Chapter 14

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A/N: Sorry it took me a little while to update:') But, I'm updating now. I've been busy recently, sorry:/ This chappie, is dedicated to @lekittehcat, because she made me this awesome cover! Thankyou again. xx

Chapter 14

-One Week Later-

"Rosie. Rosie baby, wake up." Louis soothing voice rang through my ears.

I moaned. "I want to sleep."

"We need to talk to the doc." He said.

"Oh, okay." I said. I got up with Louis. I quickly gave my brother a kiss on the cheek and exited the room.

"So, what is it Doc?" I asked, once we met.

"We just want to let you know that he's making great progress." He smiled. Suddenly, something inside me lit up. Like everything was complete.

"Really?" I asked happily.

"Do you know when he'll wake up Doc?" Louis asked, after wrapping his arms around my waist.

"No, we don't, but we are hoping that he will soon." He replied.

"I hope so too." I sighed.

"Don't worry love, he's made good progress over this past week." He said reassuringly to me.

"Thank you for everything Doc." I said. "Can I go back in now?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled. I did so, I walked back in to my brother. Oh, did I tell you? I was now cast free. I had it off two days ago. It was good to get rid of it. I hated it.

I walked in the room, and sat back down in my usual space. I had been sitting here for the past week or two. Louis came in minutes after, joining next to me.

"Rosie. There's something I need to tell you." He said. He seemed nervous.

"What is it Lou? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just got a call from Simon." He sighed.

"What is it Lou? You can tell me anything." I smiled.

"He wants me back now. Something about preparing for a single." He sighed.

What? Was I hearing right? But, I couldn't stop him and his band. He now had a career. And he couldn't ruin it. Especially for me.

"Louis. It's alright. You go. I'll be fine here." I smiled weakly. I knew I wasn't. It would be strange without him.

"You sure?" He asked. He leaned over to hug me.

"Yeah, go Louis. You need to get started with your career." I smiled.

"Okay, but I don't have to be back for another few days. And when I do get back, we can Skype, an call everyday." He said. I knew it wouldn't be the same, but it would be better than nothing.

"I love you Rosie, and I always will. I can't believe how strong you've been through all of this. And I'm always here do you, you know that right?" He said. I felt my eyes tearing up.

"Yes, I know that Louis. And I love you too Lou." I smiled. He leaned over, and we shared a quick kiss.


"Come on bro. Wake up know? I have loads of stuff to tell you. Lots of stuff have happened over the past week and a bit. I just want to her your laugh again. Even if it will be the last time I hear it. I want to hear your voice, mocking me. And how will I cope eh? How will I cope when it's mum and dads anniversary? You know, that day. How will I cope? I need you there. With me. Every step of the way. I need you bro. You are the only family I've got, and apart from Louis, you're the most important person in my life. And I can't imagine my life without you Stan. I really can't. As much as I hate you sometimes, I still love you. Please, wake up. Also, your girlfriend she's worried sick. Please, wake up for us?" I felt my eyes well up with tears. It was currently just me in my brothers room on my own. I wanted to get everything out. These past couple of days, I've been so strong and everything, keeping it all in. But I guess I just needed to get it all out. Louis was currently out, he was on the phone to the boys and Simon about work stuff. I just sat their, with my head in my hands.

"Why me?" I cried.

"Why does everything happen to me? Like what have I done to deserve all of this?" I cried again. My sobs getting louder.

"Stan, please bro. Just wake up." I whispered. My sobs now calming.

There was a knock on the door. I quickly wiped my eyes the best I could. "C-come in." I called out.

"There's someone here to visit." A receptionist said to me. I nodded.

"Let them in." I sniffled. I went over to the little mirror and sorted myself out a bit. I knew who it was who was going to walk through that door know.

"Rosie." I soft voice said, as she made her way into the room.

"Maddie." I said. We ran up to each other and hugged our tightest hug. Ah, I forgot to mention, this is my brother, Stan's girlfriend. Such a cute couple.

"How is he?" She asked, staring over at him.

"He's getting better." I said, walking over to him. I stood over him. I picked his hand up and clasped it in mine.

"Stan, love. Please, wake up." She sighed.

"That's what I want him to do." I cried. I sobbed again. Why couldn't I just get one of his hugs? I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, it was Madison's. I rested my head on her shoulder quickly letting out one loud cry.

"Hey, shush. He'll wake up. Don't you worry." She cooed. I stared up and smiled at her.

Suddenly, I felt a tug at my hand. My head shot in my brothers direction. Wait? Am I dreaming? Or did I feel a squeeze at my hand...

A moan escaped from my brothers mouth. My whole body shot up. He was doing it. He was waking up.

His eyes opened, and searched around the room. His gaze stopped at me. He looked confused and worried. Then he turned his eyes into Maddie. And he had the same expression.

"Maddie. Can you go get the nurse?" I asked her kindly.

"'Course love." She smiled. She turned on her heel and walked out the room.

I turned back to my brother. I smiled at him, but he just shut his eyes. Well, he was obviously tired, even though he had had like two weeks of sleep.

A couple of minutes later. A nurse came in, smiling. "Bet you're happy Rose. You got you're wish." She said.

I smiled. "Yeah, I'm so glad." I giggled.

My brothers eyes opened back up, and he stared at the nurse and smiled. Well, that was strange. Why didn't he smile at me and Maddie?

"So Stan. How are we feeling?" The nurse -Amelia- asked my brother. His face went from a smile to a confused expression.

"Stan?" He asked.

"Yes, Stan, that's you. Stan, can you answer a few questions for me?" She asked him. He nodded in reply. What was this all about? I looked at them worriedly.

"Stan, where are you?" She asked him.

"Home?" He didn't seem to sure about that.

"Okay. How old are you?" She asked him once again.

"Uh, I, uh, don't know." He seemed ver confused. At this point I was getting very worried. What was going on? He should know his own age.

"And lastly, do you remember anyone in this room?" She asked. Whoa- Hold up there.

My thoughts were cut off. "No, I don't think I do." His words cut through me like scissors. They stabbed me, just like a knife. I can't believe what was happenening.

"Stan, how can you not remember me babe? I'm your girlfriend." Maddie cried. Her eyes were full of tears waiting to burst.

Me on the other hand. I was full on crying. Sobs and more sobs were escaping my mouth. I couldn't find any words. I just wanted him to remember.

"But Stan, I'm ... I'm your sister." I whispered, before exploding to tears.

A/N: Oooooh! Whats going to happen?o.O Will Stan remember who Rosie is? Or will he always be stuck like that. I'm sorry. You're probably going to hate me now:/ But, I'm sorry. And sorry it's a short chappie:L Like I said. I've been busy. But yeah, comment, vote and fan(: xx

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