Soot p.2

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🔆just wanted to say that I have starting working on my next book and I think y'all would like it!🔆

The day had arrived.

November 16th, Manburg.

Y/n yawed, she felt a weight behind her. She turned to face him.

Wilbur was blissfully asleep, unaware his fiancé was awake.

Y/n stared at his face.

How did she always get stuck in these predicaments?

Gee, it's almost as if her life is a fanfic.

Y/n sighed.

She was just being silly.

Slowly, she rolled out of Wilbur's grasp. He shifted slightly as the warmth left him.

Y/n grabbed a pair of shorts and changed, leaving her in a yellow sweater and a pair of denim blue shorts.

Just as she was going to leave, she heard a voice whisper to her.


She turned to face Wilbur.

He was laying on his forearm, reaching out to her.

Y/n internally kicked herself for turning around.

"Yes love?" She looked back at the man before her, his hair messy and eyes droopy.

"Stay?" He asked.

Y/n shook her head. She had a very important meeting to get to before preparing for the wedding.

"I have a meeting Will, I'll be back in time for the wedding, though."

Wilbur nodded, slowly letting the bed engulf him once again.

Y/n made her way to the door once more, but yet again was stopped.

"Wait.... kiss?" Wilbur asked quietly.

Y/n looked down to her feet. She didn't know what to do.

She turned back to face him, her feet seemingly had a mind of its own. She approached the bed with the half awake Wilbur.

Leaning down, she kissed his forehead.


"Y/n!" Wilbur called.

A young y/n ran up the stairs to meet him.

Wilbur had gotten an awful cold from staying out late in the rain.

Y/n reached the door, opening it slightly.

"Yes, Wilby?" Y/n asked.

"Come here..." Wilbur requested.

Y/n walked into the room, it smelled of chestnuts, tangerine, and disinfectant.

Y/n approached his bed, leaning other to look at the sickly boy.

His face was two shades paler than normal, his eyes droopy, and his nose red.

"Yes, Will?" Y/n repeated.

"Kiss?" Wilbur asked.

Y/n looked down confused, but shrugged her shoulders anyways.

She moved the messy curls off of his forehead, and leaned down further, planting a single kiss on his forehead.

Y/n smiled and Wilbur grabbed his hand.

The Villians: Dream x Reader x Wilbur Where stories live. Discover now