Chapter 11

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Not being able to touch her makes me want to touch her even more. I really didn't think keeping our relationship a secret would be this hard.

We're talking to the rest of the crew about our trip to London, sitting on opposite sides of the seating area of the meeting room. Nat and I keep looking at each other and I know we're thinking the same thing: I want to be next to you.

"How would you guys like to have a welcome home party tonight?" Tony asks.

Nat and I look at each other and both say, "Yeah good idea, let's do it."

The conversation dies down so everyone starts to head back to their own things, also to get ready for the party later tonight. I make my way back to my room to search for a nice dress for later. I'm shuffling through my closet of dresses when there's a light knock on my door.

"Come in," I call out to whoever it is.

"Hey there!" Wanda excitedly says as she walks into my room.

"Hey Wanda! I missed you in London."

"I missed you too! How was your time with Natasha?"

I hesitate. We're supposed to be a secret so I can't tell her it was amazing but I can't say the opposite so I settle with, "It was good."

"That's good. I'm glad. Well, I'm going to go get ready for the party. It starts so soon. Welcome back!" She leaves my room quickly.

Immediately when my door closes, I hear it open again. I look up to see my beautiful redhead standing over me. I quickly stand up and hug her.

"I had a painful conversation with Wanda just before you came in."

"Oh yeah? What about?" She takes a seat on my bed.

I pull my chair from my desk and sit backward on it, facing Nat. "She was asking about London and how my time was with you. I didn't know how to answer. I couldn't say it was the best time of my life but I couldn't say it was horrible, you know?" She nods and I continue. "So all I could say was 'it was good'. That's literally the worst response when you're trying to hide something. Could I have made it more obvious?"

Nat chuckles. "I really don't think you made it obvious. I think you answered fine. It's okay if she figures it out, it'll put less stress on us."

"Okay, yeah. So do you have an outfit picked out for this party?" I ask her, changing the subject.

"I do. I think you'll like it a lot. Do you?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Can I see it?"

"Are you kidding me? Absolutely not," I say jokingly. "It's a secret until the party. Can't be having any spoilers."

She stands up in annoyance and heads for the door to leave.

"Yo, where are you going?" I call after her.

"I'll see you at the party." She winks at me and leaves.

"You look great!" I turn to see Bruce standing beside me at the table I'm at. I'm wearing a black, strapless maxi dress that has a cut in the bottom, exposing my left leg and silver heels. I went all out for this party so I have a full face of makeup and some gorgeous dangling diamond earrings.

"Thank you!" I smile at him.

I look around the room to try to find Val through the big crowd of people partying. I can't find her so I just assume she's running late. Bruce and I talk for some time. He asks me about London, just like everyone else, and I tell him the same things I told the crew when we got home earlier. I really don't know how Val and I are going to hide our relationship during this party.

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