the warning

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You made sketches. You jotted down notes. You coded. You drew and colored designs. In the first hour you had gathered most of your thoughts and had already created a general design of your project. In the second hour you started the coding. Not a single second of those two hours had you gone off topic or had gotten distracted. Soon you heard your phone ringing. You ran over to it.

It was Mirai.

You giggled. 'I thought he just wanted to text.'


"Good evening Y/n." You heard in the background a voice say, "A lady friend?" It sounded like All Might. Mirai cleared his throat.

"Oh, um I'm eating with All Might right now. If you don't mind this conversation won't be private."

"I don't mind. Tell him I said hi!" You heard a muffled, "She says hi." And then a distant,

"Tell her I said hi back!"

"All Might says hi." Mirai said in the most dead voice ever.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"No, you're not. I'm the one who called you after all." You blushed. 'Wow I'm stupid.' "Y/n."

"Huh? Yes?"

"You know... I didn't realize something. To be honest, it's quite embarrassing."

"What is it?"

"Remember when I had Aizawa erase your quirk so I could test if you had a nullifier quirk?"


"I realized a few days ago that Aizawa had to use his quirk to nullify your quirk. That means you didn't nullify his."

"Oh... so that means... ?"

"That means there's another part to your quirk. I have a few theories that I'll share with you later."


"By the way, I won't be able to talk to you in about... a week. Also, I'll be- everything will be fine."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You heard a thud and clattering of plates and utensils in the background.

"Mirai? Mirai?!" You shot out of your seat. "Mirai?!!" You clenched your teeth unconsciously. In the background you heard All Might's voice shouting his sidekick's name.

"Mirai?" You asked hopeful that he'd pick up the phone. Nothing. Finally, you hung up. Then you turned on the news on the tv and went on twitter. You paced back and forth in your living room for a good ten minutes until the first news station started covering the story.

"This is Todd reporting to you live from Washington D.C. where All Might and his sidekick Sir Nighteye were..." Eventhough you were trying hard to focus on the story your anxiety was taking over and the news was being drowned out. 'Not again. Not again. It can't let it happen again. Everyone I care about. It always ends like this-'  "...poisoned..."

"Huh?" You rewinded the tv.

"...Nighteye collapsed while they were in their hotel. His condition is unknown but the hospital spokesperson has informed us that it is most likely that he had been poisoned. We'll have more information soon-" Cortisol rushed through your body creating the disgusting gut eating feeling of stress. You almost felt like throwing up. Soon, more news stations were talking about what happened, but none of them had anything new to say. It was the same thing over and over again. Picking up your phone you saw a text from 15 minutes ago... before Mirai collapsed.

M: Whatever you do, don't come here.

'How did he know?!'  You had gone on your phone to look for flights to D.C. 'If he told me not to come... he knows something I don't. But how am I supposed to just stay here and wait? He said everything was going to be fine... but I-'  Then you saw how much it would cost for a flight to D.C. on the same day. It was close to a thousand dollars.

"Holy shit." 'I can't even afford to come back if I go...'

"He is in critical condition-" Your head snapped towards the tv. 'I have to go. I have to go. He told me not to. He told me he'll be fine but... but... fuck it. I love him.'  And against your better judgement, you bought the plane ticket.

In 20 minutes you had packed everything you'd need for a week in D.C.

By 11:30 pm you were in the airport waiting to board the flight.

To Change Our Future [Sir Nighteye x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now