Tipsy (Sapbur)

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And they were roommates


Wilbur was reading a book on the couch. Didn't matter which book, he just wanted something to do. He can't drink his vodka and cry while playing his guitar, his roommate took all the alcohol for some stupid party he was invited to. Leaving Wilbur painfully alone.

He didn't have any motivation to play the guitar even if he wanted to. It was one of 'those days'. He had put his playlist on shuffle and was listening to sad song. What a sad emo boy. So alone.

He could smell the alcohol before the door even opened. It was beer. The cheap kind. Sapnap came stumbling through the door. He was wearing a dopey grin, like he was thinking about doing something. He spotted Wilbur and made his way over to him. He collapsed onto the couch, very close to where Wilbur was sitting. He was so tipsy.

When he opened his mouth, his words came out in a drunken slur, "Heeyyy, Wilbs~ Guess what. Come on guess. Guess!"

Wilbur sighed, "what is it, Sapnap?" He was too tired for this shit.

Sapnap little out a mischievous giggle. "So Ant and Velvet were there, right. Hehe. And-And they were giving out relationship advice, cause, ya' know, they're in a relationship. And I actually had a crush on someone. Hehehe. Do you wanna, snrk, do you wanna know who? Hehehe."

Wilbur closed the book, he didn't even bookmark the page. "Who, Sapnap?" He didn't respond, "Sapnap?"

"You have really pretty eyes," he blurted. He was staring very intensely into his eyes.

Wilbur's cheeks turned pink and he turned his head away. He thinks he knows the answer to his question, but better safe then sorry. "You still didn't answer my question, Sapnap."

That seemed to break his gaze as he sat up and scooted towards Wilbur until their shoulders were touching. He leaned a bit into Wilbur's personal space, locking eyes with him again. "So-so, hahehe, I had a crush on you. Hahaha. I mean it's not surprising, you are really pretty-Hey! Hey, you're blushing. It so cute. No! Don't turn away! Come baaaaaack!"

Wilbur had stood up and ran back to the nearest room with a lock: the bathroom. He shut the door, locked it, and leaned on it.

So apparently his, kinda attractive, roommate has a crush on him. He was going through many stages of panic. Mentally he was just going 'oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.' He wanted to return Sapnap's feelings, but at the same time he was drunk. Did he or did he not want to softly kiss him and cuddle him until morning. He'll just talk to him in the morning. Yeah, good plan.

He unlocked the door and walked out to the living room. Sapnap was still on the couch, playing with the frayed end of the blanket they tossed on there for movie night. His attention immediately turned to him at soon as he walked in though. Wilbur took in a deep breath before talking, "Hey, Sapnap. Why don't we go to bed. You're probably tired. Partying and all."

Wilbur figeted around while waiting for Sapnap to speak. His roommate blinked once before his mouth slipt open in a wide grin, "So you're gonna sleep with me? Pog!"

"No, wait-"

"Are we gonna cuddle? I wanna touch your hair!"


"Are we gonna sleep in my bed or yours? You'd probably be comfier in yours. That's fine! Let me just go change real quick."


Honestly, Wilbur didn't know how he got here. He was laying on his bed with Sapnap pushing up to him. He had his head buried in Wilbur's neck and had their legs tangled. Sapnap passed out as soon as he was comfortable, which only took 5 minutes. And Wilbur was still awake, face burning red.

The talk in the morning will be a nightmare.


Morning came too quickly. Sapnap woke up first with a throbbing in his temples. When he went to get up though, he felt arms around him. He opened his eyes completely and saw Wilbur sleeping with a peaceful expression on his face. The night's memories  hit him like a speeding truck as the tips of his ears burned red.

He got out as quickly as he could to get a glass of water and medicine. Internally, he was panicking. 'Did I really just say that? Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.'

His was brought out of his thoughts by the scraping of a chair on hard wood. He spun his head around to find Wilbur sitting down and looking at him. His cheeks looked a little pink.

Wilbur cleared his throat before talking, "So, uh, Sapnap. Do you, I'm, do you remember anything from last night?" He looked away as soon as he finished.

"Uh. Yeah, yeah I do." He brought his hand up to rub the back of his neck, nerves on high alert.

Wilbur figeted for a bit, then he opened his mouth, "Well, Sapnap, I, uh, I return your feelings. Um, that sounded really formal. I meant that I like you too. And, and I wouldn't mind if could cuddle and kiss a bit."

Sapnap looked at him in disbelief. He liked him back? This feels almost to good to be true. "Can I kiss you? Like right now."

"O-oh. Yeah. Yeah, sure." His face was now very red. Sapnap moved closer to the Brit and put a hand under his chin. He leaned his head up and softly kissed him. They parted after a few seconds, eyes still closed as they took in what happened. Then Wilbur rushed out of his chair to kiss Sapnap harder. He threw his arms around his neck to try to pull him closer. Sapnap, in turn, wrapped his arms around the taller's waist.

He turned and roughly pushed Wilbur against the counter. They were both getting months worth of tension out of their systems. He slid one of his hands under the brunet's shirt and flicked his nipple. A stifled moan was what he got.

He broke the kiss briefly to take off his shirt. Wilbur doing the same. Sapnap started to kiss the Brit's neck, biting here and there. Wilbur whimpered and mewled at the harsh bites. He started to grind both of their clothed cocks together, a groan from the Texan was his reward.

Wilbur moaned and tried to speak, "Do you, ahh~ Do you have any lube."

"I do. I-in my room. Come on." Sapnap dragged Wilbur to his room. He placed him down on his bed while he rummaged through his drawers. He found it after only 3 minutes. "Wilbur. Take off your pants. And boxers."

Once their bothersome clothes were off, Sapnap pushed Wilbur so his back was pressed against the mattress. He lubed up four of his fingers and pressed one in. Wilbur let out a slight moan as the digit was stretching him out. It continues until all four fingers were scissoring and curling in him. His whimpers and moan rang out in the room.

Once fully stretched out, Sapnap readied his dick and lined it up with Wilbur's hole. He pushed in slowly, letting Wilbur adjust as he went. He sped up his pace until he was at a fast and rough clip. Wilbur's legs were wrapped around his waist pulling him closer. The sound of skin hitting skin at a bruising sped spurred him on, as well as the brunet's loud moans and cries for more.

The first one to climax was Wilbur, he let out a silent shriek before he came. Sapnap pulled out when he did. He watched as him cum sprayed over the fucked out man under him. They both basked in the after glow before Wilbur got up.

He limped a bit while he collected his clothes, "I'm going to take a shower. Does this, um, does this make us a thing?"

Sapnap smiled a little, the though of going on dates and cuddling each other filled him with joy. "Yeah. We're a thing now."


New ship woooo

I hoped you enjoyed this smut


Dialogue pog

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