Chapter 2

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Marinette's P.O.V.

As Fu had said, the walk was short. The Turtle Miraculous was powerful, halting the activities in Paris as far as I could see. Master Fu walks a few feet in front of me with his hands clasped behind his back, whistling a tune as if there was not a care in the world. I scowl at him, how could he be so.. not sad? Not broken? I bite my tongue to stop myself from saying something I'd regret later. The whistling stops and so does he.

"Here we are."

I turn and look at the smallish building in front of me. No one would suspect this place of hiding the secrets of the Miraculous. I follow Master Fu inside, not much has changed since I had been here last. At least, not the scenery. A lot has changed.

"Right in here, Marinette. Bring him in here."

I follow his instructions and walk through a wide doorway. In the room, there was a few small tables scattered around and an old looking rug covered the floor. In the center of the room sat a chair. Not a normal one, one that you would find in a doctors office room. The ones that you sit on when you come in for a check-up.

"Lay him on the chair there, I'll be right back."

I do as he says and sit Adrien on the chair. His head falls to the right and his mouth comes partially open. His eyes are closed and his once glowing model skin now holds an ashy tinge to it. I swallow and step away, then turn around. I face a pastel yellow wall place my arms at my sides.

If Fu was unable to bring Adrien back, does that mean there would be a new Chat Noir? Or, a new Black Cat Miraculous holder? Would he-possibly she- adopt that name as well? Surely the citizens of Paris would notice the difference. Would they wonder what happened? Connect the dots? Would they realize that the supermodel Adrien Agreste was indeed their superhero Chat Noir?

How would Fu even bring him back? Aren't there laws? Doesn't this world have a balance? If there are laws, and there clearly are, would bringing someone back from the dead cross them? Surely it would.

Footsteps entered the room and I turn around.

"Okay, Marinette."

"Yes?" I whisper. Apparently, that's all I can muster at the moment. Under certain circumstances.

"Step back, and I'll need those."

I then notice him holding out his hand. Creases form on my forehead before I realize what he meant, my earrings. I gulp and sigh.

"Tikki, spots off."

The mask disappears and cool air washes over my skin that the spandex covered seconds before. The red glow sucks all the magic off me and disappears as well. Leaving me standing in a room with pastel yellow walls, a short man, and a dead body. Dead for now at least.

I nod my head and unclasp both of my earrings. A red blur buzzes in front of my head and Tikki gives me a small smile. I scrunch my eyebrows and peer down at the earrings in my hand then look back up to her. Before I can ask, my question is answered.

"Kwamis will only disappear if you truly do not want the Miraculous. If you have intentions of receiving the Miraculous back, they will not leave. As long as the object is close and your intentions are pure." The short man says as he takes the earrings from my hand.

I nod and gaze at the boy laying on the chair.

Master Fu steps closer to Adrien and slips the white ring off of his finger. His hand falls limply back to the edge of the chair.

"You see, Marinette. Hawkmoth needs both Miraculous to complete whatever he has planned. If you posses both of these particular Miraculous, you will be unbelievably powerful." he pause and turns his head to face me. "You will be able to resurrect the dead, control the living, and rule the Earth."

My will to breath leaves my body and I stand staring at him as if he grew another head. With those two objects, you could control the living? Bring back the dead?

"As you could imagine, if this power falls into the wrong hands... evil hands... it will be disastrous.That is why we can not allow this to happen. Hawkmoth can not get a hold of these objects, he can not have this power." Fu pulls a small lever on the side of the chair and it slowly reclines back and Adrien lays flat on his back. He then places the ring on Adrien's chest and then places the earrings next to them. The ring starts to glow a faint green and the earring a pastel red. The glows of the too objects slowly reach out to each other and finally connect. A blinding white light irrupts from them and I snap my eyes shut. It dies down and I open them again.

I peer at Adrien to see any signs of life, but he remains the same. I frown and look at my earrings. I gasp when I see no such thing. Instead, a red ring with five black spots on it and a black ring with a neon paw print.

"Your Miraculous has adapted to the gender of its holder."

I nod my head and Master Fu smiles.

"They have also been linked, thus the color and white light."

I nod again and Fu slips the black ring on Adriens right hand, then the red on one finger of his left. Master Fu backs up and pushes me back.

"Now." he whispers. "This may seem..... Miraculous." he said the last word a bit louder and the kwamis of the Ladybug, Black Cat, and Tortoise Miraculous zoomed over and hovered over Adrien's body. While Tikki and Plagg- as I was told- floated very close to each other, Wayzz was a foot or two away.

The two closest kwamis closed their large eyes and started to glow a purplish light. Yellow beams begin to shoot out of their bodies and the purple light explodes into the room. I quickly raise my hand in front of my eyes to protect them and await once again for the light to subside.

When it finally does, I remove my hands and open my eyes. I reach into my pocket and grab the bracelet with my left hand. I peer at the boy. The ashy skin has been replaced with a glowing peach and our Miraculous no longer were glowing purple and yellow.

A smile grows on my face and tears well up in my bluebell eyes. His eyes flutter open and I gasp. I look into his beautiful eyes, a wave of emotions coming over me. A wisp of worry flares in my heart as I continue to stare.

Something's different. His forest green eyes now electric green, shining brighter than before. Even with this new found energy they seem...odd. They seem off.

I grip the beaded bracelet in my left hand and move my right to his, the boy, the hero, who saved my life.

His gaze flickers down to our hands intertwined then up to my face. I blink my bluebell eyes and his name catches in my throat. He removes his hand from mine and gives a small smile.

"Hello, I'm Adrien Agreste." The boy sticks out his hand for me to take again. "And you are?"


Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry for any errors, I tried to explain the occurrences the best I could! 

- chatattack <3

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