Chapter 5

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Shaun P.O.V

It had been a week since I had last contacted Andy, I was worried, very worried, he hasn’t said a word since he gave me that verse, I couldn’t bring  it up to Brooke because she cracks it. I feel as if I’m going to implode, Bradie said not to worry about it, how can I not worry? Andy’s my best friend for fuck sake. I have every right to be worried, but no, everyone tells me I’m delusional. Whatever; like a give a flying fuck. I stood in the kitchen, picking at the salad I made myself for lunch, ripping up the leaves and sticking it in my mouth, I would use a fork but me ripping it up seems to release the anger and frustration. I heard my dog, Honey’s yelps. I mentally sighed, I have a feeling we’re going to fight again, as much as I love her, it’s all we ever do.

“hey baby” she smiled at me as she reached the top of the stairs, I smiled back, trying to show I was happy, when I wasn’t, I honestly wasn’t okay.

“hey!” I tried to sound as happy as possible, but instead I went all squeaky, I sucked at lying. That’s why I hide my emotions.

“what’s wrong with you?” Brooke asked, her green eyes looked confused, her laugh was awkward. I can’t say anything, otherwise it’ll cause another fight and I really, honestly don’t want that.

“nothing” I responded, that smile stuck on my face. I could tell by her eyes that she didn’t believe me, I hated that, how she reads me so easily, it’s as if she has to know everything.

“Baby, tell me” she said more sincere. I didn’t want to say it, but I knew it wouldn’t be long till she figured it out. I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her lips lightly, I looked into her eyes in lust, trying to seduce her so she’d forget it.

“It’s nothing” I protested, trying to keep my voice steady, my jaw tightening.

“It’s about Andy again, isn’t it?” she said, I could see the disappointment in her eyes, I hated that, so much.

“So what if it is? You wouldn’t care” I said, my anger that built up was starting to shine through. Brooke stepped away from my embrace. I felt so tense, I hated it.

“Why do you care so much, is the question. He’s a big boy Shaun, he can handle life for himself you know” She said very annoyed now, I didn’t want to look at her anymore, I stormed right past her and went downstairs, grabbing my surfboard as I walked out, slamming the door. Brooke should know where I’m going. I definitely wasn’t going to sit in there and listen to her whining, I do that enough as it is. As I hit the soft sand of the beach, I kicked my thongs off, picking them up as I walked along. I looked around the empty beach, the sky still darkened by the clouds, the waves rippled nicely today and no one is here today. Score! I put my board down and took my shirt off, throwing it on the sand, sand made its way onto the shirt immediately as I threw my keys onto it, I then took my phone out, deciding maybe I should text Andy, ask him if he wanted to catch up or something. I wasn’t going to spend the night with Brooke and her complaining about my problems.

‘hey :) just wondering if you wanted to catch up later today?? Been a while.’

I sent the text and put my phone on my shirt. It was in seeing distance from the ocean, so I hope no dickhead can steal my shit. You never know, living in this area. I always sucked at surfboarding, but I picked up this hobby up so I wouldn’t hurt myself anymore, just like Andy and for alcohol. I worry about that a lot, like, what if his liver fails one day? Or he chokes on his vomit and dies, I’m surprised by how much he can actually take before he’s passed out, it’s scary, you know? To watch your friend drop down to that level whilst drinking.

I began running towards the waves, they were pretty high today, I was always challenged by them. I’ll probably fall off my board, like, a lot. As I got to the water on my board, the cold water froze my hand immediately, I soon got used to it though, as a wave approached I jumped up but quickly lost my balance as the waves took over the board, making me slip into the water. It was way too cold for a surf, the water sent chills down my back. I quickly popped out of the water, taking a deep breath, salt water got in my mouth, making it feel dry. I looked to see my board floating ahead of me, I swam after it and grabbed the board. I shouldn’t have gone for a surf today, but where else was I to go? Andy’s....that’s only if he had answered my text. I got back into shore, the sand quickly sticking to my feet. Ugh, I wish I had brought a towel, I grabbed my phone with my wet hands, placing my board down and looking to see a text back from Andy, I suddenly wasn’t worried anymore.

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