Chapter 6

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Adrien's P.O.V.

I had to scan the room for the table the old man was referring to. The girl, of course, knew exactly where it was located. Without a glance up, she made her way to the seat and sat down. She seemed to get lost in her thoughts as she did. I gazed at her as she held both her hands tightly within her own. She fidgeted with her thumbs as if remembering a bad dream she'd had the night before. I could tell she was picking at the skin around her nails, a terrible habit indeed. But I hadn't noticed her delicate hands being this way before. What had made her pick up this motion? 

I was pulled from my thoughts by a forced cough. I shake myself out of my brain and my eyes meet the old mans. He smiles, his eyes squinting slightly closed like he knows something I don't. I give him a soft small smile and continue to the seat across from the girl. I glance up at the girl again as I take my seat.

She hadn't looked up, clearly oblivious to the now cleared throat of the man she appeared to know. If possible, she looked more afloat in her thoughts than she was before. Her eyes had turned glassy, the reflection, while sad, made the bluebell tint more alive and strikingly beautiful.

Utterly beautiful, indeed. 

My hand drifted to my hair and I ran my fingers through it. They got caught on bunched together locks. I couldn't even imagine what I looked like to others, probably an utter mess. I honestly felt as if I haven't seen myself in months. I knew what I looked like, but it felt like a year since I'd really seen myself. 

"Could I use your bathroom, please?" I mutter quietly. Maybe Marinette wasn't the only one in her thoughts. 

"Of course Adrien. It is down the hall on the right, second door."

I nod without looking him in the eye. 

Rising, I make my way to the hallway. I feel my face begin to flush and I try and steady my breathing. I turn into the bathroom and after finding the light, it flickers on.

My green eyes catch themselves in the mirror. I expected them to be dull, I had felt quite tired in the last few minutes. What I saw didn't match what I imagined.

My irises seemed to glow with every second, like two glow sticks snapped in half then left in a dim room. They made the whites of my eyes seem dull in comparison. Hues of green swirled together, they didn't look as I last remembered them. More alive, now. More alive indeed.

My hair matted in odd angled against itself and my head, a few pieces stuck straight up and I frowned. You could barely see the blonde anymore, there was too much blood. The sight of it on my skin and in my hair made me squirm. I never had developed a problem with blood before, but seeing it on myself and having no recollection of how it got there made me nauseous. I take a big breath before stripping myself of my overcoat, it was in pieces anyways. I threw it on the ground and also removed my shirt. This one, I folded and sat on the closed toilet seat. I gripped the sink with my hands and leaned into the mirror. Looking at myself again, I take a breath.

"Ok Adrien. Pull yourself together. Get it together. Come on." I mutter to myself. 

I flip on the sink. Running my hands under it, I push my hair back with my wet fingers. I cup water in my hands and begin to scrub at my scalp. Seeing the auburn water seep down the drain I scrub even harder. Yes, it'd be easier with shampoo and soap. But I didn't care. I scrubbed until the water pouring off my hair was finally clear. I didn't know how long it had been.

I didn't care. 

I then moved to rubbing the red substance off of my arms and chest. As my hands slid over my bare front, I felt something burn. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked up into the mirror at my reflection. gliding my fingers back to what I felt, I found something I absolutely did not remember getting. 

A tattoo.

I narrowed my eyes at the mirror and studied it. It wasn't even black, it was red. Bright red ink. The markings looked foreign and old, but I somehow felt like I'd seen them before. They felt important. There were numerous swirls and connecting boxes. Of course it had to be right in the center of my chest, directly between my collar bones. Thankfully it wasn't too big, just about the size of a large apple in diameter. I rub my fingers over it again, wincing as I did. It looked fresh, like I had just gotten it. Tender cherry skin surrounded it and I clenched my teeth.

Father wouldn't be happy about this. 

I finish what I had come to do, rubbing the last of the large blotches of red from my skin. While utterly sopping, my hair was golden once again. A few taints of red still remained, but it was bearable to look at now. I slicked it back across my head, only a few pieces falling forward again. 

I looked a lot older than what I remembered. My face looked more mature, I'm sure I've grown but a few inches. My hair had grown too. I looked more toned, I'm sure father was happy about that. Had I misses extra fencing lessons?

I began to suspect that I hadn't took a tumble out of my limo on the first day of school. That this girl who I hadn't even met before hadn't escorted me to some odd old man's house on a whim.

I knew these people. I had for months, maybe even a year. They knew me.

I just didn't remember.


I had fun writing this chapter, I hope I conveyed what Adrien is feeling well! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it is the last chapter in the first batch! While waiting for the next batch, check out Dusk! : )

- chatattack <3

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