Chapter 7

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"Good morning sunshine," Nat whispers to me as I open my eyes, still lying next to me.

"Good morning." I smile at her and give her a kiss.

I roll out of bed and get ready to take a quick shower. "I'm gonna take a shower, I'll see you in a bit."

I walk out of the room and head straight for the bathroom. I don't take long because I actually want to go out today.

I go back to our room, already dressed and ready for the day. I don't see Nat in bed anymore so I check the main area and see her standing on the balcony looking at the city. I walk over to her, placing a hand on her back, and stand next to her.

I feel a hand on my back and turn my head to see Valerie.

"So what is going on inside that beautiful mind of yours?" She asks with that adorable smile.

She slides her hand from my back to my waist so I have to face her, not that I'm complaining.

I put my arms around her neck and say, "Fury didn't really explain what we're doing here. He really only said 'there's a mission in London you two have to complete'. Do you have any idea what we're doing here?"

She just looks at me for a second before responding. "No, I don't know. It is strange that he didn't give us much of anything like a normal debriefing of a mission. What made you think about it?"

"Well, normally, we wouldn't have this much downtime, even if there is still a week until the mission supposedly starts," I start.

She starts to say something but I already know what she's about to say. "And before you say it, yes, I know you got stabbed but wouldn't there be... more? Like when I went on my run and you thought I was hurt, that tells me you agree with me. And why didn't I get hurt on my run? I was a single Avenger on a run in a foreign city, that's possibly the easiest target."

I can tell my questioning of the mission made her think when she takes her hands off my waist and goes back to face the city. "If you're insinuating we were sent here for no reason, I might have to disagree with you. There's always a reason for what Fury does."

"Well, I'm not necessarily saying we were sent here for absolutely nothing. There's probably something, you're right. But what if it isn't an actual mission?" I ask.

She has a point. We haven't seen too much trouble, besides me getting stabbed. I was afraid this wasn't a mission when Nick first told me about it.

"Well babe, even if you are right and there's no real mission here, Nick just sent two pretty damn good Avengers, one of them being the famous Black Widow, away while the rest of the team is off fighting a real mission. That doesn't seem too smart on his part. Would he really not let us fight with the rest of the team for no reason? Now don't get me wrong, I know the team can handle itself, we have amazing people but I don't think it's logical to send us away unless it was really important."

I know she's probably right. Why would Nick send us away if it wasn't important? Still, I can't get the idea that this is some sort of fake mission out of my head. I try to push those thoughts down and try to enjoy the downtime I have with Valerie. She kisses my cheek and walks inside.

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