Chapter 10

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Vanessa P.O.V

Fucking dog, I had him! I fucking had him, I had his sweet blood in my mouth for about 2 seconds, the sweet honey oozed down my throat before that thing showed up, Shaun’s blood was so sweet, what a waste. I fucking hate werewolves, they changed on full moons, Why was I stupid enough to feed then, of all times and now Shaun’s a vampire, him being reborn on the full moon meant he was going to be stronger than me, faster than me, more powerful and definitely have a sixth sense. This angered me and now I’m paranoid, I know Shaun will come to me for revenge. I know he’ll get my love. Andy.

He’s really worried about Shaun, his thoughts are all the same;

‘Shaun’s phone is disconnected, I hope he’s okay’

‘if he’s out there, lost, or even dead, it’s all my fault.’

‘I miss him, please answer my calls Shaun, please, please’

and he has his phone around him all the time, I always tell him it’s okay, but he won’t listen to me and I can’t really tell him he’s a fucking vampire.

I still remember Shaun’s thoughts as he died, he was so hopeless, he gave up the second he saw me, he was pleading to die, I wish he did fucking die, now I’m in more trouble. More trouble than ever. One thing set me off, Shaun’s final last words in his head were ‘I love you Andy’. I want him away, gone forever, but I can’t fight him, he’d probably snap my head off in a second but I’m glad only a small amount of venom spread, that means it would take longer, and that fire spreading through his veins would be slow, the pain would take him longer.  I was losing the game, the fight for Andy, this set me off, I just want to stay away from Andy so I don’t hurt him. But I’m scared Shaun will come back any second for me and attack Andy. Andy’s smell was like chocolate. It’s soothing and made my mouth water, but I wasn’t going to kill him, he’s going to be mine. Forever.

Shaun P.O.V

I opened my eyes

I was no longer in pain

I felt strong

I was reborn

I looked around to see the woods, much more beautiful than my nightmare. I sat up, I felt no pain, and I felt stronger, much stronger. Was I actually a vampire now? My hand was whiter, ivory, it looked smooth as marble. I stood up, with pretty much no effort.

I walked towards to the sun by the river, I was afraid as to if it’d hurt or not. I slowly entered the sunlight, my hand glowed, it wasn’t sparkling, wasn’t melting. It felt warm against my ivory skin and I glowed, It was something that could easily be hidden, it just glowed more than the average human, but my hunger, maybe not so easy to hide. My throat burned as if I hadn’t had a drink in a million years, I knew water would quench the thirst that burned throughout my throat, I needed blood. But I don’t want to be a killer, I forbid myself. I’ll need the closest thing I can get...animal blood, I jumped onto a tree and started climbing up, with barely any effort. The rough surface of the tree made it easier to climb. I searched the woods beneath me now, my eyes could see everything, if I squinted my eyes it was like a magnifying glass, I could see ants, spiders and any other bugs underneath the leaves.  I suddenly heard something, almost like a bark. I looked across the river, a dingo stood there, I inhaled and closed my eyes, the scent was nice, it was kind of like the smell of lavenders. I jumped down to the ground, landing right on my feet. I ran towards the river and pounced, landing on the other side. Holy fuck that was fun, I could sense that dingo, a bitter substance filled my mouth, venom. I don’t even think I know what I’m capable of doing. I scanned the woods slowly, stopping as soon as I saw the dingo look right at me, I bolted for it, for food, my stomach was groaning now, the dingo started running, but was way too slow for my power, I pounced and smashed it down to the ground, the soft orange-like fur between my fingers, the dingo whimpered as I held it down, crushing it’s bones beneath me. The dingo started snapping at me, I didn’t even hesitate, I bit right into its back, the dingo whimpered and whined as the venom swelled from my mouth,  I started to suck on the bite I put there, the blood oozing in my mouth, it felt warm, refreshing as it made its way down my cold, dry throat. It wasn’t long before the dingo settled into slumber, I continued to suck the blood, it was an indescribable taste, it was better than any food I had as a human. I pulled away from the animal once it was drained of blood, picking him up by the neck, I walked to the river, throwing him in. I watched the dead dingo float down the river, that’s when I finally realized that I’m either having a delusion from how badly bashed I was, or I really am a vampire.

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