Chapter 11

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"Wait, want me to come to Asgard with you?" Sierra gasped. Loki nodded and put a hand on her shoulder.

"If you would like," he said.

"You're not going anywhere." Sierra spun around to face Bruce.

"Loki needs me. It's fine. I'm an adult and you're not my parent," she said. Bruce shook his head vigorously.

"I don't care. We're family, and I'm older. You're not going and- and it's too dangerous." Sierra continued to protest but to no avail. After a minute Loki broke into their argument.

"Sierra, maybe he is right. It was an impractical offer, and I don't want you to get hurt. I'll take care of this, and then return for you," he said. Sierra looked to him wildly.

" just...Loki! What if something happens? I- I can't just wait here!"

"I'll be okay. Just trust me. I'll be back as soon as possible." He pulled her into his arms again and rested his chin on her head. Sierra nestled herself into his chest.

"I'll miss you," he whispered, stroking her hair.

"Just come back."


"Stark, this is so mind-numbingly boring, I'd rather be counting the lights on the outside of the tower. Remind me why I'm here?" Tony grinned at Sierra from across the lab.

"We need the help, and you have nothing better to do." She huffed and rolled her eyes.

Sierra tapped something on her computer screen, and it started beeping at her in protest. She groaned, and Bruce came over, hit a few buttons, and the beeping stopped.

"See, I'm useless. You should just fire me," she told him.

"Just cause your boyfriend hasn't come back for you doesn't mean you have to act like you're fifteen," Tony said.

"It's been weeks since we've heard anything! If Pepper disappeared, you'd be freaking out," Sierra retorted. That shut him up. Jarvis's voice called them to attention.

"Sir, you have a visitor." Sierra sprang up, knocking her stool over. She ignored it clanging to the floor and tore out of the room. Nobody else could keep up as she ran for the elevator.

"It's probably UPS!" Tony shouted after her as her back disappeared.

The elevator let her out at the main floor of the Tower, the penthouse. Pepper had beat her there and waited with Thor. Sierra looked around the room for Loki, but the three of them were alone. Thor offered her a smile, but she ignored it.

"Where's Loki?" Thor heaved a sigh.

"When we got to Asgard, Loki and I explained everything to my father. He was willing to help me, and we began to form a plan. We discovered where Thanos is hiding, and planned to attack, but Thanos beat us to it, and yesterday morning Asgard raged with war. Loki went missing in the midst of it, and there has been no word from him since. I'm sure that they have him." Thor said, his face full of sorrow. Sierra could only stand in stunned silence.

"So, what do you want us to do about it?" Tony asked, he and Bruce stepping out of the elevator in time to catch the end of the story.

"I came to inform you of the latest developments, and I am prepared to take Sierra back with me, although I know you," he glanced at Bruce, "are opposed to that."

"Not at all, cause it's so much safer now that there's an actual war," said Bruce sarcastically. Thor shook his head.

"The Asgardians won the battle yesterday, and Thanos's forces are suffering. The only leverage they have against us is Loki. It's safer now, and we need her."

"Why would you need me?" Sierra asked.

"She knows Loki, the real Loki, better than any of us. I want her help and her council. I fear the worst, and if it comes to it, you can be there to say goodbye," Thor said grimly. Sierra felt sick; she tried not to think of what the worst might be. She turned her attention back to her brother.

"I have to go. Please."

"Sierra, you could get killed! I can't lose you too." Sierra realized what she was doing to him by going to Asgard.

"I'm sorry." Her expression softened. "You won't lose me. I'll be just fine. Thor will keep me safe." She glanced at Thor.

"Banner, I will protect her with my life. She and Loki will both return to you, I swear," Thor promised.

"I don't care about Loki. Just come back, deal?" Bruce said. She smiled.

"Deal. Thank you so much." Sierra turned to Thor. "Ready to go?"


Sierra held onto Thor tightly as the Bifrost lifted them upwards. Stars and space rushed by them, blurring together. The strong wind didn't seem to be blowing their hair; she could only feel and hear it. After a minute, Sierra feel her feet touching the ground, and they were in a large room with a domed ceiling that spun rapidly. A man stood on an elevated platform in the middle of the room and he pulled a sword out from a slot in the center of the Bifrost. The room gradually stopped turning. Thor nodded in greeting to the man.

"Heimdall, this is Sierra. A very good friend of Loki and I." Heimdall bowed slightly.

"Lady Sierra, I have watched you recently." She cocked her head awkwardly and smiled.


"As soon as Loki reached Midgard, I could see him again. I watched you care for him. You are a strong woman, with a kind heart. He needed you." His voice echoed through the dome, kind and grandiose. Sierra seemed taken aback but she managed to stammer out,

"Thank you. I hope we can find him soon."

"As do I," Heimdall replied.

"Yes, thank you, my friend," Thor said. Sierra followed Thor out of the Bifrost, and they headed towards Asgard.


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