Chapter 7: Draco's Friends

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I saw a girl with a bob cut attack Draco as we entered the magical room. Draco told me that it was called the Room of Requirement. Was this the girl Fiona was talking about? Draco's friend. Pansy, I believe her name was.

"Oh Draco!" I heard the girl sob out. "I was so worried! We were so worried!" She gestured to people behind her. We're they Malfoy's friends? Maybe.

They were a variety of sizes as I looked at Malfoy's friends. One, or two I guess, were bulky and very large. Then there was one that was pretty thin, but definitely not as thin as Malfoy. And then there was a boy with darker skin, but about the same size as the other thin boy.

Malfoy turned around and looked at me. He then gave me a small smile and gestured for me to come over. Why? Did he want something from me or just show me off like I'm some sort of prize that had saved his life. I'm guessing it's the second one because I did technically save his life.

I started over to the blonde with my hands in my pockets. I'm not one to really socialize and if I'm going to be forced to go into a full on conversation I'm probably going to be tempted to make a run for it and dying in the process. Dying is definitely better than going into a conversation with people I barely know. Actually getting into a conversation with people I don't know. Because I don't know these people at all. And I'm afraid that the bigger guys will beat me up if I don't make a good impression.

"So," said the girl with short black hair and the pug looking face. "This is the famous Harry Potter that saved your life Dray?" I was right. Draco was going to show me off like some prize.

"Never knew a muggle could be the one saving a Wizard," said one of bigger boys in a gruff voice. Yeah. He looked much bigger up close. "I mean he doesn't even have magic Draco. How was he the one to save you?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Goyal, but if you haven't noticed, the muggles are the ones with the upper hand at the moment. Why do you think we're all here in the room of requirement?" Draco made an annoyed voice. I'm guessing this Goyal isn't the brightest of the bunch. "Anyway," Malfoy turned towards me. "These are my friends Potter. This girl right here is Pansy Parkinson," he gestured to the girl that he was talking to before I came over. "Then you got Gregory Goyal, Vincent Crabbe," he points to the bigger bunch of the group. "And then Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini," he gestures to the last two. I hope I can remember everyone's names.

"Nice to meet you guys," I say with a nervous looking smile, but none the less friendly.

"Nice to meet you Potter," the darker boy, Blaise, says to me. "We appreciate you bringing Draco to safety."

"Yeah," started Nott. "Merlin knows that he would have died right out there."

"I would watch your mouth if I were you Nott," Malfoy sneered towards him. "I believe I would have survived out there longer than you, so I would keep your trap shut." Nott seemed to back away after Draco's calm, but yet scary, outburst. I would have. Malfoy doesn't seem like the person that you want to mess with. "Now," he turned towards me. "Shall we go over to Granger and Weasley? I know you're going to want to hang around them more over these idiots." There was a course of 'heys' from his friends.

I nodded. "Sure."

We walk over to said redhead and bushy haired girl and greeted the two of them.

"Hi Ron and Hermione!" I gave a brilliant smile.

"Harry!" They coursed together and gave me a big hug, which I returned greatly.

As we let go one of one another Hermione was the one to speak first. "It's so good to see you Harry!"

"Yeah mate it's great to see you alive and all," Ron chuckled. I chuckled as well. "See you've met Malfoy here?"

"Yes. Probably not in the safest environments, but it was great to meet him none the less."

"Surprised that he even trusted you," Ron looked over to Malfoy.

The blonde shifted on his feet and said, "well...I saw that he wasn't going to kill me, so I had no choice in the matter. But don't get me wrong I'm still iffy about you Potter," he sends me a side glance.

"Noted Malfoy," I grinned.

We talked for a good hour or so, but when I mean we I mainly mean Ron and Draco explaining to me what quidditch was and that I would most likely be in love with it if I were a Wizard. Who knows, maybe in another world where I was a being with magic. I also explained to them how I used to play soccer at my school, which got a groan of annoyance from Ron.

"Dean always brings soccer rules into quidditch and I still don't understand the bloody sport!"

"Who's Dean?" I questioned the redhead.

"Another friend of ours, or at least a friend of mine and 'Mione's. Draco isn't one to talk to other houses except his own. Apparently 'Mione's the exception for Gryffindor?" I gave him a weird look. "What?" He questioned me.

"Honestly Ronald you can be so thick sometimes," Hermione scolded her boyfriend. "Harry here doesn't go to Hogwarts, nor knows anything about the place, so therefore he's not going to know anything about the houses."

"Oh right," Ron gave me a sheepish look that he forgot about that.

"It's alright," I shrugged. "Is there a book about the school that I can read?" Once I said that Hermione face lit up like a Christmas tree, Ron went to a paler color than what he normally was, and Draco just gave me a look that said you-fucked-yourself-this-time. Why though?

"Hogwarts: A History is the book!" Hermione said in a know it all type of voice. "You'll find out all the information that you would need in that book!"

"Or you could just ask Hermione here everything about Hogwarts and she'll give you the answers," Ron suggested like I wasn't even interested in reading it. I kind of was interested though.

"Do you by chance have the book on you?" I asked her.

"Sadly no," she sighed. "But the room can give you a copy!"

"It can?"

"Certainly! It's called the Room of Requirement after all." Hermione got the book for me then shoved it into my hands. "Happy reading! And if you need to ask anything about anything then come to me, or even Malfoy or Ron, and we'll answer your questions the best we can."

I gave her a grateful smile and was off to read about this school that was known about Hogwarts. Especially what a Gryffindor was. I believe that's what Ron called it.

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