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And thus, concludes the end of the story of Loki and Sierra. But, like any good storyteller, I can't just leave you with a cliffhanger, right? I have to wrap up any loose ends. So, here you go:

Loki and Sierra were together for another three months before he finally proposed, and she accepted. In the time before, he decided he had no intentions of living on Asgard, which she was fine with. Loki was still on rough terms with Odin, and preferred to live at Stark Tower, with Sierra and the Avengers. Family isn't always based on blood, as Loki has found out more than once.

They had a beautiful spring wedding on May 4th the following year. Why'd they pick that date? It was the one-year anniversary of the Battle of New York.

Now, you might say, well, why have a wedding on such a sad day? They chose such a significant date because of what it meant to their little band of misfits: May 4th was full of sad memories, but it was important to them. None of them could ever dream of forgetting it. And now, it had happy memories too. Memories of their wedding, and of Loki and Sierra's first meeting that fateful day the year before, in the sky above the Big Apple.

Now, they still lived happily in NYC, sharing the Tower with everyone else. One year after their wedding, they had a daughter. Her name was Nikki, and you don't know how many times they had to tell Tony that she was not named after Nick Fury.


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