Chapter 5: The Blonde Boy

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This boy. At least from what I can tell he was a boy. He looked about my age, but was definitely a bit shorter than me. He had pale skin, white as snow, and his hair could definitely blend in with it, but it was more blonde than white, but it was close. I didn't know what color his eyes were, since they were closed, but I bet you that they could match his complexion very well. He was thin, but a healthy type of thin. You can tell that he eats the right amount, but he was as thin as he can be.

I took his face into my hands and expected him closer. I know this is probably creepy, but I could care less at the moment. He's intriguing and passed out, so I'm taking my chances.

What I can say though is that his skin was soft. Compared to my rough and unmoisturized hands it was like touching a new born baby. He had no flaw to his face or anything. I'm kind of jealous that a person can look this perfectly perfect. His features were sharp and everything. The only thing that was out of place on his perfect face was the puffy looking eyes and the black rims under his eyes. Has he been crying?

I didn't really get much of a chance to think about it because the boy started to stir. I froze. My hands still holding his face and everything.

His eyes started to flutter open. I wasn't wrong when I said that his eyes matched his complexion so well. They were like a grey mercury color. They were so beautiful and I couldn't stop looking at them. This was no human. This was an angel sent straight down from heaven and I didn't want to let go.

"Wh-" he started to speak, but his eyes widened and jumped out of my grasp and yelled, "who the fuck are you!?" Did he really have to yell? He was going to get us caught. "You some type of pervert?"

"Shhhh!" I shushed. "Do you want to get caught or something?" I whispered yelled. That seemed to get his attention because he closed his mouth tight and didn't say anything else. "Good. Because I don't want to get caught either. I may not like these people, but I don't want them catching me talking to you or else we'll all be screwed."

He looked at me curiously. "Who are you?" He questioned.

I raised my left brow at him and smirked. "Why acting like you should be dead right now?"

"I thought you were going to kill me. You didn't though?"

I chuckled at him. God he must be stupid. At the same time though he doesn't know who I am and what I'm here for, so I guess it makes sense. "The name's Harry Potter. And you might be?"

"Wait," he didn't answer my question. "You're Harry. As in Harry Potter. Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley's muggle friend?"

"Yes?" What was he going at? Did he know about me or something? Does he know where Hermione and Ron are?

He looked at me longingly. He seemed to look like that he had made a mistake of some sort? "I'm Draco Malfoy," he smiled. "I'm a student here at Hogwarts," he stuck out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Harry Potter."

I grabbed his smaller hand and shook it with great delicacy. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Draco Malfoy," I smiled back.

We then got up, me helping Draco, and started off down the halls. "Granger has mentioned you you know. Said that you and your friend Fiona, I believe her name was, wanted to to help us? How can you possibly do that?"

I stopped walking for a moment and looked at the blonde. I didn't do anything, but quirked up a side of my lip. "Does there have to be a reason Malfoy?"

He glared at me. "Of course there has to be Potter. You have to have some sort of motive behind all this," he accused me.

"You're right. I do. And I will tell you what that motive is," I walked closer to him and towered over him by just his shoulders. "It's to make sure I, Hermione, Ron, you, and everyone else come out of this alive."

"There's already people that are dead Potter," he whispered with fear.

I looked at him softly and gave him a sad smile. "I know," I whispered. "But there's nothing much we can do about it. All we can do is honor their memory. I may have not known them, but that doesn't mean that I won't honor the people who have died just because of who they are. It's like in the past. There has been wars and there's nothing much we can do, but honor the people who had died in that war. We may not have known them, nor have we been alive then, but we know the these soldiers were fighting for a reason. The reason is for the evil to be taken out of the world and live in peace. I know that there's never not going to be bad things happening and the evil will never leave fully, but that doesn't mean that we can't hope."

"Who knew Harry Potter had these words of speech hidden inside of himself."

"You've only known me for a few minutes Malfoy. How could you expect me not to have such words?"

"I can tell you're not the brightest when it comes to certain things. Sure, you're smart and all that, but definitely not the brightest," the prat smiled.

"Fuck you," I said playfully.

"You can, but I don't think it's the right timing to do so," he smirked evilly.

"You did not just-" my face turning a shade of red on my tan skin.

"Oh, but I did Potter," he smirked. I could see a flush of pink on his cheeks. The baster thinks that he can hide that from me?

I shake my head. "Whatever," I told him and started stalking off in big strides towards the direction we were previously in.

"Hey! Wait up you prick!" Malfoy had called out to me. Oh this boy was so going to be so much fun messing with while I'm here.

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