Chapter 15

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"Okay you guys stay here i will go check the warehouse and come back" i said, trying to get out of the car.

"not gonna happen darling, i will check and come back seeing i can teleport properly if anything happen" Loki said grinning when i glared at him.

Harley just started the car again and parked infront the warehouse saying "i am not dealing with you guys now, ro you know they never send anyone back to even pick the bodies, and loki you can teleport us all far away from here if there's anything suspicious"

We nodded and entered the building. "it's smells like stark was cooking something and burn it but even worse, i never thought that was possible " he said scrunching his nose in disgust. But then was shocked seeing all the dead burned.

"you did that?" he asked shocked. I nodded "stay with him while i search around for a bit" i said already walking away before he start talking.

I returned back "finally, it's been 5 minutes i thought somethin-, i mean the brat was worried about you" loki said composing himself, and gesturing to Harleys way.

"sure, Harls go to our room, loki go with him, i will get our things from the office" i said looking at Harley then Loki.


Rose left in the direction of our office. "let's go our room is from here" i said

"our room? you sleep in the same room?" loki said confused and a bit jealous?

"do i sense jealousy?" i said teasing, he quickly composed himself and said "no, i am just curious, i apologize if i offended you in indirect way"

"drop the act trickster, ro won't like that, don't worry about that little can offend me or offend ro" i said entering the room" ro just feels safer if we stayed in same room but we have separated bed as you see "

He looked around the room then the beds and saw Rose's huge bear" sit this is gonna talk a while ".

He sat on Rose's bed looking at the bear like it's gonna jump and attack him while i was packing Rose's and mine clothes in a suitcase.

He looked out of the room, from his lokks, clothes, to the way he stand and speak.

This should be fun

"...... What's with the bizzar huge bear?..." loki asked after 18 long minutes of glaring at the bear. I would have laughed at him if i didn't know better.

"don't let ro hear you or she would glare at you and won't talk to you for few days....... That if she didn't burn you in your spot leaving you into ashes" i said remembering the tailor we went to fix it and clean it, he insulted the bear and he became ashes.

Pulling the last peice of clothes in suitcase, closing it, and standing up. Loki stood up too and started walking out.

"where are you going?" i asked him.

"to the car, we are finished here" he said

"i wish, but we still have to pack the wepons" i said sighing, and starting to take tge wepons from under the beds.

He looked annoyed but nodded still standing on the door frame.

I took of the matters and took the wepins under it, then the gun fron under my pillow, the knife and the gun from under roses pillow and the sword from behind the bed fram with AK-47 and other guns.

I put them in another bag. And turn around to loki who is shocked "well.... That's something"

We walked out of the room to see Rose putting 4 boxes away. My inventions that i did while we wear at this house, the clothes she made, my mini workshop things, and her sewing machine and whatever she use.

"okay i got everything from the office and all the weapons are on the couch, i just have to get few things" Rose said pointing at the couch and going back to our room.

I loaded everything in the back of the car and loki helped "these weapons are enough to fend an army" he said.

"you see ro prefer to stay ready if anything happens so she disrupt them around in every room" i said taking whatever is still eatable in the kitchen.

"okay let's get going i got everything" rose said coming out of our room direction holding the bear and more couple guns, two sowrds, and few knives.

"it was in our room?!" i said whinning when i saw the book. Loki looked confused as always.

"touch it and i will burn your hands" she said glaring her voice playful but held promise in it.

She wouldn't really burn my hands, but probably do something else..... Right??

She bucked the bear up and the book disappeared from my sight.... AGAIN

She sat in the driver seat and started the car. Loki went and sat in passenger seat, i sighed.

When we were few good miles away from the warehouse rose took a small remote look alike thing. I quickly recognized it, and sat back quickly putting the seat belt on.

The sound of the bomb going off and building falling startled me and loki. Even tho i knew what was going to happen. Rose didn't even bat an eye on it.

"on Odin's good eye, what was that?" loki said looking out of the window

"a bomb. Harls give me a red bull you greedy bitch" she said, she said glancing at me in the mirror.

"you know ro i am gald you told me about the bomb so i would be more ready" i said sarcasm dripping from my mouth while opening and handing her red bull.

"thanks and shut it, you should have figured it out when i didn't even bother looking at the bodies to clean them or something" she said taking a glup out of her drink.

"but sorry lokes for not warning you tho, i will tell you" she said glancing at lok disgusted face.

"a warning would do darling, but i will tell you that i am more disgusted of the thing you are drinking than the bodies there.... That were there" he said.

She chuckled and said "don't judge a book by its cover" and nudged him with it "come on take a sip"

He looked at it hesitant then smelled it "its smells like piss"

"just do it, a small sip pleaseee" she said and doing the cute puppy eyes.

The times i fell for her puppy eyes truck.

Well it's loki's turn now

He gave in and took a sip. "it tastes like piss" he said scrunching his face in disgust.

Rose burst in laughter at his face and swerved a bit. "focus you idiot" i said scolding but my tone was bit playful

"seriously how do you drink that? it tastes and smells horrible" Loki said after she took the can from him and glupping it down.

"it's an energy drink what did you expect? "she then checked the time that is shown on the car desk " harls tell the old man that we are picking up the spider"

From outside i looked chill and cool but from inside i am excited and happy.

Get yourself together idiot you

I scolded myself and said "okay"

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