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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is February 15th, 2020. It is a great honor to welcome you to this story. I am so humbled that you decided to pick this out and give it a read. I genuinely hope that I can make some friends on this story as I have my other ones, which you should check out lol! Enjoy!

Cast List

Y/n L/n

so uh the trick here is

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so uh the trick here is...its you...hehe

Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston

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Anna Watson

Anna Watson

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BACKSTORY THAT YOU NEED TO READ: This is my best friend/wife Anna Watson

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BACKSTORY THAT YOU NEED TO READ: This is my best friend/wife Anna Watson. She has countless AMAZING Marvel fanfictions (most of them are Loki). Her account is 221_blogger101. PLEASE go check her out, check her work out, and appreciate the loml. Love you babe!

Sebastian Stan

Y/n shakes her leg in anxiety, staring at the thread-bare cheap carpet lining the floor of the two conference rooms

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Y/n shakes her leg in anxiety, staring at the thread-bare cheap carpet lining the floor of the two conference rooms. She looks up at all the other women auditioning beside her, and she notices their beauty. Why did I think auditioning for 'Loki' was a good idea? There's no way I'm going to be able to do this, she thinks. 

"Y/n L/n?" A stagehand calls out, poking his head out of the second conference room and main audition room. She swallows her fear and stands up, pushing her nerves aside and putting on a bright face. 

Y/n walks inside the room and looks at the panel. The stagehand, Kate Herron, and Michael Waldron all sit there. Y/n smiles and them and stands in front of the table. They all smile back at her, Michael mulling over her papers a little.

"Hi, Y/n!" He greets warmly. "My name is Michael Waldron and I am the writer of 'Loki.'"

Kate flashes a smile and a nod at her. "My name is Kate Herron and I'm the director."

The stagehand glances up at Y/n. "Oh, I'm not actually evaluating you. I'm just helping them." Y/n laughs a little at this.

"It is such an honor to meet you all. Thank you so much for seeing me," she says, clasping her hands together. 

"I can see you are just a little bit nervous, so go ahead and take your coat off, shake off the nerves and just chill. We're gonna have a great time together!" Michael says, helping to flick the fear off of Y/n.

She tucks her coat onto the chair beside her and shakes her hands a little. "So I'm going to explain how this is going to go," Kate begins. "We're going to start with a few warm-ups, get the lips loose and just really take a look at your range. Then we're going to read a little from the script, which I believe you've signed a contract to keep in secrecy. There'll be a few scenes we'll cover, so that'll take 30 minutes tops. And that's it! If all goes well, which I'm sure it will, then you will be recieving an email from us no later than tomorrow night with the callback time. If that goes well, then we're going to set you up for a chemistry test!" She explains.

Y/n nods, quickly filing this information into her brain. Michael motions for the stagehand to close the door, and Y/n takes a deep breath.


Y/n steps onto the sidewalk and scrambles to grab her phone, barely supressing her excitement. She quickly calls her best friend, Anna Watson. The phone rings two times before Anna's eager voice calls out. "Y/n?!"


"How did it go?"

"Amazing!" Y/n squeals. Anna gasps and squeals on her end as well.

"Oh my gosh, please get home and spill everything. I'll order some pizza and open a bottle of wine or something," Anna gushes.

Y/n smiles to herself. "I am on my way right now. With any luck, I'll be getting a callback by tomorrow."

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