Chapter 24

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I walked towards the tower, and tried to enter, but some security guys didn't know that it was me, and tried to stop me.

Yeah no shit you are cover from head to toe with blood.... You probably look like some psychotic serial killer bitch

I don't have time for this.

I teleported to the living room. I saw Tony going through some papers that covered the whole ground and table, and the big screen infront of him.

He looked tired and have zero sleep for the past few days, he had multiple coffe cups around him, and some empty alcohol bottles around on the ground.

"sir" FRIDAY voice eco through the room.

"unless it's something about Rose whereabouts i don't want to hear it" Tony replied tiredly, not looking up from the paper he had in his hand.

He is searching for me?!

"sir i know were she is"FRIDAY said

" where is she? "he demanded but have some hope in his voice.

" right infront of you"i said, my voice hoarse cause i haven't eaten or drank much the past few days.

He sat there shocked dropping the papers from his hand. He looked at my bloody body, i had throwed the jacket away somewhere through all this killing and my hoodie is ripped from multiple places, my hands and legs have dried blood on them so is my face probably.

I walked over him and sat on the ground laying my head on his thigh.

He finally snapped out of it, but got more shocked at my reaction.

"i was worried about you" he hesitantly said, patting with my hair, not caring about the blood or the dirt in it.

"i am here now, dad" i said drained.

It's no use to hide, in the past few days i saw him as a father figure, the way he took care of me, the way we joked around, how he is protective over me, he even proved now that he care about me more than my biological dad ever did.

He froze again, but continued playing with my hair after a while.

We sat there for almost 15 minutes, before the elevator opened and the others came out.

They stood there shocked to see me casually laying my head on Tony's thigh while he played with my hair.

"surprise" i said with fake enthusiasm, while standing up.

They snapped out of it some wore the face of relief like Natasha, Bucky, Steve, Harley.

Others had worried face and were looking at my appearance like Peter, Client, Sam, Bruce, Wanda.

Some had confused face like Thor and Dr. Strange.

Wait why is here?...... You know what i don't want to know anymore

But anger was the face Loki had when he snapped out of his shock.

"don't go 'surprise' on me do you have the slightest idea how hard is it to track you down? Here we are going around running like and idiots playing whatever game you play and follow you. Are you that attention whore that you had to make an entrance for your run away by jumping out of the window, and what now? You come back not even 3 days later and say 'surprise'? In Odin's beard i really want... "he  yelled then he got his hands up like he was about to hit me, his fingers twitching in the  air.

He then turned around kicking the table in frustration making it slam to the wall and break.


I never wanted to hit someone so bad

What the fuck is wrong with him

I fumed angrily watching what is happening.

" aww is the big baby angwy" Rose said in a baby tone.

"don't you dare mock me" Loki snarled.

"or what?" she asked tilting her head to the right.

"are you gonna hit me?" she gasped

"oh my god i am so scared" she added in fake trembling voice.

What the fuck are you doing rose?

He growled at her,stepping closer.

"brother, contain yourself" Thor said tried to get closer. Keyword TRIED.

ro put her hand out and throwed him out of the window with her magic.

"opps" she said looking out of the window.

"now where were we?" she said frowning then smiled again snapping her fingers.

"right, the big angry baby was about to hit me" she said with fake enthusiasm.

"hmm but he looks discouraged.... I know what will helps" she said looking at a fuming and confused Loki.

A black worn out leather whip came out of thin air. She floated it towards Loki landing it in his hands.

Strange tensed a bit and eyed the whip, so did wanda but i didn't give it much of thought.

"now here this will help you" she said smiling like she accomplished something, but then it turned to a frown when she saw him hesitant to hit her with it.

He better fucking not

I thought clenching my fist, Peter grabed my hand intertwining our fingers together seeing that we both need comfort with whatever is happening infront of us.

"is the big bawy scawed?" she said in a wondering annoying tone.

What the fuck are you trying to do?

"Ro stop whatever you are doing" i saud taking step forward done with whatever crap she is doing.

She held her hand up and i froze in my place not being able to move.

What are you doing rose?

I thought worried, trying to understand what is she trying to accomplish.

"ohh are you scared that you will get scolded like the big baby you are?" Her tone was enough to even frustrate me.

"or are you afraid to disappoint everyone again?" her eyes widening void of any emotion, but she tried to hide it with a stupid smirk on her face.

Ohh..... No..... Shit

"Lo-" i was cut off when Loki brought the whip down on her left shoulder, breaking through her body and into her skin cutting  it.

Loki who sas fuming in anger, went shocked and guilty dropping the whip,  stepping forward.

He stopped when he saw Rose putting her hand up on the new  cut and putting pressure on it, and giggling.

If it wasn't silent, before it is now. They all stood there shocked, while Rose giggles broke into laugh when she dug her fingers even more in the cut.

Her laughter start to decrease, she started swaying from exhaustion. Loki snapped out of it and, quickly caught her before blacking out and falling on the floor.

He muttered something while looking down at her in his arms guilty and worried.

Bruce snapped out of it and quickly took her in his arms.

"i am taking her to the lap to treat her wounds" he said agitated , taking her from Loki while shooting him a  glare.

After he stepped in the elevator Natasha and bucky went with him.

I walked toward Loki and punches him in the face.

"how dare you hit her?" i yelled angrily.

He growled at me and teleported away.

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