Chapter 6: Fiona and Pansy

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I was running down the corridor of the castle. I've lost Harry and I haven't seen him since we left the town and I've gotten worried. I knew I should have waited for him, but I couldn't let Hermione and Ron be sitting dust with maniacs running about. I had to find them.

I was starting to get out of breath, so I decided to stop running for now. I took deep breaths and started to just walk for now. Where could Hermione and Ron be? I never got to finish the rest of my thoughts because a body decided to pin me up against the nearest wall that was available to them.

I started to hyperventilate. I'm not one to like getting pinned anywhere. I don't care who it is. It gives me anxiety and I don't like it.

"Who are you?" Sneered the girl that was pinning me. I looked at her more closely. She had short black hair, like a bob type of cut I would say. She had pale skin and her face came to resemble a pug. Her eyes were like a hazel color. Brown with gold and green specks surrounding her pupils.

"I should be asking you that same question," I breathed out. "Can you please let me go? I promise I'm not going to harm you in any way possible."

She glared at me. It's like she doesn't believe me at all. And that's what she told me. She literally told me that she doesn't believe me and she wasn't going to let go. That scared me and my anxiety towards the situation was rising. Tears were starting to prick at the corners of my eyes and I think the girl with the bob cut noticed.

She let go and backed away slowly. I took in deep breaths and being thankful that it was over. I did not like that experience one bit.

"Who are you?" The girl with the bob cut asked more demanding.

"My name is Fiona. Fiona Darthy."

The mysterious girl glared at me, but told me, "Pansy Parkinson."

"Is that your name?" I asked.

Pansy gave a firm nod. "What do you want with us? Why aren't you threatening to kill me or trying to?" She seemed to get a little desperate. "What's the whole point towards this?" She whispered.

I looked at her with sorrow, sympathy. "There isn't," I tell Pansy. "There's literally no point to this whole thing Pansy."

Pansy didn't like that answer one bit. "Then just leave!" She screamed. "Leave and just forget that we even exist!"

Before I could respond to her I heard a gun shot and a 'who's there?' from someone. "We have to hide Pansy," I whispered yelled. "Unless you want to get killed then we should be moving. Now!" I added to get the witch moving.

We were running down the corridor and stopped at an empty wall. There was nothing there, so I was in a panic. Why are we stopping here and why was Pansy walking back and forth in front of the wall. My question was answered once a door appeared out of nowhere. "Woah," I whispered in wonder.

"Following me," Pansy pulling me into the room.

"Where-?" I started, but got interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Fiona!?" I turned towards the voice and my eyes widened. It was Hermione, and Ron was right by her side.

I smiled brightly at the both of them and ran towards them to give them a big hug. "It's so good to see you guys again," I expressed.

"It's great to see you as well Fiona," Hermione told me.

"Great to see you Fiona," Ron said as we pulled away from the hug. "Where's Harry," he asked me with a confused face.

My eyes widened in sudden realization. "Shit," I whispered to myself. "I-I don't know," my voice cracked. "I literally have no idea where Harry is." I wanted to cry right then and there, but I knew it wasn't the time and place to do so.

They started to seem concerned as well. Hermione then huffed in frustration. "First we lose Draco and now we don't even have a clue where Harry is!" The bushy haired girl seemed like she wanted to lose it, but she started to take deep breaths, obviously not wanting to go crazy even further. "Parkinson," I turned towards the girl who brought me here, the girl with the bob cut. "Did you find anything. Anywhere Draco could be?"

She shook her head. "I didn't get too far because of the run in with your little friend over there," she nodded her head towards me. "We then almost got caught by those crazy muggles that are shooting up the place," she flipped her hair out of her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "It's a war zone out there and there's probably no way of getting out of here without getting killed, so I don't know how we're going to find Draco and your Harry friend."

"Maybe I could go out and look for them?" I suggested. "It's not like they're going to shoot at me, since they do think that I'm with them in trying to kill you guys."

"A-and you're not?" A random wizard boy spoke up. He had blonde hair and his figure was a roundish shape. His skin was pale, but not too pale and his eyes were a bright hazel color.

I gave him a sad looking smile because I could tell he was scared out of his mind, but aren't we all? "Positive. I promise to help you guys the best I can and promise to get your friend and mine back here safely."

Hermione smiled at me. "Thank you," she had told me.

I shook my head. "No. Thank you," and I left the room and the door disappeared as I walked away to find the two missing boys.


Malfoy and I are right now in a very tight space. It wasn't intended, but we literally had no choice in the matter.

We were walking down the corridor of Hogwarts when we saw someone die. She was a little girl that apparently Draco has seen around Hogwarts before. She was only around eleven to twelve years old and once we saw her get shot, Draco then pulled me into a broom closet.

And that's where we are now, a broom closet. Draco had his body fully against mine and he was breathing heavily. It's not his fault that he's right up against my body this, but that doesn't stop me from holding in a blush. I've never had some up against me since, you know.

"Do you think it's safe to go out?" I asked Malfoy in a hushed whisper.

"I don't know," he mumbled to me. "Let me check." He shuffled his feet towards the door and put his ear against. His eyes widened. "Someone's there," he said in a rush. He came back to his spot looking towards the door with fear. His body started to shake and he wrapped his arms around my chest and buried his head as well once we saw that someone was opening the door.

I pulled out my gun that I had in my waist band and pointed it towards the door. My other hand was on Draco's head and holding him close to me. I know I've only met him like a hour ago, but I was enjoying the blonde's company and I wasn't going to let anyone kill him. Not today. Not ever.

Once the door fully opened I breathed a sigh of relief. It was Fiona.

"Harry!" She said excitedly. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into a hug, Draco tripping into my back and slamming his face into one of my shoulder blades. "It's so good to see you!" She expressed. "Thank god you're ok! Who is this?" She turned her attention towards Malfoy.

"I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy," the blonde told her.

Her eyes widened with shock, but then broke into a grin. "I was hoping to find you as well," she told him.

"H-how do you-?"

"Oh! I'm so sorry! My name's Fiona, Harry's friend, and I was told that you were missing by Hermione and Pansy."

"Y-you know Pansy?" He had so much hope in his eyes that I wanted to smile. That was the first time he ever showed hope in them the whole time I've spent time with him. "She's my friend actually. Can you take me to her?"

"Of course," Fiona told him with a small smile. "Let's go!" She dragged us along and brought us to where Hermione, Pansy, and other witches and wizards like them are.

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