Chapter 8

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Brooke P.O.V

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him

I hate Andy, I just, ugh, he just never stopped with the moping and carrying on, and the second he finally gets a fucking life, Shaun gets mopey and carries on. Do I love Shaun? Of course! I cried for at least an hour after he left, but I wasn’t in love, but I know Andy does, so at least he should make Shaun happy to some extent. I don’t blame Shaun being jealous, Vanessa is beautiful. I’ve done her hair a few times, but Shaun’s jealous of Vanessa, not Andy which is what I don’t understand. Why he’d be jealous of her, he’s a dude for crying out loud, you’d expect him to want to fuck Vanessa, not want to kill her. My Chihuahua, Honey, yelped, it took me out of my heartbroken, confused daydream, I picked her up and petted her small head, her wagging tail made me smile, she’s literally my best friend, my daughter. She’s my baby, she’s always there for me when I was sad, and she won’t judge me. I started walking to my bedroom where I’d be sleeping alone, for the first time in a while. Half my stuff is packed and ready to take to mums, but I still have heaps of junk to take. As I passed the window, I swear I saw someone there, but there was no one...I hated being alone, I’m always afraid. Shaun was my saviour and now, I don’t know what he is to me.

Shaun P.O.V

I walked down to the beach with Andy, I stopped at home first to grab my board of course. Brooke wasn’t there thank god, but Honey and her car was. I’m hoping she just got a ride to work today. Andy and I walked down the steps, the sun was actually out today and warmed the sand that was now underneath my feet, I looked at Andy, he wore sunglasses and his sandy blonde hair flowed. He was so laid back and really was somewhat attractive, I can’t deny that anymore. I continued to stare at Andy as he was on lookout for his perfect vampire girlfriend, well, I’m not sure if she’s a vampire, but she definitely was not normal.

“Vanessa!” Andy yelled out of nowhere, I watched him run up to his slender girlfriend with a surfboard, her pale skin made her violet bikini stand out, the sun was behind the clouds again, this disappointed me, I wanted to see if she’s literally burn to death in the light, it amused me. I looked away from them disgusted as they started making out again, I was never going to get used to it and the fact that I have the need to be here, makes me so angry and confused. I definitely was looking forward to this, surfing against an immortal, it never seemed so fun. I suddenly got nudged, I returned to reality as I saw Andy beside me.

“You right there?” he asked, he’s still so concerned about me, I swear I’m fine now.

“Yeah, perfect” I smiled

“Good, now go have some fun” Andy laughed, spanking my ass playfully, making me jolt as he sat down, Vanessa came next to me, smirking that dark smirk, the one that pretty much says ‘I’m going to kill you’. I noticed her eyes were much brighter today than they were last night, or I was really that fucked up.

“game on Diviney” she grinned and ran toward the ocean, I watched her pedal out, she jumped on her board without even trying, she surfed so well, yep. I was definitely screwed.

After an hour, our competition ended, and of course she won. Stupid, beautiful, vampire. Her arm felt 10 degrees lower than the ocean when her arm hit mine. Colder than on that hot day. It was unbelievable, how cold her skin was, she had to be some sort of immortal, there was no other name for it, she’s stone on the inside. Ice even. I’m surprised that I lasted the day around her without snapping, she hasn’t insulted me once, unless she knows I know what she is. I don’t know, it’s possible. All three of us were at mine, just because it was starting to rain again, I thought this was Australia; why are we constantly covered in clouds and rain, halfway through spring? This world is slowly getting more and more fucked up. I heard a knock at the door, I went to get up, until Andy stopped me.

“You chill man, you look exhausted, I’ll get it” he said concerned again and walked out. He probably doesn’t want me to see Brooke and breakdown all over again. I looked awkwardly to Vanessa, her eyes looked troubled, but she was beautiful, I hated that a GIRL puts my self esteem to 0, she’s so lucky, she has Andy, someone who loves her, she gets to live forever, forever young. Vanessa tensed up next to me, as if she stopped breathing. I heard Andy’s mumbles to someone who was much older with a tough voice, Vanessa jumped up pretty quickly, quicker than I ever could and she went to Andy, I soon followed. I was shocked to find a policeman in my house, uniform, belt with a gun, bullets and extra things there, along with a bulletproof vest.

“Mr Diviney?” the tough officer asked, I nodded.

“that’s me...” I was nervous, I didn’t do anything bad did I?

“hi, I’m officer Richmond, I’ve just wanted to talk about the other resident of this house. Miss Leishman if I’m correct?” he asked again, I nodded, Andy put his hand on my back, his other arm around Vanessa’s waist who stood beside him. They were pretty much inseparable.

“yes, Brooke Leishman, she was my girlfriend” I hated saying the ‘was’ part, it’s still not something I’m used to.

“what do you mean ‘was’?” he seemed suddenly suspicious.

“W-We broke up last night- I’m sorry officer, is something wrong? Where is she?”

“We found her in the woods last night, she’s dead” He spoke very seriously, Andy grabbed onto my shoulder, I felt my eyes sting and glaze with tears, this was unbelievable. I didn’t know what to do, I looked at Andy, he looked at me worried, I then looked at Vanessa, her hazel eyes fixed on me, no expression held, she just...stared

“h-how did this happen, exactly?” I said as I looked back to the officer, he shrugged.

“We’ve seen a few of these lately, the bodies seem to been attacked my some animal, their blood was completely drained. I’m so sorry for your loss” he spoke, I instantly thought of Vanessa, I looked at her but her eyes weren’t fixed on me anymore, they were fixed on the officer. She killed my girlfriend...I knew she did, she couldn’t go suck on someone else’s blood could she, stupid blood sucker.

“I-It’s not your fault officer, I completely understand” I said with the only voice I could manage to let out, I was still in shock, it hadn’t hit me yet, that such beauty was gone. She probably would have made an awesome vampire, now she’s dead and what’s the bet that her parents are going to blame me? Even my own parents, they all hate me, ugh. Why couldn’t it be me who’s dead? I’m sick of everything.

“I’m going to go, we’ll get onto you if we find something” the officer spoke, I couldn’t speak anymore, I still stood there in shock.

“okay, I hope you find whatever it is soon” Andy answered for me, the officer gave him a nod and walked off. I looked at Vanessa who still continued to stand there, just carved in stone.

“It’ll be okay, Shaun...” Andy said softly in my ear as he embraced me into a hug, I sighed and clenched onto his shirt as I just broke down in his arms, the woman I once loved was gone, thanks to the woman I hate. Andy kept making soothing noises to calm me but my sobs were unstoppable, it hurt my throat to sob so hard, I hyperventilated, I was barely getting air in my lungs, I didn’t care. If I never left Brooke, she wouldn’t be dead and I would be somewhat happy. Fuck my life.

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