Chapter 3

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^^^^ Me saying hi after two long years of not updating #terribleauthor

Marinette's P.O.V.

His smile makes my stomach churn. The turn of his lips as they settle in a sweet grin haunt my glassy eyes. The way his hair, still damp with blood, is stuck in odd angles and shaped around his tanned complexion, the way it sticks to his upper forehead and curls around his ears. 

All of it makes me sick.

His white over shirt lays on the chair beside the table, it soaked in blood as it pools on the floor. The lack of flow causing it to now create a sticky substance on the smooth flooring of the Master's home. 

My gaze refocuses on his outstretched hand, no fear behind the simple gesture. No knowledge.

My eyes find his, and I become aware of my expression. His kind face falters and his lips form a thin line. His eyes begin to squint and his eyebrows pull together. He looks at his hand, as if to see if there's something wrong with it. Finding specks of blood, the boy glances down at his attire and gasps. Nearly falling off the table, he quickly scoots to the left, like he was trying to escape the skin he was in. 

I wish I could do the same.

"Hey kid hey kid- easy easy!" a slightly sour voice speaks.

The blonde's head whips to the side and his eyes nearly bulge out of his head. 

"What- what are you!?!" He raises his arms in protection to his face and his breathing rapidly speeds up. 

The little black creature with startling green eyes stare at the boy, and he briefly flips his attention to Master Fu. 

If kwamis could cry, I truly believe plague would be crying. 

"Is it permanent?"

I don't know whether that still small voice came from me, or Plagg. All I know is that I found my gaze on Fu, and his on me. A weak smile graced his lips and he sighs. 

"This, Marinette, I do not know for sure. Only time will tell."

"Is what permanent? Where did all this blood come from? Is it mine??" Tenseness only grows as the boy continues to speak. He pulls at his shirt and examines his shoes, like the presence of it on his skin is burning through to his bones. As he touches his bloodied clothes, red residue coats his hands and it only makes him seem worse. 

A strangled cry escapes his mouth and his hands rub at his face. His chin presses against his upper chest as he faces the floor and settles his head in his hands, blonde tendrils falling forward, still tinted with red. The few strands not poisoned by the sticky liquid still a dazzling honey blonde. 

The blonde I fell in love with. 

His back curling inward as he leans on the table, shielding himself from these strangers he doesn't know, from the strange creature he'd never seen before. 

The creature that had once been his closest friend, the one who made him the man he'd always wanted to be. The friend who gave him his escape.

Who led him to his lady.

The lady who failed him.

 I look to the floor, barely being able to stand to see him in pain, even if it's mental pain. I see he is missing a shoe, and his sock has a large hole in it near the heel. It's not the missing shoe that shocks me the most, it's the black rubber tire print branded onto his jeans. It's the rips that weren't there before. It's the knowing he took the hit for me.

I grasp the good luck charm in my pocket and rub my thumb over the fraying string. Stepping forward, my other hand is placed on his warm back, just to the right of his left shoulder blade. Rubbing his back, I lean into his space and close my eyes.I breath in his scent, focusing on the sweet vanilla cologne coating his skin before the sweat and blood ever did.

He sniffles and moves his hands down slightly from his face, his palms coming away damp, but not with blood. Fear embedded deep into his green eyes, noticeably brighter even in the dim light. The fear of the unknown that was once known, but has now faded into a painful grey.

"Who am I? What happened to me? Who are you?" His voice cracks as he splutters out question after question. I bite both of my lips, knowing I didn't have near enough strength to answer them. He squeezes his eyes shut and runs his hand over his face.

"It's ok, Adrien. You're okay. I'll protect you, I promise."

"Just like you protected me."


IT'S BEEN SO LONG I'M SORRY. To give a brief explanation, I fell out of the Miraculous fandom. With that, my passion for writing disappeared and I logged out of my account. Recently, thankfully, I started watching Miraculous again and fell back in love with the show. With that, my passion for writing returned. I hope these next few chapters will be well worth the wait. Love you all, and I'll see you in the next chapter! Comment your new favorite episode of Miraculous, and your opinions on Luka!

                              - chatattack <3

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