Jealous (Schlattbur)

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It was Tuesday and classes just finished. Wilbur and JSchlatt were walking out of their shared math class. Wilbur was rambling on about something, but Schlatt wasn't listening. He was too caught up staring at Wilbur's face to pay attention to anything else.

"-isn't that right, Schlatt."

"Hm? Oh, yeah."

Schlatt's had enough experience not paying attention during class that his voice gave nothing away as he snapped out of his trance. He listened more to what the taller was saying now, but he didn't notice the green eyes that watched the duo.


Schlatt was sitting outside during lunch. Wilbur had band practice with his friends. That had left the boy alone to sort out his thoughts. He noticed a certain blonde walk up to him though.

"Heyy, JSchlatt"

"Heyy Dream. Sounds like you're scheming with that tone of voice."

"Well, I've been thinking. We both like Wilbur, don't we? So why don't we do what we do best? Compete."

"Oh? Competing to see who wins Wilbur's heart?"

"Yeah! Like who can get a date by the end of the week. I think I'll win, to be honest. No offense, but you are really brash and dare I say, controversial."

"Really? I think that I can ask out Wilbur first. You'd be the one that would scare him off by being to fast, speedrunner."

"Oh, yeah? Watch me speedrun this week."

"Surre. What ever you say, teletubby."


Throughout the next few days, they both flirted with Wilbur. Dream flirted non-stop and even got him to flirt back. That made Schlatt slightly annoyed, but he didn't let it show. His flirting was more genuine and made Wilbur blush alot more. It was only Wednesday when JSchlatt snapped. Dream had gotten too close to Wilbur for Schlatt's liking. So Schlatt simply asked Wilbur to come over to his place.

"Hey, Schlatt!"

"Hey, loverboy~"

Schlatt invited Wilbur inside. Both heading up to his room. Both talked for a bit before Schlatt put his plan into motion.

"I don't like how close Dream is getting to you."

"Wha-What do you mean?"

Schlatt's arm wrapped around the Brit's waist, slowly pulling him closer.

"He's flirting with you too much. And I want you all to my self."

Schlatt pulled Wilbur onto his lap. The Brit's face darkening with a deep red blush.

"You're smart enough to know what I'm implying, aren't you. So can I, Soot?"

"O-oh. You can, JSchlatt."

Schlatt pulled Wilbur into a kiss. Swiping his tongue on the other's bottom lip, asking to enter. Wilbur granted the request and Schlatt explored the taller's mouth. His hand slid under the other's shirt, tracing circles on the pale skin. Wilbur shivered at the feeling and let out a small sigh. They parted briefly to take off their clothes, leaving them in only their boxers. Schlatt pinned Wilbur on the bed and started to suck the other's neck. He left small marks on his neck before biting down on his collarbone, drawing a loud moan from Wilbur.

"Aahh~ Hurry up!"

"Mmm. Impatient much?"

Schlatt squeezed the Brit's thigh hard enough to bruise before sliding off his boxers. He reached other to his nightstand to grab a bottle of lube and squeezed a bit on three of his fingers. He slowly inserted one into the taller, commiting the gasp he let out to memory. He watched the other squirm for a while before adding another diget. Schlatt scissored Wilbur before added the last finger. He stretched him out for a bit longer before taking them out. Wilbur let out a whine that quickly turned into moan as Schlatt slid his dick in.

"You good?"

"Ye-yeah. Just fuck me like there's no tommorow~"

"Your wish is my command, loverboy~"

Schlatt started to slowly thrust into him. It wasn't long before the slow and soft pace turned fast and hard. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room. The Brit under him would definitely have bruises. He was moaning loudly. Tears were running down his face as he begged the other to go faster and harder. They were both nearing their climax. Wilbur came first, being so fucked out he couldn't give a warning. Schlatt bit down hard on the Brit's neck before he came, filling up the boy beneath him with cum. They stayed like that for a while, before Schlatt pulled out.

"Do you want me to help you clean up?"

"Pl-please. I don't know if I can stand."


The next morning, Wilbur didn't come to school. He phoned his parents to tell them he was staying at Schlatt's place. Schlatt walked to school by himself, running into Dream on the way there.

"Hey, Schlatt. I noticed Wil's not with you. Don't you two normally walk to school together?"

"Well aren't you observent, Dream. Wilbur can't come to school today because he can't even walk. Courtesy of me fucking him into the mattress."

"Wha-Are you serious! Are you really that much of a sore loser to just stop our competition. Did you seriously get too jealous of me flirting with him?"

"You could say that. But now, I can tell you to stay away from him. No hard feelings, of course."

Schlatt and Techno have very different personalities
Hope I got it right

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