the hospital

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On the flight there you thought of ways to find him. Surely the hospital he was in would be mentioned on the news... but just in case, you looked up which hospitals were closest to the hotel they were at. Once you figured that out, you had to come up with a way to be allowed to see him. After all, they wouldn't just let some stranger come in. There was probably a huge number of fans just trying to get a glimpse of him or All Might. You stared at the ring on your finger. You smiled mischievously and slid the ring off putting it on that  finger. 'Heehee. If they tell me I can't see him I'll just say we're engaged.'  Your good mood was crushed when you heard someone whisper behind you.

"You know, it's too bad. I liked that man, All Might's sidekick. All the news outlets are saying he's in a really bad condition. Probably won't be able to fight ever again." 'Oh my god... how could this happen? I thought he could see into the future... Wait. He can see into the future!'  You gave a small smile. 'This must be part of his plan...'  Finding solace from your conclusion, you were able to sleep peacefully the rest of the way to D.C.

Time skip

At 8 am you made your way to the hospital. Last night you had checked into your hotel and got some much needed rest. When you got to the reception, it was crowded with people. The place was packed and loud. It took half an hour just to get to the front of the line.

"Let me guess... you're Sir Nighteye's fiancée?" Your jaw dropped. How did the nurse know?

"You're not the first today. Please exit this area so we can treat our patients."

"Wait! I actually am his fiancée."

"Mhm. And I'm Jesus."

"Look! I have the ring he gave me."

"Three other girls just like you had rings."

"Okay... I know he's 31, he's 6 foot 7, his birthday is January 2nd, and he was born in Tokyo." You crossed your arms triumphantly, but the nurse didn't react.

"That's all information you could have looked up." You gulped, but then you remembered that you two had been texting, maybe the nurse would believe that.

"Wait, look." You showed her your texts. The nurse's eyes widened.

"Hmm. Well, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding... you've seen how many people are here-"

"No, I completely understand! Can I... can I see him now?"

"Of course. Go down that hall and turn left. The ICU is down there, but he has his own room. He's the second door on the right."

"Okay, thanks." You walked hurriedly towards his room swallowing your fears. What if it was bad? Like really bad? Still, you had faith that he had seen that in the future and somehow avoided eating the poison. You arrived at the right door and knocked. When you opened it, you saw... not him. It was a man who looked similar to Mirai; he even had green hair and the same section of yellow hair strands.

"Umm, hello?" The man didn't respond. You sat down in the seat next to him rubbing your forehead. So this was a part of his plan. It gave you some comfort knowing that Mirai wasn't hospitalized, but you had just wasted the last of your money flying here. 'What am I going to do now? I can only afford a hotel room for one night. Maybe I could stay in a motel? Ew.'  You sighed. 'I guess this is what I get for not listening to him.'  You were so consumed by your thoughts that you didn't notice the door opening behind you.

"Hey, who are you?"

"Huh?" You looked behind you and saw two menacing looking men.

"I said who are you to Sir Nighteye?" You could see one of them eye your ring finger and you wished you had taken it off before.

"I'm a friend."

"Are you sure about that?" He said referring to your ring.


"You're lying. Patty told us everything." You cursed internally remembering the nurse at reception's name tag. 'Damn you Patty.'  You stood up and laughed nervously inching towards the door that they stood in front of.

"Okay, okay. I'm his fiancée. Do you want an autograph?" You marched up to them confidently preparing yourself to try and run through their body blockade.

"Make her sleep." One of them said. The other nodded, but nothing happened and everyone just stood silently.

"Why isn't she sleeping?"

"I don't know. I'm trying! It's not working-" While they were distracted you ran at the door. The bigger one just grabbed your shirt and pulled you back.

"Looks like we'll have to do it the old fashioned way." The big one put you in a choke hold and started squeezing the life out of you. No air was going into your lungs; it felt worse than anything you'd ever experienced. You kicked your legs trying to hit the guy's crotch, but the other one goon held your legs still. Your face was red and your lips were turning purple as less and less oxygen was coming in. Your last attempt at freedom was trying to elbow the guy behind you in the ribs. It was effective, but he reacted quickly and slammed you into the ground, not letting go of your throat.

Soon, everything went black.

To Change Our Future [Sir Nighteye x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now