the rescue

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When you woke up, you were in a dank, moist place. You tried moving, but your hands and feet were cuffed. Your throat felt extremely sore and you could barely breathe. On top of your damaged trachea, there was a cloth in your mouth restricting your breathing. The tiny amount of air that was going in your lungs made you panic which only made it worse. The panicking made your breathe faster and shallower (if that was even possible). Less air was coming in and you felt like you were about to pass out again. Suddenly, a light flicked on and one of the goons that nearly choked you to death was standing over you.

"I want you to be a good girl do you understand? The boss is coming here to negotiate with your All Might and Sir Nighteye and you are going to function as our trump card and safety. We don't want to hurt you, but if you don't behave and listen to the boss, we're going to blow out your brains in front of your fiance." 'So unfair. I don't even mean anything to him. I'm so stupid why would I pretend to be his fiancee? I was just putting a giant target on my back. And of course of all people I would be taken hostage.'  The giant door opened and light streamed in causing you to shut your eyes. Only then could you tell that you were in a warehouse.


"Shut up. Is this her?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Those two will be here in 5 minutes. Keep her there until I come back. Don't screw anything up."

"Yes sir."

"Tie her to that chair... and have fun with her."

"Yes sir." The goon smiled. 'Have fun with me? What does that mean?'  As the boss went out of your sight, the goon carried you and put you into the chair. He tied you to it with ropes, and you didn't resist. What was the point? You were having trouble just breathing. When the disgusting oaf put his hands on your thighs under your skirt, you realized what 'have fun with her' meant.

"MMMNNN." You said trying to say no. He just smiled.

"Moaning already?" He lifted your shirt and kissed your stomach. You felt sick. And disgusting. To top it all off, your breathing was getting labored again. His hands made their way under your bra so you shut your eyes tightly as if it would make everything go away. You heard footsteps so you opened your eyes, only to see his boss. The oaf took his hands off of you, but his boss shook his head.

"Continue." He said. The repulsive man put his paws back on you even as you heard extra pairs of footsteps. You prayed that it was someone who would save you. You saw more goons come from the back door. They were all dressed in black suits. They spread out behind the boss in a protective semi-circle.

"I AM HERE AND YOU ARE DIGUSTING!" All Might! That voice anyone would recognize anywhere. You didn't dare open look over at him because you felt so ashamed of what was happening. You shivered in disgust when you felt the man's wet tongue at the base of your neck.

"Do you understand the terms of our request?"

"Only an idiot wouldn't be able to understand." Mirai said through his clenched teeth.

"Then do you agree?"

"Absolutely not!" All Might said doing his signature thumbs up to no one in particular.

"I'll restate my terms then." The boss loaded his hand gun and aimed it at your head. Only when you heard the click of the gun did you open your eyes. Thankfully, the gun aimed at you scared the perverted oaf away from your body. "It's quite simple. Leave and don't interfere. I'll keep her to insure that you don't come here again. And if you do interfere with my business, I'll kill her."

"You won't. That's the only way you can be sure we won't do anything."

"Oh, I will. If I go to jail, at least I can take something precious away from you." Mirai's clenched his hand into a fist. His whole body was tense, you could tell from all the way across the warehouse.

The next few events went by quickly:

There was a shot fired.

You fell over.

The goons ran towards their boss.

You thought you had been shot.

(Taking a glance at yourself, you knew you were fine).

All Might ran towards you and picked you up along with the chair.

You looked back over All Might's giant shoulder and saw that the boss' arm had been shot off. The pervert had run towards the boss to help him, and picked up the gun. Once you were at a safe distance, All Might turned around (while still holding you) to gain awareness of the situation.

Mirai ran at the goons who had pulled out their guns; the boss was lying on the ground unconscious. When they started firing you gasped and looked away (unintentionally burying your face into All Might's chest). Mirai jumped high above them and All Might did a kick which blasted them through the warehouse wall. The police who had been hiding outside the warehouse came streaming in and began cuffing them. All Might put you down and took out the gag. Then he undid the ropes tying you to the chair.

"It seems we meet again under unfortunate circumstances-" He smiled at you.

"Thank-you All Might." You rasped out.

"No need." He picked you up and started towards the ambulance. However, the two of you were pulled out of your conversation when you heard commotion from inside the warehouse.

"Sir Nighteye please!"

"Sir!" A police woman was trying to pull Mirai off of the pervert goon.

"Stop him! Get him off!" The pervert yelled. "Help!" Mirai was punching him in the face with his bare hands over and over again. His knuckles were bloody and raw, but he needed to pay. More policeman came over trying to restrain the hero, but it wasn't enough to stop him in his frenzy of rage. Eventually, four of them were able to pry him off the pervert. As they pulled him away, Mirai gave one last good kick with his heel into the pervert's ribs. The crack of his ribs was audible even to you and All Might who were twenty feet away. The pervert groaned in pain.

"Only touch a woman if she gives you her consent."  Mirai hissed. When he was far enough away from the pervert goon the police let go of him and went back to arresting all of the gang members. When he turned around and saw you and All Might he blushed. He was still breathing heavily after his moment of rage, you could see his chest rising and falling rapidly. After your eyes met he walked away in the opposite direction to avoid embarrassment. All Might being All Might, followed him with you in tow.

"Nighteye!" He turned around and looked at All Might; he was back to his composed and businesslike self.


"I'm a little tired, why don't you carry Y/n to the ambulance?" Eventhough Mirai was extremely embarrassed about his little tantrum, he agreed. After all, he would never disobey All Might. The number one hero handed you off to Mirai. You felt small but safe in Mirai's arms. As he walked towards the ambulance carrying you bridal style, you were both silent. The sounds of both of your labored breaths filled the air.

Finally, he looked down at you, and you looked up at him. Your faces seemed to get closer, and your trouble breathing briefly left your mind.

Your lips connected. You closed your eyes and savored the moment. Mirai stopped walking and held you tighter.

UNFORTUNATELY, the kiss ended faster than you would've wanted and the two of you separated panting slightly.

"Sorry, I can't breathe."

"Neither can I." (Mirai was still catching his breath and your trachea was damaged when the two goons choked you unconscious.)

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