Chapter 11: Hide and Seek

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Friday was Physical Education day. It was that day in a week when I especially hated the person who thought that it would be nice to add something as stupid as Physical Education in every school's curriculum.

Like, come on! That person could've added more useful classes instead... like a class on how to stop thinking about an annoying prankster, or a subject on how to discover the secrets of a teenage hacker. I bet those classes would be more useful to me right now than learning how to hit a freaking ball.

I managed to avoid PE over the past few years by volunteering to be a first-aid medic of our school's emergency squad but when I learned that I needed at least one unit of PE to graduate, I had no other choice but to take up Coach Hendricks' class.

Now, if there was one thing I could say about Coach Hendricks, it was that he hated me to the core of his existence. I first suspected it when he made me run ten laps around the gym for a "warm up" and made me do sixty sit ups because he thought I could use some abs.

The bastard.

He made PE more unbearable than it already was.

I grumpily put on my gym uniform and running shoes while wishing that a meteor would fall and miraculously obliterate the whole gymnasium without hurting anyone so that today's Volleyball lesson would get cancelled.

Of course, the heavens did not answer my prayer.

As soon as I walked inside the gym, I spotted Kenji sitting on one of the bleachers talking to Collin and Connor Anderson. As usual, they were surrounded by their fangirls, drooling over them like they were venti cups of Starbucks frappe.

What was it about football players and their legion of girls?

Surprisingly, I didn't feel the usual flutter I always felt whenever I see Kenji. It might be because I had already accepted his relationship with Sophie, or maybe it was because I knew I was about to embarrass myself again in front of him.

I inwardly cringed when I remembered the spectacle I caused during one of our basketball lessons. I was really aiming for the ring back then, but the ball seemed like it suddenly developed a mind of its own. It hit Coach Hendricks' head instead, causing his wig to fly off straight to the open cooler.

Poor Coach, he had to endure a whole day wearing a wet wig and being called baldy Hendricks.

Come to think of it, I was pretty sure that was the reason why he hated me so much.

"Alright, alright! Gather 'round kids and let's get this over with." shouted Coach Hendricks.

We gathered in the middle of the court and stood in a semi circle. Without intending to do so, I found myself having an eye-to-eye contact with Kenji when I looked up from staring at the rubberized floor. He obviously didn't expect to be caught staring, a look of surprise flashed his eyes for a second before he smiled adorably at my direction.

The Kenji Yamamoto just smiled at me. Good Lord.

I realized I might have been giving him a weird look so I composed myself and flashed him a shy smile.

That's right, Sky. You are now learning how to act like a normal person. Way to go!

Our little connection was interrupted by Coach Hendricks' surly voice.

"The earlier we end this, the sooner I'll get rid of your infuriating faces." He said. I swore he was looking at my direction when he said the "infuriating faces" part. I made a face at him when he wasn't looking.

Ha! Take that, baldy!

"I need two captains. Go on and volunteer before Ms. Davies here decided to be one. You don't want that to happen, do you?" he warned while covertly shooting me a sly smile.

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