BONUS CHAPTER: An Exclusive Interview with Hunter and Friends

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Caution: Hot Guys ahead. Be prepared to swoon... Or to facepalm yourself so hard from their stupidity.

The following scenes are from my exclusive interview with the troublemakers of Diamond Crest high school. Took me long enough to retrieve it since some annoying prankster hacked into my laptop and deleted it.

Parental Guidance is advised.

Me: Ahem. Mic test.. Mic test... All right! I think it's working now. Are you ready guys?

Parker: The question is, are you ready? *winks at me*

Me: Yes, I am! But before anything else, please introduce yourselves.

Parker: Baby, I do not need an introduction. My mere presence here is already a grand introduction itself.

Rush: *looks at me apologetically* I apologise in behalf of that dimwit. That guy's name is Parker Fray, he's eighteen and he's a bloody douche. He was dropped frequently on the head when he was still a baby so please do excuse his behaviour. By the way, I'm Rush Ezekiel St. Clair, half-brit, and not that much of an ass.

Hunter: *leans in to whisper to me* And if I may just add, Parker also ingested a significant amount of lead when he tried to chew on his crib when he was a baby. But don't worry, he's harmless now. Most of the times... I think.
*goes back to his seat while giving Parker an angelic smile*

Me: I'm sorry, but who are you?

Hunter: I'm Hunter Dean Cole, call me Hunter. I have a sweet tooth and I may or may not have hacked your Facebook account ten minutes ago.

Me: *surprised and slightly terrified* I sure hope not!

Hunter: Nice profile picture. What's Pranks and Kisses, by the way?

Me: Trust me, you don't want to know. And who is that guy sleeping beside you? *points at the hunched stranger beside Hunter*

Hunter: Him? Oh, he's Cal. *taps Cal on the shoulder*
Dude, wake up! We have an interview going on here.

Callan: *opens his eyes and shots Hunter an annoyed look* What, are we some kind of a celebrity now? This is stupid. Next thing I know, TMZ's already up on our ass for a photoscoop.

Hunter: Oh, you! You're such a cutie! Now stop acting like a jerk and introduce yourself to the lovely lady here.

Callan: *gives me a steely look* Callan Greyson, 18, Senior. Favorite Sports: Sleeping, Favorite Fairytale: Sleeping Beauty, My definition of love is I love sleeping. I just love sleeping so much sometimes I even dream about it.
*goes back to sleeping*

Me: Wow! That is really interesting! You're so passionate, I like that! And since we're talking about passion here, my first question is, what are your hobbies and interests?

Parker: Well, my favorite hobby is making girls swoon, and I'm interested in how to get one hundred girls to sleep with me before I graduated high school. Do you want to be the 90th girl? I'm still ten girls short from my goal.

Me: I'll think about it. How about you, Rush?

Rush: My hobby is stopping these two idiots *points at Parker and Hunter* from doing things that might land them to jail. I'm honestly the only sane guy here. Anyway, I also love playing guitar and jamming with my band whenever I'm not busy babysitting this group of morons.

Hunter: My favorite hobby is pissing people off. I'm very interested in studying all the school rules.... and breaking them one by one.

Callan: My favorite hobby is....

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