Chapter 15: The Cracker and the Kiss-thief

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Cracker is the name given to hackers who break into computers for criminal gain; whereas, hackers can also be internet security experts hired to find vulnerabilities in systems.


You probably thought that my relationship with Hunter had changed drastically after the kiss; that we were now like two love birds who couldn't keep their hands off each other, or like those couples in their honeymoon stage who spout cringe-worthy declarations of love every five seconds. Ha. Fat chance at that.

When Monday came, we fell back to our usual routine: Hunter annoying the hell out of me, and me, trying my hardest to avoid homicide. It didn't help that Shawn was absent today, giving Hunter the excuse to occupy the seat beside me.

It was only Monday and I was already tempted to commit one of the cardinal sins. Definitely not a good sign.

I gripped my pen tighter as I felt the fifth poke on my side courtesy of Hunter's ever reliable, demon-possessed pen. I promised myself that as soon as I get the chance, I would steal that pen, burn it into ashes, and bury it in consecrated grounds.

"What?" I said through gritted teeth.
No matter how much I had fallen for him, he had no right to distract me from learning Tesla's life and works. He had already ruined Newton and Einstein for me. I wouldn't allow him to do the same thing to my favorite inventor.

Physics was not something to joke about.

His lips curved up into a lazy smile.

"Saturday, 7pm." He said.

As usual, he was munching something as he spoke. I was beginning to suspect that Hunter had some sort of an eating disorder. Honestly, the guy eats like a construction worker who got stuck in Timbuktu and hadn't seen food in years.

"I beg your pardon?" I whispered, eyebrows drawn. Why was he suddenly giving me random dates and time?

Hunter's smile widened, obviously amused by my reaction.

"Our date." He said in a loud voice that instantly caught the attention of our classmates and most unfortunately, Mr. Charleston.

Holding my breath, I slowly looked at our professor in front and immediately regretted doing so when I saw him giving us the same look he usually reserved for child-molesters, arsonists and vegetarians. The muscles in his biceps twitched and I gulped. I was sure he could snap me into two using those arms alone.

"No offense but I really want to hit you with a chair right now." I hissed at Hunter, knowing that Mr. Charleston would call me out again because of him.

Hunter just grinned devilishly, not in the least worried.

"I have a better idea." Mr. Charleston said in a clipped tone, confirming my hunch. "How about you two revel in the beauty of magnetic flux density rather than worry about your upcoming date?" He said in distaste, his spiky, whitish hair strongly giving off a mad scientist vibe... A mad scientist addicted to protein shakes to be more precised.

I silently cursed myself. How could I let one infuriating man distract me from relishing the glorious wonders of modern Science? I was an abomination to the geek community!

"I'm sorry, sir." I mumbled And I'm sorry too, Nikola Tesla. I failed you.

While I was wallowing in shame, Hunter, on the other hand, was busy making things worse.

"I'm sorry about that, prof. But our date has everything to do with our mutual love for Physics." He said thoughtfully, giving Mr. Charleston an innocent smile.

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