Beautiful one

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Y/n examined his face.


He had bright green eyes, they looked like the ripened limes her and Tubbo used to eat together.

His dirty blonde has was slightly messy, reminding her of Tommy.

Freckles dotted his face just like stars she used to gaze at.

Finally she saw the scar on his face, connecting from below his left eye and across the bridge of his nose.

Everything about his was so familiar yet new and beautiful.

"Y/n? Are you-"

She crashes her lips into his.

Dream was taken aback by it, but slowly melted into it.

The kiss lasted a few seconds, but both felt like their hearts were going to explode.

Dream smiled widely at y/n, he was incredibly scared she wouldn't like his face.

Thank goodness she did, could you imagine if it went any other way.

Dream laughed to himself.

"Dream? Whatcha thinking about?"

"Oh nothing, just how perfect you are."

They paused.

"That was cheesy wasn't it?"

Y/n nodded and laughed as she pulled him into another kiss, which he gladly accepted.

Pogtopia was starting to come together.

Tommy and Wilbur had found Techno blade at this point.

Tommy sat in his room, time seemed to be going by much too slowly lately.

It had been a full month since the whole 'get exiled I hate you' thing.

Tubbo had come to visit quite frequently and would tell them everything that was happening. Niki would visit as well, but Tommy knew she was really just there to keep Wilbur in check.

Speaking of Wilbur, the only thing he could do lately was write.

He wrote letter after letter after letter. Never stopping.

He never sent them though.

He just threw them into a pile and burned them at the end of the week to release anger.

Wilbur's hair had gotten more and more messy as they days went on.

His curls reached out on all sides, and he didn't even try to fix it anymore.

The bags under his eyes had gotten to a dangerous purple color and his body reflected his lack of sleep by the way he moved.

He motions were fast, frantic. His words seemed jumbled sometimes and he had a hard time thinking of certain phrases.

Tommy sighed. The only time Wilbur would sleep was when Techno was with them.

Sadly, Techno had just gone on a trip and Tommy was given the job to watch Wilbur before he got back.

A light from Wilbur's room had turned on, meaning that he had finally either given up on sleep or had woken up.

Of course from the state of his tone and appearance, Tommy knew he had just given up.

Wilbur walked and sat across from Tommy, both stayed quiet for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"I miss her..."

The Villians: Dream x Reader x Wilbur Where stories live. Discover now