The Wedding

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Art by hoshioyo on Twitter!

Today was the day. The day she signed her life away to be with someone she only felt was a friend.

Y/n sighed. It wasn't supposed to be this way.

Not ever in a million years.

She had been woken up in the early morning by Sapnap, they hadn't really talked and the most that she knew about him was that he liked fire a little too much.

But whatever

What was today again?

The wedding, right.

She was told by Dream the previous night that the war was on pause for the wedding so L'manburg could join.

The amount of joy she felt when she heard that news.

Oh how she missed L'manburg, especially Wilbur. He was always so much smarter than she. He knew how to face anything and everything.

If only he was here. She thought.

"Y/n." A voice interrupted her inner monologue.

"I brought your dress, you should probably be getting ready." And with that, George and Sapnap left.

I guess it was time.

For once in her life, y/n looked on the mirror and genuinely thought she looked beautiful.

From her soft makeup with her wonderfully done hair, to the long white dress that fit her perfectly. It was all amazing.

The only downside being it wasn't to someone she loved.

A small knock was heard on the door.

"Come in!"

Dream walked in, but was stopped dead in his tracks.

Woah. That's uh. She's um... well v-very pretty!

"Dream? Is it time already?"

Dream returned back down to earth.

"I'm afraid so, princess."

Y/n sighed. And looked down.

"You know I don't think Eret would like it if he knew you called me princess." Y/n spoke back, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah? You don't say?" Dream had a smirk on his lips.

"Well, I guess it could be our little secret."

This time it was y/n's turn to go into orbit.

This man isn't making marriage easier!

"That is of course, if you're ok with it." Dream added.

Y/n nodded, "well I don't mind it at all." She smiled for the first time in several days.

Sadly it was all interrupted by Sapnap.

"Philza is here and he wants to speak with her."

Dream looked back at y/n, and she nodded.

"Send him up."

"N/n!" Phil called out.

Dream nodded in acknowledgment and let her out of the room to hug him.

"Hi Phil." She responded, somewhat cold.

"Oh n/n, you look gorgeous, just like your mother!" Phil had tears in his eyes.

The Villians: Dream x Reader x Wilbur Where stories live. Discover now