Chapter 1

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            I'm coming, you have to let me!"  Sierra argued.  She paced around the kitchen with her phone in one hand, running the other through her hair with fervor.

            "No, you're not.  It's too dangerous."  She stopped dead in her tracks.


            "I swear to God, Sierra, you're not coming to Shield.  You're crazy to think I'd let you after everything that's happened," Bruce said, starting to sound angry.  Sierra stomped her foot, absolutely fuming.  Her fingers clenched tightly around the cell phone and she suddenly realized that she might break it.  Squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, she paused and gathered herself.

            "That guy...Loki?  He just killed Phil."  Sierra let her words sink in for a moment, the shock and pain of losing their friend at the forefront of both of their minds.  "Send a jet to get me or something.  I want to help.  I can help with computers and the tech.  An actual agent can do actual agent stuff and I'll do the boring work."  The other end of the line went silent, but eventually she heard Bruce sigh.

            "You'll just be in the way," he said, but his tone was growing defeated.

            "I'm not six years old, man!  I swear I won't be."  She had to remind herself once again to calm down.  Shouting at him wouldn't do much, certainly not when she was trying to prove her maturity.

            "Sierra, what if something goes wrong.  It's on me to keep you safe.  I couldn't lose you too.  And right now, no one is safe, not even our team.  Loki's proved that he can clearly hold his own against the human race and our weapons."  Sierra jaw tightened and she squared her shoulders.  He was right, but that wouldn't stop her.

            "You won't lose me.  It'll be okay.  Please, Bruce?" she begged.  "I won't be able to sleep until Loki is locked up for good.  Phil was my friend too."

            "Fine..." Bruce groaned after a long moment.  "But, we have to be careful.  I'll send someone to get you and bring you to the helicarrier."

            "Oh my God, thank you," Sierra gasped, surprised that he actually said yes.  Once again, she was baffled by someone treating her like an adult who could make their own decisions; a phenomena experienced by eighteen to twenty-five-year-olds everywhere.  But it was different between her and Bruce.  It had just been the two of them since Sierra was ten, and understandably he'd always been overprotective of his little sister.  After what happened to their one could blame him.

            "See you soon, kid."  However, Bruce sounded less than excited about that prospect and she cringed.

            "See ya," she replied, hoping that she wasn't making the wrong decision.

            They hung up and Sierra rushed into her room to shove some clothes into a duffle bag, which she lugged to the front door, ready to go at a moment's notice.  It wasn't long before a black Suburban pulled up in front of the house.  The driver climbed out and came up to the front door, but she pulled it open before he made it, the bag already slung over her shoulder.  As they said hello, he flashed a S.H.I.E.L.D. badge at her and offered to take the bag.  Sierra climbed into the car while he tossed it in the back.  The driver took her to the airport and they made polite small talk, but it was obvious his mind was elsewhere; no question why.

            At the airport, they went straight onto the tarmac, a new experience for Sierra and she was more than happy to skip TSA.  A small jet, adorned with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo, waited for them and she couldn't help but feel a little giddy as she boarded.  Once they departed, it only took about fifteen minutes to reach the helicarrier.

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