Chapter 15

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A/N: Two updates of this in the same week. Woo:3 Anways, what did you think of the last chapter? Don't hate me for the last chapter:3 Anyways. This chapter is dedicated to @AThousandYears, because we've been talking recently, and she's crazy but awesome:') haha. xx

Chapter 15

"How can you not remember me?" I cried.

"Am I supposed to?" He asked. He looked shocked. I can't believe my own brother doesn't remember me.

"What about me? Stan, please, baby, I love you." Maddie said to Stan again. He just stared at her, no expression on his face.

I heard the door open, it was Louis. "Rosie. Baby, what's wrong?" Louis gasped. He rushed over to me, pulling me in his embrace. He turned and saw Stan. "Oh, Stan, you're awake."

I looked up at him, and cried some more. Stan's next words were going to hurt him.

"Sorry ... But, who are you again?" Stan asked, a confused expression written all over his face.

"Wh- Stan?" He asked.

"Excuse me, but can you three please leave the room?" The nurse asked us nicely. I sadly left the room, with Louis.

As soon as Louis and I got outside, he comforted me. "Hey baby, don't cry. Shush." He cooed.

"He doesn't remember me Louis." I screamed.

"Hey, shush, it'll all be alright." He said.

"Louis, you say that a lot. But, I don't think that everything will be alright." I cried, I let myself out of his arms. I started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asked. I stopped and turned around. I looked into his eyes.

"I just need to get away. But, alone." I cried. I turned on my heel and walked off. I walked out the hospital ward, and out the hospital.

As soon as I got out, the cold breeze hit me. I shivered, only being in my leggings and a top. It was a cold afternoon, but I didn't know this until I stepped outside the hospital doors because I'd hardly left the his bed. My head was still trying to get round everything. I was right. I needed some space. I needed some space from everyone. -Her outfit is in the external link-

I started to walk, this was going to be a long walk. I knew my destination. I just needed to get their.

"Miss, do you need a ride?" A stranger asked me, slowing his car down.

"Nah, I'm alright. I'm not that far from where I am heading." I lied. I just didn't want to be with anyone right now. I smiled. He smiled back, before nodding.

"If you're sure." He said. I nodded. He started up the engine again, and drove off. Well, that was weird.

I walked and walked, until I reached my destination. I stood in front of the big house. My big brothers house. It was the only place I wanted to be right now.

I got the spare key from the secret place -under the plant pot- and unlocked the door. I walked in. This was probably going to be hard. But I really have to do it.

I walked further and further into the house, and found the sofa. I layed on it, snuggling one of his shirts. It still had his scent on it. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.

I layed there like that for about thirty minutes. It felt like I had him with me. And that everything was fine. But when I opened my eyes, I came back to reality, and remembered that everything wasn't alright.

"I should really go back to the hospital." I thought to myself. I had been away for about an hour or two.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. A way, to try and help Stan remember me. I went to his room, and through his personal stuff. I found a few bits. Some emotional, some happy, some funny. I just hoped this would bring his memory back. Or at least help him remember a little.

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