Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"What?" Stan practically shouted down the phone to me. I could hear voices in the background, obviously asking what was wrong.

"It was one time.. And-- And, we didn't use.." I couldn't finish my sentence; I felt like such an idiot. I knew we should have used protection, then nothing like this would've happened.

"Rosie, you id--" Maddie cut him off.

"Don't have a go at her..Mistakes happen babe." She said; which made me smile. At least I know someone would stick up for me.

"I suppose.. Sorry Rose."

"It'll be fine babe." Maddie whispered, but still loud enough for me to hear.

"I-- I don't know what to do Stan.." I cried.

"Rosie, sweetie, I'll be there in a bit okay?" He said, which made me feel bad. He was leaving his girlfriends house for me.

"Okay..I'm sorry Stan." I mumbled.

"Hey it's not your fault." He replied.. "I have to go, I'm now in the car." He said, I heard him say goodbye to Maddie, and that he loved her.

"Okay.." I said, and we both hung up. I was so scared of what was going to happen. Not that I don't want kids.. Because I do, just not yet..

Ten minutes had passed, and my brother came rushing through the door. I had been curling up on the sofa for the past ten or so minutes.

"Rosie, sweetie." He said pulling me in for a hug.

"Stan..W-- What do I do?" I sniffled.

"First we need to know if you are.."

"Pregnant." I finished his sentence. "How will I tell Louis?"

"We won't say anything to him yet until we find out.." He replied pulling me in tighter to him.

"Can..Can Maddie come with me? To the nurse?" I asked him. I mean, I'd love for my brother to be there.. But, I'd rather have a girl there..

"Yes, we'll go tomorrow. I'll go book an appointment now." He said trying to smile. I could tell he was a little upset; he just didn't want to show it.

"Okay.." I said and snuggled bak up to the sofa again. I felt so tired after today, it had been eventful. My eyes trailed themselves shut and soon enough I was in a dreamless slumber; dreaming about him.

* * * *


"Your doctors appointment is in an hour." He replied. That's when I'd remembered last nights events. I don't feel emotional like last night though, thankfully.

"Okay, is Maddie here?" I asked looking around the room I was currently in.

"Nope, she's on her way now. Go get ready, I'll call you when she's here." He said with a smile.

I heaved myself up off the sofa and up the stairs, it took me a little while but I got to my room eventually. I rummaged through the rest of my clothes and threw on a red and black tartan dress with black tights. I then started doing my hair; straightening most of it, with a couple of little curls. After that I applied a smudge of makeup.

"Is she here yet?" I called out to my brother down the stairs.

"I'm here.. Ready to go?" She asked standing at the door of my room.

"Not exactly.. But I need to go." I said with a sigh.

"Come on." She smiled, took my hand and we both walked out my bedroom door. I received my black flats and placed them on each foot.

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