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Wilbur was pacing around pogtopia. Tommy had left to hang out with Tubbo and Technoblade was out doing whatever he did. He was getting more and more paranoid as the weeks went by. He couldn't trust anyone anymore. They could betray him. They would betray him. They will betray him.

Wilbur took a shaky breath and collapsed on the nearest wall. He slid down until he was sitting on the cold stone floor and buried his face in his hands.


His head snapped up. Dream stood at the top of the stairs. Him in his horrid neon green hoodie with his arms crossed. Standing so confidently like the only thing that was wrong was the less than sane man sitting by the bottom of the stairs. Wilbur rushed to stand up.

"Dream! What a surprise! I didn't know you were coming. How are you doing?" Wilbur said, dusted the dust off his coat. A nervous habit.

"I'm doing fine. What about you? You look a bit nervous, Wilbur." The beady black holes in his mask seem to stare right through him.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you do, Wilbur," Dream said. He started walking down the stairs.

"You have something on your mind." He walked closer to Wilbur.

"Tell me." He pinned him to the wall.

Wilbur shivered against the stone on his back.

A red blush spread across his face. He was uncomfortably aware of the short distance between them.

"I-I don't know if I can trust you with that information, Dream." Wilbur's words seemed almost like a whisper in the oppressive silence of Pogtopia.

Dream just seemed to stare at him. His eerie mask gave away nothing.

Then he took off his mask and attached it to his belt.

He leaned in just a bit closer until their noses we're almost touching and whispered softly.

"Then why don't I give you a reason to trust me, if you would let me."

It took a few seconds but Wilbur's face was engulfed in red.

He let out a shakey nod and in an instant, he felt lips on his own. His arms came to wrap around Dream's neck as he pulled him closer, wanting to deepen the kiss. He felt hands on his waist, sliding up his shirt, and tracing the scars on his back.

Dream swiped his tongue on Wilbur's bottom lip, requesting entrance which he was readily granted. He explored the taller's mouth, relishing the small moan the other let out as he sucked on his bottom lip.


"Aah, do you want me to continue?"

"Please do, darling~"

The admin helped the ex-president shrug off the long, tattered trench coat and the plain white shirt underneath. Dream sucked and bit Wilbur's neck. All the way from his jaw to his collarbone and a little lower. The latter letting out breathy moans and occasionally bucking his hips.

"Aah~ Dream, please."

"Needy, aren't you?"

Dream slid off his hoodie as Wilbur took off his trousers. Dream took his off too and pulled Wilbur in for another kiss. This time a lot sloppier now that their were getting impatient. The heat in both of their stomachs was building rapidly. Dream tugged down both of their boxers and slid his fingers in Wilbur's mouth.


Wilbur thoroughly lubricated Dream's fingers as his other hand was slowly pumping Wilbur's cock. He took his fingers out of the taller's mouth and inserted one finger in Wilbur's hole.

"Nngh~ D-Dream."

"What is it, Wilbur. Do you want me to go faster?" Dream added another finger in and scissored them.

"Aaah~ you j-jerk. H-hurry up." Wilbur pouted, tears brimming on the edge of his eyes.

"Alright, no need to pout, Wilbur." Dream added another finger in. He enjoyed seeing Wilbur squirm on his fingers. He has wanted to do this for so long. He could tell Wilbur was getting impatient, so he pulled his fingers out. Wilbur let out a high-pitched whine at that, but that whine turned into a moan as push his dick in.

"Mmm-aahh~ Dream~"

Dream hammered into him. Savoring every lewd moan that came out. Tears streamed down Wilbur's face. A loud moan tore it's way out of his mouth as Dream rammed into his prostate. His long legs wrapped around Dream, pushing him in more.

"D-Dream, I-I'm gonna come-"

"I won't stop if you do."

Wilbur shrieked as streaks of white got on both of their chests. Dream came soon after, filling up Wilbur. They both stayed there, panting and trying to regain their breath.
Eventually Dream pulled out. Wilbur leaned on him for support.

"Do you trust me now?"

"Shut the fuck up, but sure. Yeah."

"Good. Now let's get cleaned up."
The rewrite. Hope it's better than the first one.

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