Chapter 7

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Sierra pulled up to Stark Tower behind Bruce and climbed out. She and Loki grabbed their bags out of the back and followed him through the lobby and into the elevator. The ride up was tense; she had a knot in her stomach and she could see Loki shifting uneasily. Bruce seemed rather unaware of their nerves. When they got to the top, Tony, Steve, and Pepper stood around the bar. Pepper noticed them first and set down her drink.

"Hey everyone!" she said brightly. She came over to give Sierra a quick hug and then turned to Loki.

"Friend of yours?" she asked, winking. Sierra chuckled.

"Not like that," she said. "Guys, this is Luke. He's a friend from high school who came to visit me." Pepper smiled and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you," she said. Sierra made her way over to Steve and Tony and leaned her elbows on the bar. Tony grabbed her a soda and slid it across the surface to her. She popped open the top of the can as Bruce, Pepper, and Loki joined us them When she 'introduced' Tony and Loki, Tony scrutinized at him pretty hard for a moment, but said nothing. Sierra let out the breath she'd held instinctually.

"So, any news so far? I mean, I know you haven't had much time yet, but..." Sierra asked, trying to divert everyone's attention. Tony and Bruce shook their heads.

"Nothing yet," Bruce said. "But we're going to keep looking. I hope he turns up soon. I don't want him causing any more trouble." He clasped his hands and rubbed them together anxiously at the mere mention of Loki.

"Me too. The sooner Loki's locked up, the better," Steve said. Behind him, Sierra saw Loki tense and his jaw clench.

"You know, he might not even be here," she said quickly. "Like, on Earth at all." Tony shrugged.

"You're right, he might not be. But Thor has looked on all the other realms and nada," he reminded her.

"Yeah, I guess so. Hey, why don't Luke and I take our bags to our rooms," Sierra suggested. Pepper nodded in agreement.

"You can have your regular room of course, and the one next to yours is free for Luke," Pepper said.

Sierra jumped up and grabbed the stuff from where she'd dumped it by the elevator. Loki followed her, and they dropped down a couple floors. Sierra threw the bag on the bed in her usual room and showed Loki to his room. Back in her own bedroom, she unpacked, quickly stuffing her clothes in the dresser. She already had a lot of stuff here, so she finished within a minute and ran back into Loki's room.

"I though Tony would recognize you for a minute," Sierra said breathlessly, plopping down on the bed. Loki nodded and set a pair of pants in a drawer.

"I saw that. I'm quite memorable," he said. She rolled her eyes.

"Unfortunately for you. If Natasha, Thor, or Fury come by, you're screwed," she told him. "They've all seen you up close. Tony has too, of course. He's suspicious but he won't say anything until he's sure."

"Yes," he sighed. "I just wish I had more proof of the past few months. Being the god of mischief is a curse when you're telling the truth." He laughed ruefully.

"I still think we should find Thor and tell him what happened. I think he'll believe you." Sierra shoved her hands under her legs and leaned forward.

"No, he won't!" Loki snapped, "I have lied to him so many times over the years, he'd be a fool to trust me now."

"We can try!" Now her voice had raised as well.

"No. It's too risky. Even if Thor believes me, Odin won't. I'll just be locked up again." He casted his eyes downward and his tone was full of contempt.

"Thor will help you. Odin will believe him, right?" she asked. Loki shoved a drawer closed, avoiding her eyes. He knew she was right.

"I don't think it's smart," he said. "And that's coming from me. Knowing something is a bad idea doesn't usually stop me."

"How about this." Sierra straightened her shoulders. "If we happen to see Thor, because I'm sure he'll be back to check on Tony and Bruce, then we decide then if we should tell him or not. And I think he's more worried about you than anything else. I don't think he'll be too mad if he finds out. But otherwise, we'll keep you secret, for now." He sighed.


"We should go see the others," she said, changing the subject. "They'll start wondering where we are and start making up things that we are definitely not actually doing." She grinned. "Everyone has already asked if we're together." He wrinkled his nose.

"Good idea." He tailed her back upstairs, and they spent the rest of the evening with their friends.


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