Chapter 8: Tell Me Your Story Potter

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Reading about Hogwarts was very interesting I must say. I've learned about the four houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, and I learned that Hermione and Ron are Gryffindors and Draco is a Slytherin. There's so much more to this school that's so magical and I would have loved to come here! Maybe people would actually like me, not like the people at my school. I sigh.

Anyway, it's been over four months since Fiona and I have been here at Hogwarts. I've met many people, well wizards and witches, but it's the same thing none the less. The most important person that I was able to get to know was Draco. I got to learn so much about him and what his home and school life was like. His parents sound pleasant, but not so much his father. It's not like he's a bad father, but he seems very strict.

"My father was actually not so accepting of me when I came out as gay," he had told me. That's another thing that I figured out about him. "In the end though he realized his mistake when he almost lost me, his only son," he looked at me with beautiful misty mercury eyes. "Can't believe it took him to almost loose me to let himself accept who I actually am."

"Well, not all parents are perfect," I shrugged. "If I ever came out to my parents about anything I know that they would accept what I've decided."

"Sounds like great parents," he let out a quiet laugh.

"Yes, they're great, but not perfect." I look at him and realized that he was staring out into space. "Hey," I nudged him. "What's on your mind?"

I saw a tint of pink cover his cheeks and Draco responded with, "nothing." We fell into a comfortable silence until he decided to ask me, "what's your story Potter?"

I looked at him. "What do you mean? Didn't I just tell-" he lifted up his hand to stop me from finishing my sentence.

"Your story Potter. Not your parents and none of that. I want to hear what has happened to you."

My face hardened and I didn't speak a single word. Can I trust him with what has happened? I'm not sure. I know I told Hermione and Ron what had happened, but in all honesty I had no choice in the matter because of the run in I had with the bullies from my school.

"I-I-" I couldn't form a sentence on this matter. I can't tell him. Why can't I though? It was a breeze, kinda, telling Hermione and Ron, but I can't tell Draco. I have this feeling that I can trust him and if I tell him what has happened to me he won't say a word. So, what's holding me back? Is it that I don't want him to think of me anything different from what he knows about me now? But why is that so important to me? Why do I care what Draco Malfoy thinks? I don't! But do I really? I'm not sure.

I got knocked out of my thoughts with a hand on my shoulder and a kind face looking my way. Those eyes. They're my favorite thing about Draco and just knowing that he can look at me like that makes me smile.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," the blonde reassured me. "If you're struggling to tell me then now is obviously not the best of times."

"No I'm sorry. I usually don't have a problem with telling the story that highlights what people think of me. But people don't know the truth, so I guess that's why no one likes me."

"That's not true."

"And why do you say that?"

"Your parents don't hate you. Neither does Granger or Weasley, and even your muggle friend doesn't hate you one bit. And...I don't hate you."

"It's because they know the full story and you don't know it at all."

"Then tell me."

"I can't."


"Because I don't want you to think of me any differently than before."

He just stares at me once I said that.

"I won't," he whispered.

I shake my head. "Need to go." I got up and left the smaller boy alone. I walked towards the door that appeared and hesitated. I then opened the door and left the room. Not looking back at all.


"Harry?" I croaked out as I saw him leaving the room. What was that idiot doing!? To be honest I'm not even one hundred percent sure. What could be so bad that he needed to leave the room? What couldn't he tell me?

Screw it. I'm going after him. But wait...wouldn't I get caught and killed? But Harry. I'm not sure what to do!

I grab my hair in frustration and let out a loud groan. Why is it so difficult to figure out if I should go after that daft boy. The stupid boy with unruly hair that was as dark as the midnight sky. Then you got is beautiful eyes that shone as bright as emeralds. And just that stupid beautiful face that always makes me smile. Stupid Potter and just his stupid everything!

"Dray?" I heard a voice call from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see one of my best friends, Pansy Parkinson. "Are you alright?" She seemed very concerned, so I'll just flat out tell her the truth.

"No I'm certainly not ok because of stupid Potter," I grumbled.

Pansy raised her eyebrows and plastered a smirk on her pug like face. "It's always Potter ain't it?"

"God damn right about that."

"Still won't admit that you have the hots for the boy?" Pansy still smirking and looking are her nails.

I glared at her. "Now why would I admit that if it's not true?"

"Oh but it is darling," she now crosses her legs over each other and looks at me with more of a softer smile towards me. "Everyone in this room sees it, so why do you deny those feelings of yours?"

My cheeks heat up and I tensed up a bit. A finally let out a sigh after awhile and admit defeat. "The reason I don't say anything is because I know he only sees me as a friend. Maybe not even a friend because he doesn't tell me anything about himself."

"I thought he did?"

"About his family yes, but not about his other life." The girl who I call my friend looks at me for me to explain what I mean. "You know. His true self. Stories that are embarrassing, happy, anything really!" I throw up my arms.

We go quite for a bit. That was until Pansy called out for one of the only other muggles that we had here. "Hey Fiona!"

That said girl turned towards us and brightened up a bit when she saw it was Pansy calling for her. "Hey Pansy, Draco, what do you need?"

"Draco was wondering if he could ask you a question?" Pansy asked innocently.

"I did?" I don't remember that!

"Yes you did darling. You know."

"I don't really," I shake my head and giving the girl an apologetic look.

"About Harry!"

"What about Harry?" Fiona raised her brow.

I sigh. "I'm sorry to bring you into this."

"No he's not," Pansy says. She just won't shut up today.

I huffed. "Fine. I'll ask. Why won't Harry speak about anything else besides his family? Sure, he speaks about you a bit, but nothing else. Did something happen?" The girl goes a few shades white and her eyes widened. Now that answered my question. "Something did happen. Am I right?"

She sighed and nodded her head. "Yeah something did happen, but it's not place to say. I'm sorry," she added quickly as an afterthought.

"No it's fine. I understand."

I space off and look towards the exit and Harry left through not too long ago and I'm honestly about to say fuck it and look for the boy that probably needs someone by his side. I'm the one who pressed this matter on him and I'm going to be the one to make it right.

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