Chapter 1: Angst and Drama

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"Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in..."

-I knew you were trouble, Taylor Swift


Once upon a time, in a school called Diamond Crest High, there was this legendary mischievous boy who made it his life's mission to prank people.

He stole the pompoms of the cheering squad and replaced them with his own version of pompoms made from ripped out tampons sprayed with red dye.

He once replaced the football team's shampoo with Elmer's glue, and enraged the senior members of the student council when he sent a bogus letter to their parents telling them that they got a D in all of their subjects, complete with the school's dry seal and the principal's stamp.

All of that happened during freshman year.

Did I mention I almost drowned to my death when for some unknown reasons, he decided to hit me with a tennis ball while I was standing at the edge of the school pool? It threw me off balance causing me to accidentally slip and plunge straight into the pool. Without any floating device. In December. Luckily, Kenji saved me, and I survived.

The pranks only got worse when the boy discovered that he was incredibly good with computers.

On the first week of our sophomore year, he hacked our school's website and changed the school's motto from: "Diamond Crest High School, learning today... leading tomorrow" to "Diamond Crest High school, lame today... lamer tomorrow."

As if hacking the school's website wasn't horrifying enough, he tried to hack the website of the United State's Department of Defense.

And succeeded.

For one whole week, whenever someone clicked on the Top Issues tab of the site, they were redirected to a porn site.

Not just that. There were also rumors that he succeeded hacking into NSA and Pentagon's database. Amazing, right? Leave it to that evilness-personified to pull off an Edward Snowden before it was even cool.

Obviously, it didn't take long enough for the CIA to appear on our school yard, demanding for the boy.

All of us thought that the boy will be sent to juvi to pay for his crimes, but we were all surprised when we learned that the CIA had instead decided to use the boy's genius mind for the good of humanity and recruited him to join their elite force of young computer geniuses who would battle the many evils on the internet.

Soon, news about this extraordinary high school sophomore who was able to hack some of the most secured sites on the internet, and mock America's online security had made it to national television.

TV crews from CNN, BBC and other major news programs rushed to our small town, just to see the boy.

And just like that, from being the school's most notorious prankster, the boy became the town's hero.

He was gone for almost two years as he was sent to Washington DC to train with the greatest minds of CIA.

And now, they said he was back. And my life would never be the same again.


"I wonder how will Hunter react when he sees Heather with Rush." I heard Rachel Carter say to one of her friends as she opened her locker door, which unfortunately, was just beside mine.

She didn't pay me any attention even though we were just a few inches away from each other.

It didn't really bother me. I liked being invisible. No unwanted attention, no problem.

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