Chapter 5

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I woke up nwxt morning, well not really morning it was 11 33 am.

Whatever i slept at 5.30am

Best 6hrs i had in a while.

I roll of the bed, put on the nearest piece of clothing which was harleys' hoodie from yesterday.

What sleeping with clothes on is uncomfortable af

I went outside towards the living room/workshop. And saw Peter still laying on the coach while watching TV. And i think harley is in the kitchen.

His eyes snapped to me when i entered the room "good morning" he said in a cherry yet a low voice.

I grimace at that, and said "morning"

He is a morning bird.

At least he didn't yell or talked loudly, probably harley told him that i would kill him or something if he talked loudly or alot when i wake up.

Mehh gd for him

He looks warm and comfortable. I started walking toward him and stand infront of him and asked "cuddles?" well it came more like an order

He histate at first but then scooted back at the coach to give me some space. My eyes snapped at his abdomen remembering that he was shot.

I guess i was looking at it for too long, cause he chuckled a bit, and said" don't worry it healed... Not completely, but a cuddle won't hurt" then he patted on the coach beside him.

I looked him in the eyes when i saw he ain't lying, i nodded and layed down next to him.

I was stiff at first, but then relaxed, and scotted back a bit. I dozed off after a minute or too.

I don't know if Peter fell back asleep too or is still watching TV. But i think he fell asleep too seeing his breathing was low.


I heard shuffling going on from the living room, and looked at the clock on the microwave and saw the time.

It's probably rose

Good she needs to bond with new people, and peter is literally perfect, from his personality, to his hair, to his eyes... To his li-

I snapped out of when i smell something burning. I looked down and saw the toast i quickly put it in the plate. It's burned a bit, but its still eatable.

So i shrugged off, and took my and Peter's plate and put it on the table in the living room.

"hey Pete i finished cooking breakfast, ro yo-" i stopped after turning around and seeing them both asleep and cuddling.

I don't know what to feel proud? Cause rose let her guard down a bit enough to cuddle with Peter, annoyed? That these motherfuckers are cuddling without me while i was cooking breakfast for all of us , jealous? I don't even know of whom peter or rose...

okay not gonna lie i am bit jealous of rose more.....but this is cute

I took a picture quickly, and then sat down near the couch and started shaking rose a bit.

"ro wake up i made breakfast" i whispered, you are probably wondering why i don't just smack her or shout or something.

Fun story, i did before, it ended with me tackled to the floor her on top of me with a  knife on my neck, it took her few seconds to recognize me.

She didn't talk talk to me for the rest of day giving me cold glare whenever i talk to her. Ohh and i sprained my wrist cause of that tackle. Anyways that was in the first week of us meeting.

I would never do that again, i mean the whole thing is quite turmerizing, but her eyes when she had the knife on my neck where the most turmerizing, they were so cold, so soulless.

I shivered at the memory. But saw that rose was now sitting up" good morning ro, your breakfast is in the kitchen go get"i said

She nodded and said small "morning" and walked away to the kitchen.

I guess she slept well

I turned and looked at Peter only to see him looking at me already. He blushed and looked away when he saw that i caught him.

"breakfast is ready i put yours on the table" i said, and stood up.

He nodded and went to stand up, too quickly i might add. He almost fell back but i held him by the waist.

"woah slow down little spider, even with your wound almost healing you still almosy bleed out" i said, we kinda talked a bit in the morning when i was checking on his wound.

"i am not little" he huffes out, now walking towards the table "how old are you anyways?"

"i became 18 last month, what about you?" i said taking a seat next to him.

"that's no fair, i am 17 i will turn 18 in few months, in 5 months to be exact " he huffed out seeing that he is younger than me, "what about you rose?"

"i am 17 and like 4 months" said rose, while sitting infront of  us.

"3 months" i said while eating.

"17 and 3 months" she said at the end mocking me.

Peter looked happy that he isn't the youngest between us. Rose caught the smug look on his face and said " ohh shut it. I maybe younger than you, but i am smarter, and i am in college"

Peter's eyes widen and his jaw dropped "how are you in college you are barely 17" he yelled well more like screeched.

Rose groaned at his high voice, but then glared at him

This is going to be fun

I thought and sat back watching the show

"first of, never EVER screech like that when i am around. Second, and what if i am in college? so is harley" she said raising one of her eyebrows and glaring a bit.

His eyes snapped to me in shock "you are in college too??" he said trying not screaming seeing that she already threatened him.

I nodded, enjoying the shock expression on his face. He looked down on his plate and muttered "no fair"

Then he snapped his eyes up "oh my i am so sorry that i offended  you, i didn't mean it, please forgive me?" he said with a guilty tone and then looking back down at his plate

Rose's eyes soften at that "you didn't offend me or anything, it's normal reaction, and potato you should learn some manners from little spider over here" she said joking at the end trying to lighten up the  mood

"shouldn't you be saying that to yourself? Like i cooked the breakfast and i didn't hear 'thanks' you ungrateful brat" i said mockingly

Peter laughed at our pickering, his laugh is the most angelic thing i have evered heard.

"come on spider finish your food, we still have to talk about yesterday" rose said going to the kitchen.

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