Chapter 12: Letters and Hedwig

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Draco took me to an area at one of the highest points of Hogwarts. It was known as the Owlery. I was surprised to see owls to even be here! I would have expected them all to flee, but I guess not.

"You can write your letter and send it to whoever you want. You can pick any owl to use since I don't believe anyone would care," Draco directed me. He was still in a sort of stage of shock, but otherwise he was able to speak. I nodded and grabbed a piece of paper and pen that I, for some reason, have on me. Guess I'm always prepared without really really realizing it.

"Thank you Draco," I had told him before I started to write. "I have a question though." Draco hummed to let me know that he was listening. "Is there any possible way to get outside help. Like people from your world?"

Draco snapped his head up and looked at me with wide grey eyes. "Why?"

"Because I don't think we'll be able to get every single muggle, as you like to call us, to help with our situation." Draco giggled at how I used the word muggle. I've never used the word and I guess me basically calling myself that made him giggle. That warmed my heart to know that I can make that sound come from his mouth.

"I guess I can help you write letters," the blonde said with half of a small smile. He went and grabbed a few pieces of paper that I had a hold of and I gave him one of my two pens. He looked at it weirdly and told me that he has never seen something like this before. I laughed and told him it was just like a quill, but you didn't have to keep dipping it into ink to be able to write. He beamed at the idea and once he started writing to his father, Lucius Malfoy Draco had said his name was, and was loving the pen that I gave him. He told me he was never going to give it back. I told him that I would give him more when all of this was over. He loved me for that.

I started writing to my dad saying:

Dear Dad,

How are you and mom? Hopefully good. Things over here are not the greatest.

Fiona was killed just a few hours ago, but maybe when you get this letter it would already be a day. I'm not sure how quick owl post is. Draco tells me that it's fast depending on what owl you choose to send your letter.

Right! Draco. You don't know him. He's someone I've met here at Hogwarts. He's very nice, but can get snarky when the time is right. I like that about him.

Fiona actually suggested that I had a crush on him! I found that very much ridiculous. He's just a friend and nothing more. I know I've come out as bisexual about a year ago, but that doesn't mean that I like him. Right? Well, I guess you can't really answer that. Only I can. It's hard to describe.

Anyway, back to what I'm supposed to be writing to you about. We need help. It's gotten so out of hand here that I don't even know if I can do anything about it now. Please come and help. Bring the police force I please bring them here to stop these people killing those with magic. Dad. It's gotten that bad. Draco should be writing to someone from the Wizarding World as well to have them bring back up. I'm scared for what's going to happen if we don't stop this now.

I almost died, as well as Draco. They carved something into my head and I don't know what to think anymore. Please hurry. I love and miss you.

Love your son,

Harry James Potter.

I put my pen down once I finish my letter. I looked over towards the blonde and it looked like he was just finishing up writing to his father.

I looked over at his letter and read:

Dear Father,

It's your only son, Draco. I believe you might have not expected a letter from me. Probably thought I was dead, didn't you? Surprise! I'm not. Tell mother that I'm ok since I know she must be worrying about me. There's no need. Really.

I've been getting help from a new friend that I've made, a very handsome friend that I may add. And before you say anything- no, I'm not sleeping with him. Honestly, I know mother would think that, but tell her he's just a friend. Emphasize friend! I may find him handsome. He has this built body that I sometimes can't take my eyes off, his hair is ridiculous, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to run my hands through it, and then you also have his beautiful emerald green eyes that I'm always so memorized by. He doesn't notice though. At least I don't think he does...

Enough with that and my love life though. But I swear if mother starts bringing out her wedding planner and starts asking questions I will go up to one of those insane muggles and have them shoot me in the head. I love you mother, but please don't.

I'm writing to you to talk about how it's getting really bad here at Hogwarts. Is there any way possible that you'll be able to bring some aurors or just anyone from the Ministry to come help us?

Harry, my new muggle friend that I made, is writing to his dad to hopefully seek help as well. I know you'll probably not approve of my actions, but I know that they're good. Harry has saved my life and one of his only muggle friend risked her life and died for me and him. Please consider and I hope that you can back to me soon.

Your son,

Draco Lucius Malfoy.

I looked away, heat rising from my neck to the tips of my ears. Draco. Draco Malfoy finds me handsome? Oh god! I don't even know what to think anymore!

I was knocked out of my thoughts with Draco calling my name, "Harry," he said. "You ready to send your letter to your dad?"

I couldn't speak, so I only nodded.

We both walked over to two different owls. Draco walked over to a simple brown owl, but there was this one that caught my eye. It was a snowy white owl. I was so memorized by it that I had to check the owl out. I stride over to the owl and pet her beautiful white feathers.

"Now who might you be?" I asked the owl. It didn't respond, obviously, so I looked down to see a label on the perch that it was on. It said "Hedwig? Is that your name girl?" With a name like that I would expect it to be a girl. Unless I'm just a twit in assuming an owl's gender and Hedwig could also belong to a boy. I shrugged and the owl nipped my hair. "Hey! What was that for?" All she did was shake her feathers and hooted at me. I glared at her, but just shook my head in amusement. I like this owl.

"I have a question for you." She just looked at me, like she was staring deep into my soul. Reading all my secrets. I hope she doesn't tell anyone about my Draco obsession. Wait. She's an owl. She won't tell anyone! Maybe her owl friends, but maybe not. I'm not sure. "Can you send this letter to my dad please? His name is James Potter."

What I said made her excited and ready to do a task that seemed like she was born for. In all honesty though, she probably was born for this task.

I tied the letter to Hedwig and once I said I was done tying the letter she took off into the night sky. I really hope that my dad gets it in time. Hopefully he'll be able to come and help us in some way.

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