Chapter 10

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Harleys head snapped in my direction eyes wide but quickly composed himself and nodded.

He took the flash drive from the laptop and went to turn of lights in our room and getting his guns on the way.

I quickly flipped the couch and took a   PP-91 KEDR Submachine Gun, and 2 Glock 19 gen 4 with the thigh straps and put them on. I put my hair in a quick messy bun.

Yeah i can use my powers but i would get drained quickly

I turn the light off and turn of the kitchen. Harley came back and quick sat beside me behind the couch. Not a second later the main door of the warehouse full of its hinges.

We could here multiple foot steps were heard coming our way. Just when they were close enough i shot 3 men and rolled to the other side of the room hiding behind a wall with harely tailing behind me.

Multiple men entered the room, and i started shooting left and right. Harley shot multiple of them too.

"rose duck down" Harley suddenly yelled. I did as he told me and shot a man that crept behind me.

I gave him a quick thankful nod. Then i looked and saw that everytime i kill one 3 others would pop out of nowhere. And they started coming from the windows too.

I quickly made an ice wall between us and the men. "do u still have any amo?"i asked, i have the guns still but i don't think they are enough.

" yeah, but not enough to take them all"Harley said "i will go get the grenades"

"that shit is on the other side of the roo-" i stopped seeing him already firing and going to the other side of the room

"fucm, you idiot bitch" i said and start shooting quickly.

When i was out of amo i throwed the guns at 2 men knocking them out in process. I started making ice knives and throwing it at there heads.

I looked at Harley only to see him get shot on the left side of his chest and throwed back cause of the shot. That's the last thing i saw before i burned evryone in the room and everyone that came.

I fell to my knees after killing everyone.

I lost him. I failed to protect him. I-

A groan snapped me out of my thoughts. I was about to burn whoever groan not even looking to the direction it came from.

"damn it smells like a barbecue now, a burned barbecue" i heard Harleys voice.

I quickly turn to him and saw him rubbing his head. I tackled him to the ground " you idiot, i thought you were dead. I - i i saw the bullet hit your chest. I thought that i lost you" i said sobbing

He saw me crying and hugged me quickly "hey, hey its okay, i am okay, i am here, i am alive, i just got knocked out of the bullets pressure on my heart" he said pulling back pulling his shirt up "see i am wearing the bullet proof vest you made for me, i didn't wanna repeat what happened in spain" he shivered at the memory

He wiped my tears "i am sorry, i didn't mean to scare you"

"it's okay, you are alive right now and not hurt, wait you aren't hurt right?" i stood up quickly "stand up and give me a turn"

He sighed and stood up knowing this will make me relax a bit.

I saw no scratch on him or any injury just his head have a burise on it "you might have a concussion"

"ro, you are bleeding" i looked down and saw the grey hoodie now have a blood on it on the right side of my waiste

"ayy don't worry it's a just scratch" i said dismissing it.

"rose you have another bullet scratch on your arm too, you are gon-" he stopped talking when i quickly teleported us to an alley somewhere in New York.

"ROSE" Harley yelled

"what?" i said innocently


"look i understand your concern but we needed to get away from there, you know the protocol they find us we leave immediately, find out how they found us, destroy it or change it, then we get our things back later" i said in a serious tone leaving no room for talking.

He still looked angry and frustrated but knows that i am right so he just nodded.

I sighed and hugged him " how about we go to eat something, plus don't worry i am a bad bitch they can't kill me" i said joking at the end

" the baddest bitch of all" he said now grinning

After that we walked out of the alley to the main street. There were alot of people which made it easier to pickpocket wallets.

"i am going to a store near by to change my clothes before people get suspicious, you go to Starbucks and order the usual i will be back in 30 minutes if not leave immediately" i said handing him some of the money i found in the wallets before disposing them.

He nodded and entered Starbucks. I turned  and walked quickly to the shop hood still up head down.

I quickly put and outfit together bought them, and went to the changing room and made a small ice cube and put it on my wounds and put a pressure on it till it stopped bleeding and wipped the blood trail with the hoodie. Then i left the store leaving the bloody hoodie at the floor in the changing room.

I will get him a new one later

I went to Starbucks and find Harley sitting on a table near some girl. She looks a geek girl. He was on her laptop typing quickly i noticed the flash in the laptop too.

I sat on a table in tbe corner a bit far waiting for him to finish. I zoned out a bit thinking about what happened in the last few hours but snapped out of it and tensed a bit when the chair infront of me moved.

I sighed a bit seeing its Harley "it's me ro relax and you look good" he said giving me my strawberry smoothie

I smiled a bit when i saw my smoothie "thanks for the smoothie, i just throwed the clothes together quickly, and you know it's hard to relax after i was ten" i said sipping on my smoothie

He tensed a bit and said "ten?!"

"yeah ten you idiot, i literally saw you die, and you saw the burned bodies, hell even some of the bodies turned to ashes" i tensed at the die part "but don't worry i am 7 now"

"okay tell me if it goes up" he said firmly i nodded he relaxed at that " so i figured out how they tracked us"

My head piped up at that and raise an eyebrow telling him to continue. "by the flash drive, before you get worried i just removed the virus few minutes ago, they send a hidden virus in the flash drive while you were downloading the data, and it's only active when the flash is plugged in"

I relaxed when i heard that he removed it. But then stood up quickly "let's get out of here, what if they tracked us while you were removing the virus"

He nodded understanding and stood up and we left we walked around for a bit, and then went and got shawarma and took them with us , he dragged me to a nearby park cause i was so tense around people.

We sat down on a bench and start eating . There were few to none people around seeing its 7 19 pm.

After we finished eating we just sat their for and hour looking at the sky. Then it got cold seeing we are at the begging of November.

"let's go and rent some room in a nearby hotel" i said standing up and stretching a bit

"no" Harley said, i looked at him shocked, "we are going to stay at Starks"

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