking, just time to spend in Asgard.  Bruce, Tony, and Steve had traveled home three days before, leaving Sierra there with Thor and Loki.  Steve's side healed well and the others only needed time to rest; they were doing well as could be expected.  Sierra's wound had mostly healed, and she would have a wonderful scar to show for it.

            Dinner tasted marvelous, and afterwards she went down to the courtyards with Loki.  They walked quietly side by side and Loki spoke first.

            "What are your plans now?  I'm assuming you won't be able to stay forever..." he trickled off nervously.  She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

            "I'm not sure.  I do know one thing, though."  He stopped and turned to her, clasping both of her hands in his own.

            "What?" he asked.

            "I-I want to be with you," Sierra said.  Loki's face lit up.

            "And I don't want to leave you," he said softly.  She met his bright green eyes and her mouth widened into a grin.


            "Yes.  Sierra, I never thought I'd say this to anyone, but I love you, truly."  She stepped forwards and wrapped her arms around Loki, pulling him into a hug that he returned wholeheartedly.

            "I love you too," she whispered.  "I didn't mean to..." she drew away from him.

            "Loki, when we first met, I hated you.  After everything in New York...I didn't think I could forgive you.  But then I've spent so much time with you, and I totally fell for you.  And I- I do love you."  Loki searched her face for deceit but found only gentle, honest affection.

            "I understand.  I was misguided and made many mistakes.  I'm grateful for your forgiveness.  And despite our differences, I love you.  Please, stay here in Asgard with me."

            "You know I can't do that, not permanently.  I have family, friends, people I love back on Earth.  But I'll stay here for now."

            He accepted that answer and put his arm about her as they continued walking.  A few minutes later, darkness crept in around them and they came to a place overlooking the city.  The moon lit up their faces.  Sierra exhaled and leaned sideways onto Loki; her fingers intertwined in his.  He leaned down, and their lips met for just a moment.

            "This is crazy.  I never thought I would love anyone, especially an intergalactic criminal-god...but I do and it's amazing," Sierra teased, laughing.  Loki chuckled.

            "And who ever thought I'd love a midguardian, but I do, and it's amazing."


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