the visit

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You woke up to a steady beeping.

Beep Beep Beep

You opened your eyes slowly, it was very bright, so you squinted.

"You're awake." There was a tall man with dark green hair who was sitting in the chair across from you. You blinked a few times, and then started remembering what happened, your office building got set on fire, you wet your clothes and cut off the smoke, then the man came and saved you.

"I-" You tried your voice out, but it was sore and dry from the smoke, and you started coughing again. The man handed you a glass of water and you took it from him gratefully. Once your throat was lubricated, you tried speaking again.

"I'm sorry... but who are you?" The man narrowed his eyes at you.

"Do you not remember-"

"Yes. I remember you saved me from the fire. Then you must be a hero correct? But I'm confused because you didn't use any quirk when you rescued me." Sir Nighteye chuckled quietly.

"You're quick."


"Anyways, I came here to apologize on the behalf of All Might-"

"OH! Sorry I just remembered. You're Sir Nighteye... right?" He nodded laughing a little.

"You must be living under a rock to take that long to recognize me."

"Hey! Don't be so stuck up. You're still a human like all of us. You just have an awesome quirk." He blushed lightly.

"I guess it's okay... um... what's your name?"

"F/n L/n."

"Nice to meet you L/n. I'll see you whenever you get stuck in a burning building again." Sir Nighteye stood up and walked towards the door. You sat up quickly, you always hated when a handsome man left.

"Wait!" He turned his head towards you. "You didn't finish All Might's apology." The sidekick smiled and walked out the door.

"Hey! Wait! Wait! No!" You stood up quickly, and your head felt light, but you ignored it. You opened the door of your room and your head felt even lighter and more dizzy. You tripped over yourself and fell into strong arms.

"S-sorry." You looked up into a pair of purple eyes.

"S-Sir?" Sir Nighteye shook his head and blinked a few times, the purple in his eyes disappearing.

"Sorry, what's your quirk?" Your face flushed, and he helped you up.

"I... actually don't have a quirk." Your whole face was red. Not having a quirk nowadays was pathetic and embarrassing.

"Are you sure?"


"Really?" You sighed.

"Yes, why?"

"I just tried using my foresight on you, it didn't work."

"What does that mean?"

"You must have some sort of resistance quirk."

"I don't think I have a quirk."

"Let's test that out."

"What, you don't believe me?"

"You may have never noticed."

"I think I would notice if I had a quirk."

"If I offended you-"

"No... you didn't." You sighed again and looked away awkwardly.

"Do you mind if I try seeing your future again?"

"Nope. Go ahead."

Sir Nighteye put one of his cold hands on your cheek. His eyes turned purple again, but he blinked and the purple disappeared.

"I still can't see anything." He put his other hand on your other cheek, and he leaned closer to you. It was like his eyes were peering into your very soul. His eyes turned purple again, but the color disappeared as fast as it came.


"Don't call me that. I'm not doing any hero work right now. My name is Mirai Sasaki."

"Mirai, or future. Ironic."

"Yes. People do usually get a kick out of that." He leaned back in his chair.

"Now, what were you going to ask me?"

"No offense or anything, but why are you still here?" He raised one of his eyebrows.

"I'm a nobody, yet All Might asked you to apologize for him to me. Why?"

"Because he didn't find you and you nearly died in the fire. Next question."

"You sort of already apologized, so what are you still doing here?"

"I can't see your future."

"But why does my future matter?" Mirai blushed unnoticeably.

"I just... hate not knowing."

"Not knowing what?"

"Nothing. Never mind." He readjusted his glasses. He took them off, but you took them from him. He looked at you confused. You put on his glasses and everything went blurry. He laughed, but turned it into a cough.

"You laughed!"

"I did not laugh." He snatched his glasses back and stood up.

"Goodbye F/n L/n."

"Wait!" He looked back.

"What is it?"

"I..." you blushed. "I just moved here, and I don't know anyone, and I'm pretty lonely... and I... I..." Mirai smiled, but hid it from you.

"I'll show you around when you're discharged. That'll be in two or three days. See you then."

"How will you know where to find me?"

"I'll find you." He slipped through the door and left you in your hospital room. 

To Change Our Future [Sir Nighteye x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now