Chapter 16

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Tony's AC/DC music woke Sierra up around 8am. She groaned and rolled out of bed, forcing herself to take a shower and get dressed, and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Steve and Bruce were already there, talking and laughing about something. Steve noticed her as she shuffled over to the fridge.

"Hey! How'd you sleep?" he asked brightly. Sierra shrugged and yawned.

"Okay, I guess." Bruce said. "Mornings just haven't been the same without our little ray of sunshine to greet us every day." She glared at him before turning back to the fridge.

"Tony needs to turn down his music," Sierra replied, staring at but not comprehending the packages of sausage and carton of eggs.

"Oh, so that's what it is," Steve said. "Should have guessed. That I can agree with." She finally pulled out two eggs and set them on the counter.

"I got used to quiet mornings on Asgard," she muttered. Bruce laughed, approaching her to hug her. She tried to get away but realized there was no use and relaxed into his arms.

"I missed you," he murmured. Sierra raised an eyebrow.

"I missed you too. But it was like, four days, come on."

"What are we hugging about? Do I get I hug?" They heard a voice behind then. She pulled away from Bruce and found herself staring at Tony.

"Hey, princess," he smirked. She ignored him and pushed by him to reach the stove, eggs in hand.

"The princess requests that you turn down your music in the mornings." He laughed.

"I think the princess needs to get a better taste in music if she doesn't enjoy the melodic sounds of ACDC." Sierra snorted.

"Yeah, melodic if you enjoy listening to more screaming than a One Direction concert."

They hung out all morning, but around noon Sierra announced that she should probably get back to Asgard. They said their goodbyes, and she stepped onto the balcony. Feeling incredibly stupid and awkward, she tentatively called for Heimdall. He didn't disappoint, and a minute later her feet touched down on Asgard.

She started the long walk down the rainbow bridge, but after a few minutes a figure in the distance appeared on horseback. They pulled closer, and she realized Sif rode towards her. She waved at Sierra with one hand, obviously ignoring her own reins because with her other hand she ponied a second horse.

"I saw the Bifrost and figured you were back, so I grabbed some horses and came down for you." Sierra smiled and thanked her, and with a running start, she swung up onto the spare horse bareback.

"No saddles, huh?" She asked. Sif laughed.

"I was in a hurry!" They nudged their horses forward and set off at a lope down the bridge. When they arrived, Sierra disappeared to check on Loki.

"Back so soon?" he asked, appearing surprised but pleased.

"I couldn't stay away for too long. Besides, Asgard is more interesting," Sierra said. Running his eyes around the room, Loki replied thoughtfully,

"I do agree with that." She leaned down to hug him and nestled her face into his shoulder.

"I missed you," she whispered.


Four days passed before they allowed Loki out of bed, so Sierra spent her time with Sif and occasionally the Warriors Three. Due to him being preoccupied with his duties, they rarely saw Thor. She trained at sword fighting and shooting a bow and left for long horse rides with Sif.

Once Loki was able to get up, they couldn't make him sit down again. He healed quickly as he was stronger than a human, but everyone except him thought he should still be resting. Eventually they give up, and he went and did as he pleased.

Nine days flew by after Loki's rescue. Nothing had happened, and it worried everyone. Thor feared Thanos planning a huge attack on Asgard, and no one doubted that he was exactly right and they had been preparing, waiting, ready to fight at a moment's notice. And yet, nothing happened. No one came.

However, it could not stay that peaceful. On the night before the tenth day, someone ran in Sierra's room and shook her awake. Loki, desperation in his voice, informed her that they were under attack. Already armored, and he waited less than patiently while she pulled on her armor. As they dashed into the hallway, they drew their weapons, ready to fight.


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