Chapter 6

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After finishing breakfast, Harley and Peter went to wash and dry the dishes.

Peter insisted he helps Harley cause "Harley i swear i almost healed, and washing dishes won't hurt me, i can't sit still anymore" he said the last part glancing at me.

Harley sigh and said "okay but I wash the dishes you dry them"

I think he agreed cause i almost snapped at Peter for fidgeting through the whole breakfast.

Key word ALMOST.

I couldn't snap at him he looks like a puppy, a hyper one that's trying to sit still.

At least he tried.... And i would never hurt him he is basically a puppy to be honest.

But they don't need to know that.

I sat back on the couch now cuddling a pillow.

What? I LOVE cuddles

Few minutes later

"okay you lazy bitch, time to tell me what the fuck happened yesterday" Harley said coming out of the kitchen, and Peter trailing behind him like lost puppy.

I throwed the pillow i heard an "ouch" and i knew i hit him straight in the face,I smiled at that.

Then i stood up and stretched a bit then i stretched my back popping it almost bending my body in the other way. Peter winced at that.

"okay sit down so i can start" i said, sitting on the chair near the couch.

They sat down and i told them everything. Then Peter told us his story.

"Ох, и я читаю его мысли, поэтому я ему доверяю" i told Harley

{translation :Ohh and i read his mind, that's why i kinda trust him}

Harley looked disappointed but not surprised. He sighed and nodded.

"was that Russian? This is Russian" Peter said

My eyes snapped to him so did Harleys  eyes "you know Russian?" i said a bit harsh

"W-wha-- ohh no auntie Natasha and uncle bucky speak Russian at the tower alot i caught few words, but not enough to understand  what you said, but i recognize the accent and the words seemed famil-" Peter said quickly not taking a breath, it's quite amusing.

I would have laughed if he didn't mention Bucky.

" litter spider, breath"i cut him off, Harley chuckled a bit at him.

Peter blushed and looked down quickly. Then he stand up quickly he looked panicked.

" woah, what's wrong? " Harley said standing up, so did i walking to get the guns from under the coach, but stopped.


"1 30 pm" i said correcting him looking at my phone.

He started freaking out even more.

"hey, hey look at me, deep breath in 1 2 3 4 5 and out 1 2 3 4 5" he did that few more times and Peter calmed a  bit.

"good job potato " i said patting Harley on the back trying to break the silence.

Harley took my phone from my hand and gave it to Peter.

"Call Stark and tell him that you are okay, that way you can both relax a bit" Harley said opening my phone and giving it to Peter

"Gd idea" Peter said happily.

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