the truth

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"What did you see?"

Mirai saw many things. First, he saw the himself kissing you in the near future. Then he saw you two sharing intimate moments. Then he saw himself in a full suit walking towards you. You were getting married to him. Then he saw you holding a plastic stick with the word 'pregnant' on it. Then he saw himself holding a tiny baby in the hospital. Everything was perfect until he heard a horrible beeping noise. He saw nurses and doctors streaming into the room. The last thing he saw was the flat line on the heart monitor and the horrible screeching of the machine and your baby's wails. Then it all went dark.

Mirai shut his eyes tightly and everything disappeared. This was the first time he had felt so hopeless, like there wasn't an ounce of joy in the world. Quickly, he tried to recover.

"I was right. You do have a resistance quirk. Excuse me." Mirai walked out of the room to the closest bathroom. He was destined to fall in love with you. He was destined for heartbreak. You were going to die in a few years. He looked into the mirror at himself briefly. He had to change the future... if it was possible. He had tried changing things in the past before, but no matter what it still had the same outcome. He rubbed his forehead which was painfully throbbing. 'Why did you look so far? It wasn't our right to see.'  Mirai stalked out of the bathroom and walked quickly to the entrance of UA. He heard light and quick footsteps coming after him. 'Please leave me alone.'  He thought.

"Mirai wait!" 'Keep walking. Pay her no attention.'

"What did you see?" You kept pace with him even though he kept going faster.

"What is it? What's the matter?"


"What did you see?" 'What do I tell her? What do I say?'

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He said trying to bluff his way out of the situation.

"Really? I doubt that." Mirai abruptly stopped walking in the middle of the hallway.

"Do you want to know?" You looked at his sharp, yet worried facial expression. Then it dawned on you.

"Do I... die? Like, soon?"

"Some two or three years in the future." Your heart fell into your feet. Maybe he was right about not telling you. His words felt like a death sentence, which in a way, they were.

"Can't I change the future? I mean... how do I even die?" You ran your hand through your hair trying to compose yourself.

"You die giving birth." There was silence.

"Who's the father? Do I get to see my baby before I die? Can't I-"

"You should stop asking questions now." Your whole body trembled. Of all times, why did he have to be mean right now? You just learned you had three years left to live, maybe even less than that. Mirai continued walking leaving you alone in the hallway.

"Please... don't leave. Mirai." You said, your voice getting softer. But he was already gone.

"L/n?" You quickly wiped your eyes that were tearing up.

"Yes?" You recognized Aizawa's voice.

"Do you need anything else?" You turned around to face him.

"No, thank-you. It was nice meeting you." Aizawa nodded. 'L/n called Nighteye by his first name... his real name... maybe there is something between them.'

"Do you need help finding the exit?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." He walked away and you followed after Mirai. Once you got out of UA, you walked back home. You got to your apartment where unpacked boxes were still stacked. A frown tugged at your lips, and you succumbed to it all. The events of the past week came flooding back. You almost died in a fire, you were alone in the hospital, and then this beautiful man came into your life and said were going to die in a few years. Collapsing into your sofa, you cried to the point where you couldn't breathe and your eyes were almost swollen shut. The crying lasted until you were too tired to cry anymore. Like usual, the next morning you sucked it all up and buried your feelings deep inside. You had work to do after all.

To Change Our Future [Sir Nighteye x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now